ariksman / Azure-FileShare-SFTP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create a fully managed SFTP filesharing service on Azure

Create ssh keys

On OSX create ssh-keys

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 

Copy to clipboard

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Resource creation

If the feature is not registered, you must do so before proceeding:

# Check status
az feature show --namespace Microsoft.Storage --name AllowSFTP
# Register
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.Storage --name AllowSFTP 

Following commands do create the resource group and deploy bicep file. During the deployment, you will be asked for the storage-account name, user-name and ssh-key.

Create resource group and deploy:

az group create --resource-group file-sharing-ne-dev-rg --locatio northeurope

az deployment group create \       
  --name deployFileSharing \  
  --resource-group file-sharing-ne-dev-rg \
  --template-file azureFileShare.bicep \
  --parameters location='northeurope'

Connect to file share

sftp <storage_account_name>.<localuser_name>@<endpoint>
# E.g. sftp

Using the service

Command line

Upload file

sftp {user}@{host}:{remote_dir} <<< $'put {local_file_path}'

Download file

sftp {user}@{host}:{remoteFileName} {localFileName}

Azure storage explorer

It is also possible to use azure storage explorer to view the created blob container.


Cost are estimated for the north europe, are subject of changes:

howManyMessages = ( dataSize / messageSize );
howManyOperations = ( howManyMessages / 10000 );
totalCost = howManyOperations * 0,0447
Description SFTP message size SFTP message count EUR
Write 1GB 100KB 10000 0,0447€
Write 100GB 100KB 1000000 4,47€
Write 100GB 256KB 390625 1,746€
Read 1GB 100KB 10000 0.0036€
Read 100GB 100KB 1000000 0.36€
Read 100GB 256KB 390625 0,141€




Language:Bicep 100.0%