architector1324 / PicoCoin

Tiny IOT-oriented CPU cryptocurrency.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Tiny IOT-oriented CPU cryptocurrency written in Python3.

Pico is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of 1 trillionth (10 ^ (-12)). Coin name is consistent with its purpose - to work on small computing devices.



  • Tiny crossplatform blockchain platform.
  • All data represents in json format.
  • Modern ipv6 internet protocol. [see Notes: 1]
  • Modern sha-3 hashing algorithm and ECC.
  • Hard to parallel mining algorithm (recursive sequence of integers factorization). [see Notes: 2]
  • 2D difficulty. [see Notes: 3].
  • All miners earn coins. [see Notes: 4].
  • Block solver protection. [see Notes: 5].
  • Oriented to use in weak computing devices like Orange PI or RPI.
  • Transactions can be used for coins transfer, send messages or some device actions. For example, turn on the smart lamp (IOT).


  1. Now using Teredo tunneling or 6to4 for emulating ipv6 over ipv4.
  2. Cores count has no advantage. Single core compute power is more important.
  3. Horizontal difficulty for factorization and vertical for recurse depth (see Mining algorithm).
  4. All miners get a piece of reward for their work, always (see Analysis.Mining reward and Analysis.Archeologing).
  5. Mining algorithm designed in as such way that proof of work is related to block solver. To cheat it you have to redone all work again (see Mining algorithm).


  1. Get current balance and exit:
python3 --bal
  1. Make a transaction and exit:
python3 --trans <receiver pub key> <action> <args>


  • Invoice: ivc <amount>
  • Payment: pay <amount>
  • Message: msg <text>
  1. Run core daemon:
  1. Run mining server:
python3 --mining

Also you can combain those flags.

How to install


  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Install miredo for ipv6 tunneling:
sudo apt install miredo

If you have static ip address use 6to4 instead.

  1. Get python dependencies:
pip3 install base58 pycryptodome ecdsa sympy dacite aiofile
  1. Run cli:
cd PicoCoin
python3 -h


There may be some problems with ipv6 tunneling. So it's recommended to use unix-like systems (like Linux, BSD, etc..).

  1. Clone the repo:
git.exe clone
  1. Enable teredo in Windows for ipv6 tunneling.

If you have static ip address use 6to4 instead.

  1. Get python dependencies:
pip3.exe install base58 pycryptodome ecdsa sympy
  1. Run cli:
cd .\PicoCoin
python3.exe .\ -h




    "pub": <public key | str>,
    "priv": <aes-encrypted private key | str>,
    "hash: <json hash without this field | str>


  "pub": "61hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
  "priv": "5mrjZ3cTgxDUCtXNP3uLW2ZL5LFXEJsASPawX7XWVf9UPvikEYRsF2r7NqDgrU8vVrxw8mhsJKPHjFg6hjHU7urV",
  "hash": "5d4d8c5f404b400193a26d2d749011f60e484fe95238a8bf7ba965c091b7eb68"
# hash
5d4d8c5f404b400193a26d2d749011f60e484fe95238a8bf7ba965c091b7eb68 = sha3-256(
        "pub": "61hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
        "priv": "5mrjZ3cTgxDUCtXNP3uLW2ZL5LFXEJsASPawX7XWVf9UPvikEYRsF2r7NqDgrU8vVrxw8mhsJKPHjFg6hjHU7urV"



    "time": <UTC timestamp: year-month-day hour:minute:second.millis | str>,
    "from": <sender pub key | str>,
    "to": <receiver pub key | str>,
    "act": {
            "ivc": <invoice coins amount | int> |
            "pay": <payment coins amount | int> |
            "msg": <message | str>
    "sign": <sender digital signature of json without this field and "hash" | str>,
    "hash": <json hash without this field | str>


