This package is a university project that aims to create an open-source package to use linked lists in a python style but with the benefits of Ada language.
I am not an expert in Ada, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
I know there are incredibly inefficient parts of the code, I mainly wanted it to work again all changes are appreciated.
First, we need to create an instance of the package and we need to pass the object type, an image function for that object, an equality function and finally a delete function.
package Integer_List is new lists(type,Image,equality,delete);
I was unable to create subgeneric methods for the object so you are obligated to pass all the arguments.
For the delete procedure, if it's a primary type, you should pass a null function, the objective of the delete is only to free all the memory if the lists contain a chained access object. That's why lists also have an empty method, to instantiate it into another list as an element.
To create a list you define an array with the initial values of type Tab_Of_List_Type:
arr : Tab_Of_List_Type (1..5) := (1,2,3,4,5);
And then we call the Create_List(arr); a function that returns a list object with the values on the array.
*To create an empty list we just need to create an empty array arr : Tab_Of_List_Type (1..0)
L1: List := Create_List(arr);
The available methods are:
Element_not_in_the_list : exception;
Get_Index_Value_Outside_the_list : exception;
Get_Index_value_negative_not_implemented_yet: exception;
type List is tagged private;
type Tab_Of_List_Type is array (Integer range <>) of T_Data;
--takes an array and returns the same elements in a list
function Create_List(Elements: Tab_Of_List_Type) return List;
--appends an element at the end of the list
procedure Append(Self:in out List; Data: T_Data);
--returns the lenght of the list
function Length(Self:in List) return Natural;
--returns the N element of the list
function get(Self:in List; Index: Integer) return T_Data;
--returns the index where the element is
function Index(Self: in List; Element : T_Data) return Integer;
--returns the image of the list in JSON format
function Image(Self: in out List) return String;
--replaces the value of the index
procedure Set(Self:in out List; Index : Integer; New_Value: T_Data);
--removes only the first instance of the element in the list
procedure Remove_Element(Self: in out List; Element: T_Data);
--removes the index on the list
procedure Remove_Index(Self: in out List; Index: Integer);
--deletes all the elements in the list and frees the memory
procedure Empty(Self: in out List );
--concatenates the lists
function "+" (L,R: List) return List;
--tests if all the items are the same
function "=" (L,R: List) return Boolean;
Create and use and integer list:
with Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is
--we create the delete integer function which does nothing, only to instantiate
procedure del_int(obj: Integer) is
end del_int;
--we instanciate the package creating an integer list
package Integer_List is new lists(Integer,Integer'Image,"=",del_int);
use Integer_List; --remove if multiple list types are used.
arr : Tab_Of_List_Type (1..5) := (1,2,3,4,5);
L1: List := Create_List(arr);
arr2 : Tab_Of_List_Type (1..0);
Ln: List := Create_List(arr2); --null list
n : Integer;
--print the list
Put_Line("Image: " & L1.Image);
--take an index
n := L1.Index(2);
end Main;