aratama / elm-material-components

Simple Elm wrapper for material-components-web-components

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elm-material-components is yet another Material Components library for Elm. It is a simple wrapper for material-components-web-components.

elm-material-components has classical elm/html style API. It has limited type safety but it is easy to understand. You can reuse value or onClick attribute from Html.Attributes for elements of elm-material-components. Use Material.Attributes package for missing attributes in Html.Attributes.



import Html exposing (div)
import Html.Attributes exposing (label, value)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Material exposing (button, switch, textfield)
import Material.Attributes exposing (raised)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ button [ raised, label "Hello", onClick Click] []
        , switch [] []
        , textfield [ value model.textFieldValue, onInput Input, label "textfield" ]

See examples for more information.


elm-material-components is not on Elm Packeges yet. To install it, execute npm install aratama/elm-material-components and add node_modules/elm-material-components/src into your elm.json. You may also need to install elm/virtual-dom and elm/json.

This package is just a thin wrapper and don't include any JavaScript codes. Therefore, for example, if you want to use Material.button, you need to do npm install @material/mwc-button to install original codes of material-components-web-components. Also you should add import "@material/mwc-button"; into your index.js. See material-components-web-components docs for more information of installation.

See also example/package.json and example/src/index.js.

API Docs

You can see the docs via elm-docs-preview site.

See also


Simple Elm wrapper for material-components-web-components


Language:Elm 100.0%