arei / api-challenge

Challenge exercise for Userfront hiring process

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Userfront API challenge

In this challenge, you will implement an additional GET route for an API backend.

This is a technical task, but we also want to see how you write code to be read by others. Please keep this in mind as you go.

This repo is indicative of the style and some of the tools used at Userfront. If you have any questions while doing the challenge, please ask!


  • Install Node.js, version 12 or higher
  • Install Postgres, version 9.6 or higher


  1. Set up a local postgres server (default is port 5432) and create a database named api_challenge.
create database api_challenge;
  1. Fork this repo and install dependencies. (how to fork)
cd api-challenge
npm install
  1. Run the test suite
npm run test:watch


Following the examples of the /users/self and /roles endpoints (see below), create 1 additional route:

GET /users/{userId}

  • This route should return information about the given user. The response should be in the same format as the /users/self route.
  • Only admin users should be able to read from this route. All other requests should receive a 401 unauthorized response. This is the same as for the /roles route.

You can add to the test snippets for this endpoint in /test/user.crud.spec.js.

You do not need to add any additional tests, but you may do so if you find it helpful.

Once the above tests are implemented and passing, the challenge is considered to be solved.

Additional information

The API currently has 2 routes:

GET /users/self

Returns information about the user making the request. See more about this route in the following files:

  • /test/user.crud.spec.js
  • /config/routes/user.routes.js

GET /roles

Returns a list of roles, provided that the requester is an admin. See more about this route in the following files:

  • /test/role.crud.spec.js
  • /config/routes/role.routes.js

Database setup

The database has 3 tables. These are automatically created when the test suite runs:

Table Purpose File
Users Basic information about users /models/user.js
Roles List of role names /models/role.js
UserRoles Join table for assigning roles to users /models/userRole.js


Authentication is done with a JSON Web Token (JWT) included in the authorization header of each request:

  headers: {
    authorization: "Bearer eyJhbG..."

The server reads this token and verifies it using the RSA_PUBLIC_KEY found in /config/env/test.env.

For testing, you can generate a valid token using the user.generateAccessToken() method. (See /test/role.crud.spec.js for an example)

Node modules

You can find a list of modules in package.json. A short description of each is below:

Module Description
@hapi/hapi Hapi.js, a Node framework for APIs
@hapi/joi Used for validating data formats (in this case email address)
boom Used to create error messages
dotenv Used to read environment variables from /config/env/
hapi-auth-jwt2 Hapi plugin for JWT authentication
jsonwebtoken Library for signing & verifying JWTs (docs)
lodash Lodash library of utility methods
pg Database connection library
sequelize Sequelize ORM, for user-friendly database queries
chai Chai test assertion language
mocha Mocha test framework


Challenge exercise for Userfront hiring process


Language:JavaScript 100.0%