archf / ansible-packages

Ansible role to install default packages on a host

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ansible role to install packages on a host

Ansible requirements

Ansible version

Minimum required ansible version is 2.0.

Ansible role dependencies



Install with Ansible Galaxy

ansible-galaxy install archf.packages

Basic usage is:

- hosts: all
    - role: archf.packages

Install with git

If you do not want a global installation, clone it into your roles_path.

git clone /path/to/roles_path

But I often add it as a submdule in a given playbook_dir repository.

git submodule add <playbook_dir>/roles/packages

As the role is not managed by Ansible Galaxy, you do not have to specify the github user account.

Basic usage is:

- hosts: all
  - role: packages

User guide


Ansible role to perform:

  • /etc/sudoers adjustement
    • disable requiretty to allow enabling ansible pipelining (faster execution)
    • disable always_set_home (allow running sudo -E and avoids sudo make install issues)
    • prepend /usr/local/bin to secure_path to allow running priviledged compiled programs
  • grub templating
  • install default packages
  • configure repositories (currently only yum repos)
  • configure yum or dnf repository
    • apply centos6 quirks (yum ipv6 issues)
  • disable selinux on rhel
  • add mounts in the fstree

A lot of things are hardcoded for now.


Adding mounts to fstab

This is using the Ansible mount module.

  - dev: '/dev/mapper/data_vg-home_lv'
    path: '/media/home_lv'
    state: mounted
    fstype: ext4
    opts: 'defaults,acl'
    group: users
    passno: X # defaults to 2
    dump: Y # defaults to 1

Configure Repos on RedHat and derivatives

This structure allows you to group repos on a per file basis.

- file: base
    - name: base
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch"

    - name: updates
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/centos/$releasever/updates/$basearch"

    - name: extras
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/centos/$releasever/extras/$basearch"

    - name: contrib
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/centos/$releasever/contrib/$basearch"

    - name: centosplus
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/centos/$releasever/centosplus/$basearch"

- file: epel
    - name: epel
      baseurl: "http://<your host>/epel/$releasever/$basearch"

Role Variables

Variables are divided in three types.

The default vars section shows you which variables you may override in your ansible inventory. As a matter of fact, all variables should be defined there for explicitness, ease of documentation as well as overall role manageability.

The mandatory variables section contains variables that for several reasons do not fit into the default variables. As name implies, they must absolutely be defined in the inventory or else the role will fail. It is a good thing to avoid reach for these as much as possible and/or design the role with clear behavior when they're undefined.

The context variables are shown in section below hint you on how runtime context may affects role execution.

Default vars

Role default variables from defaults/main.yml.

# Packages installation behavior.
packages_state: latest

# Selinux state.
packages_selinux_state: disabled

# List of grub boot options assigned to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.
# Many distribution defaults to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash".
  - quiet
  - splash

# List of boot option a assigned both to normal and recovery entry of each
# kernel.
packages_grub_cmdline_linux: []

Mandatory variables


Context variables

Those variables from vars/*.{yml,json} are loaded dynamically during task runtime using the include_vars module.

Variables loaded from vars/CentOS.yml.

# List of packages to install by default on any CentOS family system
  - urlview
  - sudo
  - git
  - tree
  - openssh-server
  - gdisk
  - rsync
  - lvm2
  - ncurses-devel
  - ncurses
  - nmap
  - vim-common
  - vim-X11
  - vim-enhanced
  - zsh
  - curl
  - wget
  - libselinux-python
  - man
  - tcpdump
  - iotop
  - iftop
  - strace
  - mlocate
  - unzip
  # versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat
  - dstat
  - yum-utils
  # - sysstat
  # - tmux

  # requires epel-release packages on CentOS
  # - htop
  # - python34
  # - sshpass

Variables loaded from vars/OpenWrt.yml.

# List of packages to install by default on any openwrt system
  - 6rd
  - zsh
  - vim
  - tmux
  - git
  - tcpdump
  - nmap
  - mtr
  - rsync
  - shadow
  - sudo
  - bind-dig
  - python
  - block-mount
  - kmod-usb-storage
  - kmod-fs-ext4
  - curl
  - wget
  - wol
  - etherwake
  - less
  - zsh
  - openssh-client
  - openssh-server
  - openssh-keygen
  - openssh-sftp-server
  - openssh-client-utils
  - ca-certificates
  - python-openssl

# cobbler requirements
    # createrepo
    # httpd (apache2 for Debian/Ubuntu)
    # mkisofs
    # mod_wsgi (libapache2-mod-wsgi for Debian/Ubuntu)
    # mod_ssl (libapache2-mod-ssl)
    # python-cheetah
    # python-netaddr
    # python-simplejson
    # python-urlgrabber
    # PyYAML (python-yaml for Debian/Ubuntu)
    # rsync
    # syslinux
    # tftp-server (atftpd for Debian/Ubuntu, though others may work)
    # yum-utils

Variables loaded from vars/Debian.yml.

# List of packages to install by default on any debian family system.
  - tmux
  - urlview
  - mosh
  - git
  - vim-gtk3
  - vim
  - htop
  - fakeroot
  - tree
  - openssh-server
  - gdisk
  - rsync
  - lvm2
  - libncurses5-dev
  - libncurses5
  - nmap
  - linux-kernel-headers
  - zsh
  - ssh-askpass
  - sshpass
  - curl
  - wget
  - python-selinux
  - python3
  - python3-venv
  - tcpdump
  - iotop
  - iftop
  - strace
  - mlocate
  - unzip
  # versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat
  - dstat
  - pv
  - progress
  - xauth
  # - sysstat
  # - ntopng

Variables loaded from vars/RedHat.yml.

# List of packages to install by default on any rhel family system.
  - urlview
  - mosh
  - sudo
  - git
  - tree
  - openssh-server
  - gdisk
  - rsync
  - lvm2
  - ncurses-devel
  - ncurses
  - nmap
  - vim-common
  - vim-X11
  - zsh
  - curl
  - wget
  - libselinux-python
  - man
  - tcpdump
  - iotop
  - iftop
  - strace
  - mlocate
  - unzip
  # versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat
  - dstat
  - yum-utils
  - xorg-x11-xauth
  # - sysstat
  # - tmux
  # - htop
  # - python3


You want to contribute? Here's a wishlist:

  • use quiet and splash grub options only on desktop, leave servers as they are

Consider opening an issue to share your intent and avoid work duplication!



Author Information

Felix Archambault.

Please do not edit this file. This role was generated using the 'ansidoc' python tool available on pypi!


pip3 install ansidoc

Basic usage:

Validate output by running a dry-run (will output result to stdout)

ansidoc --dry-run <rolepath>

Generate you role readme file. Will write a file under <rolepath>/

ansidoc <rolepath>

Also usable programatically from Sphinx.


Ansible role to install default packages on a host