arithmaldor / PSX-Breakout

Breaks out AV signals from a PSX connector.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Copyright and Disclaimer

Copyright: Jacob Proctor

This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2.

You may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the CERN OHL v.1.2. ( This documentation is distributed WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN OHL v.1.2 for applicable conditions

PSX Breakout

Breaks out all of the signals from the PSX AV out so you can easily access them.


Plug in and go.

HD15 SYNC Selector

Located on the back left of the board, this switch determines which signal goes to the HD15 port - CVBS or LUMA.


Refer to BOM.csv for all components. For the support leg, use any appropriately long brass/metal m3 standoff/pillar and screw a rubber foot to the bottom. Solder a 5mm spring clamp to the bottom of the board to adjust the height. For the phat PS3, standoffs may need to be screwed into each other (stacked) to reach the needed height.


The incredible Magic Trashman was kind enough to design 3D printable cases for both my Nintendo and PSX breakouts. They are under the same license as the PCB and are free to use, but if you order through thingiverse you can leave him a nice tip. Current designs fit the height of the original PS1 and the original SNES, but can be easily adjusted for height if you have some basic 3D design skills. They are held together with 2x 14mm M3 machine screws. Pictures: Thingiverse: Bonus: If you plug the Nintendo/Sony connector into the console and screw the PCB into the bottom of the case, it makes it a lot easier to solder the connector to the board as it is held in place.


Breaks out AV signals from a PSX connector.
