arief-hidayat / multi-stacks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What's this?

Just bunch of CDK stacks for demo ECS & EKS on Fargate. More content might be added in future.

Use at your own risk.

Deploying Stacks

Note: the following commands run using my specific AWS CLI profile. Please modify/remove. Bootstrap first if you haven't.

cdk --profile cgk2 bootstrap

Deploy VPC, subnets, NAT GW, VPC endpoints, etc.

cdk --profile cgk2 deploy vpc 

Deploy Aurora for PostgreSQL (needed for my demo app)

cdk --profile cgk2 deploy pgdb 

Deploy shared resources such as Application Load Balancer(s). It's configured with my custom domain. Please remove/modify accordingly.

cdk --profile cgk2 deploy shared-nw 

Deploy shared my demo app running on ECS Fargate

cdk --profile cgk2 deploy ecs-fargate 


ECS_ALB_URL=https://$(aws --profile cgk2 cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name shared-nw --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`extlbendpoint`].OutputValue' --output text)
http --verify=no GET $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts Host:$ECS_HOST

http --verify=no POST $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts Host:$ECS_HOST \
  name=Arief mobile_no=+6281363531111 institution=Unknown

http --verify=no GET $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts Host:$ECS_HOST

ID=$(curl -XGET -k -H "Host: $ECS_HOST" "$ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts" | jq -r '.data[-1].id')
http --verify=no PUT $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts/$ID Host:$ECS_HOST \
  name=Arief mobile_no=+6586686617 institution=Secret

http --verify=no GET $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts Host:$ECS_HOST

http --verify=no DELETE $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts/$ID Host:$ECS_HOST

http --verify=no GET $ECS_ALB_URL/api/v1/contacts Host:$ECS_HOST



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