  "time": "2021-02-10 08:16:38.900597",
  "from": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
  "to": "661hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
  "act": {
    "pay": 10
  "sign": "4ME9bhoHjzMsv1pbwCwtde3w8GPH2kJVFm5r2ww4bTCGBzyc3wGfdHKCctwTsSRrFR1W7ZooLYLEzKgHQh3Pu5B8",
  "hash": "cf9e71ba2962a7125a547b6dba6f7615f18b149df937638690d23b132b97e290"
# sign
4ME9bhoHjzMsv1pbwCwtde3w8GPH2kJVFm5r2ww4bTCGBzyc3wGfdHKCctwTsSRrFR1W7ZooLYLEzKgHQh3Pu5B8 = user("from").sign(
        "time": "2021-02-10 08:16:38.900597",
        "from": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
        "to": "661hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
        "act": {
            "pay": 10
# hash
cf9e71ba2962a7125a547b6dba6f7615f18b149df937638690d23b132b97e290 = sha3-256(
        "time": "2021-02-10 08:16:38.900597",
        "from": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
        "to": "661hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
        "act": {
            "pay": 10
        "sign": "4ME9bhoHjzMsv1pbwCwtde3w8GPH2kJVFm5r2ww4bTCGBzyc3wGfdHKCctwTsSRrFR1W7ZooLYLEzKgHQh3Pu5B8"



    "prev": <hash of previous block | str>,
    "time": <UTC timestamp: year-month-day hour:minute:second.millis | str>,
    "h_diff": <horizontal difficulty (see [Mining algorithm.Horizontal difficulty](#horizontal-difficulty)) | int>,
    "v_diff": <vertical difficulty (see [Mining algorithm.Vertical difficulty](#vertical-difficulty)) | int>,
    "trans": [
        <transaction hash>: <transaction | Transaction>
    "pow": {
        "solver": <block solvers pub key | str>,
        "work": {
            <number | str>: {
                <prime factor | str>: <power | int>,
    "hash": <json hash without this field | str>


  "prev": null,
  "time": "2021-02-10 08:38:21.571702",
  "h_diff": 14,
  "v_diff": 2,
  "trans": {
    "90fb9c4688b42fdfb1cef586d1288c213e798861f6634356321bc99378209f53": {
      "time": "2021-02-10 08:38:18.603889",
      "from": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
      "to": "61hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
      "act": {
        "pay": 10
      "sign": "2jFDAeRFQWpGEe1qgjL9boTYimaVJZQtk8kbjdCYTS2McuMxsqM2Hcn5KH3SqUCDawY7FG4GM2Rc5EVoB3kmaSJN",
      "hash": "90fb9c4688b42fdfb1cef586d1288c213e798861f6634356321bc99378209f53"
  "pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
      "3722178976975802242873193524243180": {
        "2": 2,
        "5": 1,
        "43": 1,
        "73": 1,
        "18547961": 1,
        "3196537225922692249021": 1
      "393962739749981897166309425002703": {
        "47": 1,
        "8382185952127274407793817553249": 1
  "hash": "5b72f218eb525702f43221c225cd1331303db12260126718ac551043b3e2f361"
3722178976975802242873193524243180 = 2 ^ 2 * 5 * 43 * 73 * 18547961 * 3196537225922692249021

393962739749981897166309425002703 = 47 * 8382185952127274407793817553249



    "coin": <cryptocurrency name | str>,
    "ver": <blockchain version | str>,
    "blocks": {
        <block hash | str>: <block | Block>,
    "hash": <json hash without this field | str>


  "coin": "PicoCoin",
  "ver": "0.1",
  "blocks": {
    "5b72f218eb525702f43221c225cd1331303db12260126718ac551043b3e2f361": {
      "prev": null,
      "time": "2021-02-10 08:38:21.571702",
      "h_diff": 14,
      "v_diff": 2,
      "trans": {
        "90fb9c4688b42fdfb1cef586d1288c213e798861f6634356321bc99378209f53": {
          "time": "2021-02-10 08:38:18.603889",
          "from": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
          "to": "61hcyvtRQCbqWyGXnPGysEZLsNdDWkCqYhvHMQu5adBkM6Dy74YrLhqhfJ6X4YwJuBgw9EMcSAsR7jaP8NY1xNLa",
          "act": {
            "pay": 10
          "sign": "2jFDAeRFQWpGEe1qgjL9boTYimaVJZQtk8kbjdCYTS2McuMxsqM2Hcn5KH3SqUCDawY7FG4GM2Rc5EVoB3kmaSJN",
          "hash": "90fb9c4688b42fdfb1cef586d1288c213e798861f6634356321bc99378209f53"
      "pow": {
        "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
        "work": {
          "3722178976975802242873193524243180": {
            "2": 2,
            "5": 1,
            "43": 1,
            "73": 1,
            "18547961": 1,
            "3196537225922692249021": 1
          "393962739749981897166309425002703": {
            "47": 1,
            "8382185952127274407793817553249": 1
      "hash": "5b72f218eb525702f43221c225cd1331303db12260126718ac551043b3e2f361"
  "hash": "79deaba94be62d7f34c9d531eaccf9d052731f475c816f5db81debb1296a09a8"

