aristidb / therealnpc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The real npc

Shows how emacs and vim users solve challenges.


Emacs keybindings are written as C-M-S-x. C is Control, M is Meta, S is Shift. Lowercase characters mean "press this key".

Searching in vim is triggered by /, then enter the search string and return.

Vim has modes (command, insert, visual). Vim users have to press keys to switch modes. Many modes can be implicit activated by triggering some command. However to escape from insert or view mode to command mode hit


To got into insert mode hit


and for visual mode press


therealpnc trys to show which keys have to pressed to solve a challenge, thus your solutions have to have all needed key strokes! However the leading ESC of any command to insurance the command is executed in command mode is optional. However if you want to express it in your solutions use the



Ideaѕ for challenges

Feel free to work it out, give a solution or add new ideas.

  1. sort lines
  2. transpose words
  3. go x lines forward / backward
  4. go x sentences / words / characters / blocks forward / backward


Feel free to contribute by forking and making pull request. Regular requesters can gain access to the repository.

