ariewahyu / Remote-Sensing-SRGAN

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Remote Sensing SRGAN - General Info

This repository is the supplemental code of master's thesis, which has been fundamentally revisited and improved. The SRGAN follows the 2017 paper by Ledig et al. for the fundamental GAN model, the multi-temporal fusion is inspired by HighResNet by Deudon et al.


This is an SRGAN for both Single-Image and Multi-Image Super-Resolution of Remote Sensing imagery. This model performs SR only on the RGB bands. It has been trained on SPOT-6 and Sentinel-2 image pairs and time-series of the region of Brittany in France, which means generalization of the provided checkpoints to other regions can not be guaranteed.
With more rigorous versioning, transfer learning and LR scheduling, this workflow surpasss the results obtained in the master's thesis.

Performed updates copared to thesis version

  • proper implementation in Pytorch Lightning, including versioning, logging, experiment tracking
  • new dataloaders including stratification (by landcover), normalization, fusion warmup training


  • implement spatial matching (probably best via superglue algo or grid search)
  • implement proper validation procedure to determine metrics for different runs on real Sen2 data


Steps to train your own version:

  • Install dependencies from requirements.txt. Be sure to adhere especially to the pytorch lightning version requirement, since the way of handling multiple optimizers has been removed in more recent versions.
  • Define your own dataset and dataloaders. You can either use CV datasets as presented in the utils/ files, or just create your own pytorch lightning datamodule. The datamodule should return a tuple of LR (batches,views if in MISR,bands,width,height) and HR (batches,bands,width,height). Don't return the LR 'views' if in SISR mode. Change the dataset_selector function to accept and return your datamodule.
  • Edit with the parameters in your model, most importantly the image sizes, checkpoints, scheduler settings and dataset settings.
  • run file to train, automatic logging is enabled.

Pretrained Weights

Download the pretrained weights here and put them in the logs/curated_ckpts folder. Check the experiments below to chose the right pretrained checkpoint for your purpose. If SR is to be performed on different regions, I strongly recommend finetuning.

Experiment Results


  1. Experiment 1: Oxford Dogs Dataset
  2. Experiment 2: Standard OpenAI CV Dataset
  3. Experiment 3: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpolated Version
  4. Experiment 4: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpolated Version - Stratified by Land Cover
  5. Experiment 5: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpolated Version - Stratified by Land Cover - Maximum Time Delta of 10 Days
  6. Experiment 6: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpolated Version - Stratified by Land Cover - Maximum Time Delta of 10 Days - Normalization
  7. Experiment 7: SPOT6 - Sen2 Cross Sensor Dataset


  1. Experiment 1: Fusion Warm-Up
  2. Experiment 2: MISR interpolated SPOT6
  3. Experiment 3: MISR on real Sentinel-2 time series


Follow all runs on WandB.

Experiments: SISR

Experiment 1: Oxford Dogs Dataset


Initial test to confirm the capabilities of the SRGAN model. performed on a small dataset for fast iteration.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 30.01
SSIM 0.690


Good results given the small dataset. Overfitting due to low variance in dataset, but clearly SR is performed.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 1 Example Image

Experiment 2: Standard OpenAI CV dataset


Further testing on CV camera imagery, this time on a large dataset.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 24.06
SSIM 0.718


Very good results. Some halucinations, but generally realistic appearance.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 2 Example Image

Experiment 3: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpolated Version


First test on remote sensing imagery. Uses SPOT6 as the HR and an interpolated version as the LR.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 23.80
SSIM 0.500


Very good results. Comapratively low PSNR and SSIM can be explained by the switch to the remote sensing dataset. SR works well for agricultural and rural areas, but can not generalize to more urban areas and larger roads such as highways are made to look like unpaved paths.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 3 Example Image

Experiment 4: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpoalted Version - Stratiefied Data by Land Cover Classification


Continued training from Experiment 3 checkpoint. The data has now been stratified in order to prevent the overrepresentation of agricultural images.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 23.68
SSIM 0.538


Improved results comapred to experiment 3. Stratification helped to better SR urban areas. Generally realistic appearance.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 4 Example Image

Experiment 5: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpoalted Version - Stratiefied Data by Land Cover Classification - Maximum Time Delta of 10 days


Continued training from Experiment 4 checkpoint. The dataset has been further reduced to only include LR-HR pairs that were taken 10 or less days apart. Another important change is that the reflectance has been converted to the Sen2 spectral response by histogram matching the SPOT6 LR and HR versions to fit the histogram of the real Sen2 image. This model has not been trained to convergence and can only serve as a test.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 33.60
SSIM 0.830


Improved results comapred to experiment 4. Removal of larger time difference between LR and HR as well as the transformation to the Sen2 Spectrum lead to a significant increase in performance metrics. Note: The value range is now 0..1 in 10000 Sen2 steps instead of the 8bit 0..255 steps in the previous runs. This significantly improves the PSNR especially.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 5 Example Image

Experiment 6: SPOT6 Dataset - Interpoalted Version - Stratiefied Data by Land Cover Classification - Maximum Time Delta of 10 days - Normalization


Continued training from Experiment 4 checkpoint. Now, the data is linearilly srtetched by dividing by 3000 in the Sen2 spectrum, then transformed to -1..+1.

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 29.93
SSIM 0.695


Slightly worse results.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 6 Example Image

Experiment 7: SPOT6 - Sen2 Cross Sensor Dataset


Continued training from Experiment 6 Checkpoint.
The previous augmentations are kept:

  • Histogram Matching from SPOT6 to Sen2
  • Stratification by Land Cover
  • Removal of images where time delta < 5
  • Normalization by /3000 and transformation to -1..+1 value range

PSNR and SSIM Results

Metric Value
PSNR 29.54
SSIM 0.754


Exceptional results given the cross-sensor approach. Improvements from stratification, nornalization and time delta removals hold true for this experiment as well.


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Example Validation Image

Experiment 7 Example Image

Experiments: MISR

Experiment 1: Fusion Warmup


The MISR workflow contains a small network in order to recursively fuse the multiple revisits. If instanciated randomly, the network outputs nonsensical encodings, which prevent the generator from creating proper SR images. Since both the generator and the fusion network are trained in the same loss, a randomly instanciated fusion network never returns proper encodings and therefore prevents the generator from training as well.
In order to enable the output of sensical images, the fusion network is pretrained. Several copies of the LR tensor are created on the fly and a small amount of random gaissian noise is added to each of the revisits. The fused network is then compared to the mean of the LR revisits. This leads to the fusion network outputting a mean image of the LR time series in the image space. This encoding can then be used to train the fusion and generator together.


The output of the converged fusion network is the mean of the input images, which is it's intended purpose in this warmup stage.


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Example Validation Image

This image shows the first acquisition of the time series (left), the fused image (middle), and the HR image (right). Experiment 7 Example Image

Experiment 2: MISR interpolated SPOT6


in this experiment, the same data is used as in the fusion warm up. Interpolated SPOT6 data, in the Sentinel-2 spectral domain, copied 4 times with added noise to simulate the time series.




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Example Validation Image

Still training...
Experiment 7 Example Image

Experiment 3: MISR on real Sentinel-2 time series


A real Sentinel-2time series is used, with the same dataset modifications as in the SISR runs (normalized according to Sen-2 conventional stretch, time-delta of 1st image >3 removed, stratified by land use).




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Example Validation Image

Still training...
Experiment 7 Example Image



Language:Python 100.0%