Mining algorithm

Horizontal difficulty

Horizontal diffuculty (next h_diff) represents an integer factorization difficulty. It shows how much bytes we should take from hash, represented as a little-endian integer number and compute it's factorization.

How does it works?

Let our user public key is: 33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd

For example, we create block:

  "prev": null,
  "time": "2021-02-10 08:58:35.929170",
  "h_diff": 5,
  "v_diff": 3,
  "trans": {},
  "pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {}
  "hash": "b679d52413204d71b708b680924401e2a4030faa4c302b2941994e95cdd7e989"

Let's take first h_diff bytes from hash b679d52413 and represent it as little-endian integer number b679d52413 hex = 82222348726 dec. Next, compute factorization of this number: 82222348726 = 2 * 7 * 257 * 997 * 22921.

Our first iteration of POW is:

"pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
        "82222348726": {
            "2": 1,
            "7": 1,
            "257": 1,
            "997": 1,
            "22921": 1
Vertical difficulty

Vertical diffuculty (next v_diff) represents recurse depth. It shows how much we have to repeat factorization with h_diff, based on block and previous factorization result.

How does it works? Okay, in previous section we compute some factorization. Result block now looks like this:

  "prev": null,
  "time": "2021-02-10 08:58:35.929170",
  "h_diff": 5,
  "v_diff": 3,
  "trans": {},
  "pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
      "82222348726": {
        "2": 1,
        "7": 1,
        "257": 1,
        "997": 1,
        "22921": 1
  "hash": "837fb16f29f88700df7e1e985572c43dd72f21df2b087dd786539f35274b8358"

As you can see, block hash has changed after we added the result of first iteration to block.

Now we do same steps as described in Horizontal diffuculty and repeat this algorithm v_diff times recursively.

For example it may be looks like this h_diff=5, v_diff=3:

# v_diff=1
# b679d52413 hex = 82222348726 dec = 2 * 7 * 257 * 997 * 22921

"pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
        "82222348726": {
            "2": 1,
            "7": 1,
            "257": 1,
            "997": 1,
            "22921": 1
"hash": "837fb16f29f88700df7e1e985572c43dd72f21df2b087dd786539f35274b8358"
# v_diff = 2
# 837fb16f29 hex = 177967562627 dec = 31 * 5740889117

"pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
        "82222348726": {
            "2": 1,
            "7": 1,
            "257": 1,
            "997": 1,
            "22921": 1
        "177967562627": {
            "31": 1,
            "5740889117": 1
"hash": "dc24552d6dabea5af6e55b1ecf3a38bd9b0b74251f247fd7689ac6f5a6bde990"
# v_diff = 3
# dc24552d6d hex = 468911989980 dec = 2 ^ 2 * 3 ^ 3 * 5 * 7 * 19 ^ 2 * 343631

"pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
        "82222348726": {
            "2": 1,
            "7": 1,
            "257": 1,
            "997": 1,
            "22921": 1
        "177967562627": {
            "31": 1,
            "5740889117": 1
        "468911989980": {
            "2": 2,
            "3": 3,
            "5": 1,
            "7": 1,
            "19": 2,
            "343631": 1
"hash": "ccb2419644437fae9b7737d8dc2492b920ffd1d26fa883c350f38cd5c84ae54b"

At least total result block:

  "prev": null,
  "time": "2021-02-10 08:58:35.929170",
  "h_diff": 5,
  "v_diff": 3,
  "trans": {},
  "pow": {
    "solver": "33QKSQexZ25RJURDXtJ3NfFfD8XTgn5WPeS1Vim7hd6zcRNHE4ZAqRsDb7Npd36jRMceFkcrcDdTQDxUz6Qh6djd",
    "work": {
      "82222348726": {
        "2": 1,
        "7": 1,
        "257": 1,
        "997": 1,
        "22921": 1
      "177967562627": {
        "31": 1,
        "5740889117": 1
      "468911989980": {
        "2": 2,
        "3": 3,
        "5": 1,
        "7": 1,
        "19": 2,
        "343631": 1
  "hash": "ccb2419644437fae9b7737d8dc2492b920ffd1d26fa883c350f38cd5c84ae54b"

As you can see, the proof of work depends on block solver public key. If you change it, you have to recompute all work again.


