ariellinfy / CPSC-481-Travel-App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CPSC 481 - Travel App

By: Jungsu Kim, Fu-Yin Lin, Kusumpreet Kaur Heer, Alokik Singh Kinra, Jingke Huang

Running Our App:

We strongly advise the use of Visual Studio NOT Visual Studio Code, therefore, you should download Visual Studio first. After that you want to clone the git repo and launch Visual Studio. In the first screen, you want to click “Clone a Repository” and copy and paste our git repo HTTPS which is located in the “Code” drop down menu on github. Press clone and the whole source code should have been downloaded, after that, press the “travel” button with a filled in green arrow icon beside it and our app should be launched.

STEP 1: Getting into our app and the options you have

Start Screen: Login with any credentials as our project does not check if the user has an account. When entering in the email make sure it ends in “” as it is required for the email input field. For password, anything goes and there are no requirements other than that it cannot be empty.

Guest: For guest login all you have to do is press the text-field and it will automatically take you into our homepage. However, when using the guest account, many important and good features of our app will be held against you such as the trip page, profile page, etc. We added this feature, we thought there are some cases where the user doesn’t want to create an account but wants to look at the amenities and/or events that are taking place in Calgary.

Signup: All the fields are a requirement and must be filled out inorder to be signed up for our app. However, we do not have any requirements or security checkers as in that it will not check if the password has a capital letter or numbers or symbols. If you decide to change your mind for signing up or you remembered that you already had an account, then press the back arrow and go into profile/trips to login or sign up again. To gain the most out of our app we recommend logging in with an account as this will grant the user permission of all our features and functions. These instructions will assume that the user is not a guest and is an account holder to showcase the full capabilities of our app.

STEP 2: Trip planner

Your Trips Page (Trip Homepage): The first thing you’ll notice is that this page is empty! You should go ahead and create your first trip. Press the “+” icon which means to add a trip. You will notice that you have 2 options, the first option is to create a new trip, this means that you will gain full control of your plan and add any events/amenities of your choice. Second option is to generate a suggested trip, this means that our app will provide you with a trip plan based on your requirements, more on this later, for now we will focus on creating a new trip.

Create a New Trip: When choosing this option, it will ask the user for the trip name, this can be anything and it will be saved as the title of the trip plan. After pressing save, you will notice that your trip has been added to the trip homepage, now once you press the newly created trip, you will see all the events/amenities for each day of the trip. It provides you with the details of where it is, the name of the location and the time of the amenity/event you’re supposed to be there for. If you look on the top left corner, you’ll notice the three dots lined up vertically, this provides you options for the trip like renaming the trip plan or deleting the trip. If you press the bell icon, this will set up an alarm that will provide the user when the event/amenity is going to begin. The alarm setting can be changed in the profile page, we will get to that later. If you press on a specific event/amenity, it brings up options for the specific event/amenity like edit, where you can edit the activity name, date, start/end time, address and/or notes for that activity. It also provides you an option to copy the address so that you can share with someone or use it for google maps, this feature is not implemented, therefore, we strongly advise against using it. And lastly a delete option where if you change your mind, you can remove the activity from the plan itself. Now the “+” icon again, but this time it is for the trip itself, meaning when you press this button, it gives you 2 new options. An option to add a new activity to the trip or a quick add. When you press the “add a plan” it will bring out a pop-up to allow the user to provide details for the new activity they're going to add, like name, date, time, address and notes. None of the details have to be filled in, however, we suggest adding the name for the new activity, the date, the time and address as this provides the user to get the most out of our app. Now the quick add just provides the user with some options of activities that are going around in Calgary and clicking the “+” will add the activity without the date, and you want to be adding that in later since the app doesn’t know when you will be attending the activity.

Suggested Trip: This choice will provide the user with an automatically generated trip based on the user requirements. The only things that the app needs are the dates and the desired types of trip, this will allow the app to create a trip that is catered to the user. The user can put in any type one or more. The title of the new trip will be the type of the trip the user had inputted but this can be changed later, the same way as mentioned above. Every option mentioned above, like the notifications, editing the events/amenities, adding and/or quick add activities and lastly the editing the title or removing the trip plan will be available on the “suggested” trip.

