arielkirkwood / huckberry-technical-challenge

My submission for the Huckberry technical challenge.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Huckberry Technical Challenge

Getting Started

You'll need the following installed on your machine to setup and run the project.

System Dependencies:

To get started, run:

$ bin/setup

Start the server: heroku local -f

Navigate to localhost:3000 and you should see the following text:

TODO challenge questions!


This repository was created using rails new on Rails 7 and generally follows Rails-y conventions. Feel free to update or modify any existing code.

You'll find the Product model in app/models and the controller for the product API in app/controllers/api.

The only provided endpoint is GET /api/products.json which returns a JSON Array of product objects. The JSON is generated by the blueprinter gem.


Spend up to 3 hours working on the challenge. It is more important that you submit readable, maintainable, and low-error code that runs instead of attempting to complete the entire challenge. We recommend approaching each part of the challenge one by one, rather than attempting to complete all parts at once.

We request that you do not copy code in whole from any source including a website, book, or friend/colleague to complete this challenge. You may reference and modify code from sources as if you are working in a professional environment where software licensing and copyright restrictions must be respected. For example, generally, code on Stack Overflow legally requires attribution.


While we will be reading through your code to evaluate it, your work should also successfully run. We will be testing the server on the current version of Mac OS. We will be testing the frontend using the current version of Chrome on Mac OS and the current version of Safari on iOS.

You will be evaluated on:

Demonstrated Proficiency with Ruby and JavaScript

  • Each of these languages have different styles and patterns. We would like to see you have a strong grasp of the differences around each of these to create code that would be familiar to a Ruby only developer or a JavaScript only developer.

Demonstrated Proficiency with Rails and/or React

  • Both of these tools have common patterns and preferences unique to the respective framework. We'd like to see that you understand these and know when to use these patterns and when to break them.

Robustness and Maintainability

  • Your code should have few, if any, errors and be able to handle a reasonable number of edge cases.
  • Your code should be relatively easy to maintain – meaning its purpose is clear, it is readable, and another developer would be able to modify it without undue burden.


  • Each challenge has multiple parts, and it's not expected that you finish every part. We would like to see at least a couple of complete parts.
  • As a deciding factor, we may also evalute your solution on its user experience.


Please send a .zip file of this directory, with your code changes, to Josh Hepworth. Please exclude any dependency or generated files from the .zip. We recommend using git archive:

git archive --format zip -o ./ HEAD

Include a brief summary of any details about your solution you'd like to make us aware of (ex. assumptions you made, limitations of your solution, what you would have done differently given more time, etc.)


After completing and submitting the challenge we'd appreciate any feedback you have on the challenge itself.

  • Did the challenge allow you to adequately show your technical capabilities?
  • Was the challenge an appropriate amount of effort?
  • Were the specifications of the challenge clear enough while still allowing you room for creativity?

Challenge Prompt

Full Stack Challenge

The current application has an API to list products, some extremely basic data modeling, and a placeholder homepage. We would like you to add a couple of features. You may choose a Backend or Frontend focus for Part 4 and 5.

Part 1

  • Render all Products from API on homepage with image, name, and price.
    • The exact design and layout is up to you, but we'd like to see a grid two products wide centered on the page. You're welcome to use the Huckberry website as inspiration.

Part 2

  • API endpoints to create and update Products
    • Set up a JSON API that allows anyone to create and delete Product objects.
    • Available at POST /api/products and DELETE /api/products/:sku

Part 3

  • Improve Data Reliablity
    • Product SKU should be unique
    • Product Name, SKU, and Brand should be required
    • Errors should be communicated via the API during Product creation

Part 4

Please choose either backend or frontend focus.

Backend Focus

  • Add external logging to product requests – Send the timestamp, request path, and request method to a URL – Performance matters! We'll want to keep the endpoint to stay fast with hundreds of requests per second

Frontend Focus

  • UI to create and delete Products
    • Page to list Product by name with a "Delete" link.
    • "New"/"Create" link/button that opens a form to create a new Product.
    • "Save" button to update the Product in the DB.

Part 5

Please choose either backend or frontend focus.

Backend Focus

  • Build a "Pair With" endpoint
    • Available at GET /api/products/:sku/recommendation
    • Returns the "best" product to go along with the given :sku
    • Exact algorithm is up to you, but some data you could choose to use includes Brand, Price, Color, and Launch Date.

Frontend Focus

  • Product Brand based navigation
    • Setup links on homepage and new brand pages in a horizontal navigation that will take you to /brands/:brand_name
    • The /brand/:brand_name page should display all Product and only Product with that Brand.
    • Make sure that if you're viewing "Proof" at /brands/proof you can reload the page and still view the Navigation with "Proof" displayed in yellow.


Images sourced from Unsplash.


My submission for the Huckberry technical challenge.


Language:Ruby 76.1%Language:HTML 15.3%Language:JavaScript 6.0%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:SCSS 0.4%