Mining reward

All miners get a reward for their work, it's a platform philosophy.

First block solver is fully rewarded, all other miners get 10% of reward divided by miners count:

mining reward = (first block solver reward) / (10 * miners count)

Why only 10%?

For example, the reward for block solving is 256 coins. Horizontal difficulty increase and reward decrease every 10000 blocks (let's call it round).

So, total coin emission for round will be 2560000 coins. Okay, single miner that does not solve block first gets 256 / (10 * miners) coins per block and totally 256000 / miners coins per round.

In general, round coin emission will be increased to 256000 coins.

So maximum emission per round will be not changed so much - 2816000 coins. In other words, it's a mechanism to prevent the inflation.


Miner always gets a reward even if it will take a long time and the blockchain will go far ahead.

So, what prevents miner from receiving a reward for a very first block? Or second and so on? After all, he could just mine it for a very very long time from beginning, it is impossible to find it out.

This hack is a new mechanics in addition to mining that i called archeologing.

Miner can get a reward for mining a block that is already in the blockchain. But only once, because blockchain checks a reward for blocks. Of course, you will not get full reward the same as for a new block:

archeologing reward = (current block reward) / (10 * miners count)

Coin calculation

h_diff: 1..64
v_diff: 8192..1

v_diff = max(1, 2 ^ (13 - 3 * h_diff // 8))
h_diff v_diff
1 8192
2 8192
3 4096
4 4096
5 4096
6 2048
7 2048
8 1024
9 1024
10 1024
11 512
12 512
13 512
14 256
15 256
16 128
17 128
18 128
19 64
20 64
21 64
22 32
23 32
24 16
25 16
26 16
27 8
28 8
29 8
30 4
31 4
32 2
33 2
34 2
35 1
... 1
64 1

To avoid block size leak, blockchain initial h_diff=14.

h_diff initial: 14
v_diff initial: 256

round: every 10000 blocks
h_diff increment: every round

average block solve time: 1..5 min
average h_diff change: 7..35 days

block first solver reward: 2 ^ (8 - 8 * round / 50)
other block solvers reward: (first solver reward) / (10 * miners count)
round h_diff reward
0 14 256.0
1 15 229.12641815756092
2 16 205.0738886629432
3 17 183.54627174602584
4 18 164.27851488805177
5 19 147.0333894396205
6 20 131.59856981197652
7 21 117.78401927998401
8 22 105.41965021024934
9 23 94.35322990663052
10 24 84.44850628946526
11 25 75.58353033148995
12 26 67.64915459592835
13 27 60.54768939043814
14 28 54.19169999120173
15 29 48.50293012833273
16 30 43.41133847832548
17 31 38.85423630064148
18 32 34.77551560083386
19 33 31.124958317193137
20 34 27.85761802547597
21 35 24.933266549136004
22 36 22.315898661606493
23 37 19.973288782425794
24 38 17.87659420915552
25 39 16.0
26 40 14.320401134847558
27 41 12.81711804143395
28 42 11.471641984126615
29 43 10.267407180503236
30 44 9.18958683997628
31 45 8.224910613248532
32 46 7.3615012049990005
33 47 6.588728138140584
34 48 5.897076869164403
35 49 5.278031643091579
36 50 4.723970645718122
37 51 4.228072162245522
38 52 3.7842305869023836
39 53 3.386981249450108
40 54 3.0314331330207955
41 55 2.7132086548953445
42 56 2.428389768790094
43 57 2.1734697250521164
44 58 1.945309894824571
45 59 1.741101126592248
46 60 1.5583291593209994
47 61 1.3947436663504058
48 62 1.248330548901612
49 63 1.11728713807222
50 64 1.0
max supply: 10000 * sum(2 ^ (8 - 8 * round / 50), round: 0..inf) + 10% ~ 26825452 coins


Tiny IOT-oriented CPU cryptocurrency.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%