STEP 3: Amenities

Amenities Homepage: In the homepage you will notice 3 sections, popular places where majority of our users have looked at and/or have in their trip plans, suggested places where based on your searches and trip plans the app will suggest places as they’re similar, and categories where you can look at amenities based on each category. You will also notice a search bar and beside that is a filter, where you can filter your searches to help you find your place faster. When clicking on a specific amenity, it will take you to the amenities details page and show the user all the details for that specific amenity, more on this later. Let’s focus on the searches and filters for now. For the search bar, as soon as you start typing, it will show the user what amenity the app is thinking you are looking for, it provides the user with an “auto-complete” search. If the amenity you are looking for is in the database, it will show the user the amenity, however, if it does not exist well then it will give the text “Sorry, no amenity matches your search”. For the filter, go ahead and type in a single character to show the most amount of amenities, then play around with the filter. Choose one or more categories and see what it brings up! Or choose different kinds of ratings or location, then press apply to see what it filtered out. Try to be really specific to see the best results and help the app narrow down your searches better. As for the sorting button, the button is not fully implemented so we strongly suggest not using it as it will cause the app to crash. This is located at the far right of the search bar. After pressing on the search bar, it has a downwards arrow as its icon.

Amenities Detail Page: In this page you will see a lot of things, a picture of the amenity, ratings, categories that the amenity belongs in, reviews, and lastly similar places. There are 3 buttons at the top of the screen, a back button with a “<” icon, an add to plan button with a “+” icon and a bookmark button with a bookmark icon. When pressing the back button, it will take you back to the homepage, the add to plan button will bring out a popup that allows the user to add the amenity to an existing trip or create a new trip with the amenity. The add to existing trip button is for semi-test purposes to showcase our success and error messages, however, you will see the trips that the user has and when selecting a trip it will either add the amenity if there is no schedule conflict and will bring up a blue message with an check mark to show the user that it has been added, or an error message with a X mark to show the user that a schedule conflict occurred and the amenity will not be added. If the user decides to create a new trip with the amenity, then selecting the “create a new trip” option will allow the user to create a new trip on this page and will bring up another popup to name the newly created trip. When pressing the bookmark button, it will show yellow to indicate the user that it has been added to their bookmark which is in their profile. The user can also write a review for the amenity by pressing the “Write a review” button. This will bring up another popup where the user can select how many stars the amenity deserves and a comment, the comment is not a requirement, however, the user cannot go lower than 1 star or above 5 stars. Lastly, the similar amenities section and the bottom at page provides the user with similar amenities as the one on the page to help find different amenities with similar categories faster.

Categories: When pressing a category on the homepage, it brings up a list of amenities that fall in that category. This page is the search page, therefore, you can filter or search for another amenity right away.

STEP 4: Events

Events Homepage: This page is very similar to the amenity homepage and provides almost all the same functionalities as mentioned above. The key difference in this page is the filter page. Since events are very special and are generally not long lasting as amenities, the filters are tailored towards that. In the filter popup, the user can tell a drastic difference, there are no ratings and a new section for starting time. This is the only key difference between the amenity and event homepages and everything else is pretty much the same and share the same functionalities.

Event Detail Page: Same thing goes for this page as well, it shares the same functionalities as the amenity detail page, however, there is one key difference. There is no rating section for this page as we thought that ratings for a temporary event were not needed. There is also a date feature where it shows the timeline of the event taking place.

STEP 5: Profile

Profile Page: In the profile section of our app, you can see this is where we store the user’s bookmarks and reviews, as well as being able to edit your profile and change the settings. In the bookmarks section, we separate amenities and events to help the user find the bookmark they’re looking for faster. If you click on the specific event/amenity it will take the user back to the amenity detail page to look at the details. Here the user can also unbookmark the amenity/event as well. In the review section, the user can see their reviews and edit them by clicking on them again or delete their review. In the edit profile section, the user can change its name to anything or their email to anything and it will be saved on the app. In the settings section, it allows the user to turn on “Offline Trips” mode, where the user can view their trip plans without wifi/data connection. The notifications allows the user to set a time when the app sends a notification for amenities/events that the user has turned the notifications on for. These features are not implemented, meaning it will not work for anything inputs you may enter. Same goes for delete accounts, the functionality is not implemented, meaning it will not do anything. The setting page is to just showcase some of the features that we had in mind. As for the sign out button, it will log the user out and take the user back to “STEP 1” meaning the first landing page of our app where the user can sign in again.



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