This is a functional reactive programming library in Coffescript to use in browser or Node.js applications. It owes the idea to Bacon.js, but should describe the domain in proper terms, have less operations in primitives and be shorter and simpler.
Jnoid = {
VERSION: "0.0.1"
The core idea is having an abstraction of Stream
which is a discrete
sequence of values and an abstraction of a Box
which is a continous
time-varying value, both of which you can subscribe on.
We'll slightly extend the famous Maybe
idiom to support error values. Now
it's a sum of Maybe
and Either
and can be described as Maybe = Just x | Wrong y | Nothing
class Maybe
class Just extends Maybe
constructor: (@value) ->
getOrElse: -> @value
filter: (f) -> if @test(f) then @ else Nothing
test: (f) -> f @value
map: (f) -> new Just(f @value)
isEmpty: -> false
inspect: -> "Just #{@value}"
class Bad extends Maybe
getOrElse: (some)-> some
filter: (f) -> @
test: (f) -> true
map: (f) -> @
isEmpty: -> true
class Wrong extends Bad
constructor: (@error) ->
inspect: -> "Wrong #{@error}"
Nothing = new class extends Bad
constructor: ->
inspect: -> "Nothing"
class will be just a type alias for it.
[Event, Fire, Error, Stop] = [Maybe, Just, Wrong, Nothing]
toEvent = (x) -> if x instanceof Event then x else new Fire x
toError = (x) -> if x instanceof Event then x else new Error x
The point is that we can abstract from Stream
and Box
and define a common
behavior, calling it Observable
Class Observable
will be determined via a subscribe
function. This
function should receive a subscriber or sink function as an argument and
call it whenever event is fired. This enables push semantics for Stream
and Box
There are two ways to unsubscribe. First is to call function that subscribe
returns. Second is return Reply.stop
from event listener.
class Observable
constructor: (subscribe)->
@subscribe = @dispatched subscribe
is a function that makes Observable
abstract and will hold the
actual implementation differences between Stream
and Box
. If you are
interested in dispatched
, check it's implementations there.
dispatched: fail
A basic ways to listen to Observable are onValue
and onError
. While
sends raw events, onValue
unwraps them in case they hold values
and deliver them to the subscriber.
onValue: (f) ->
@subscribe (event) ->> f(v)).getOrElse(Reply.more)
does roughly the same as onValue
, but is selecting errors and
unwraps them.
onError: (f) ->
@subscribe (event) ->
if event instanceof Error
f event.error
We can now define basic transforms. Start with map
and filter
. We can
see common pattern there, it's abstracted in withHandler
withHandler: (handler)->
new @constructor @dispatched(@subscribe, handler)
map: (f)->
@withHandler (event)-> @push
filter: (f)->
@withHandler (event)-> if event.test(f) then @push event else Reply.more
A useful combinator is recover
, with will turn errors into regular
events using transform function.
recover: (f)->
@withHandler (event) ->
if event instanceof Error
@push new Fire f(event.error)
@push event
The most powerful combinator in our case is flatMap
. It accepts a function
that turns each of the values in observable to a new observable. We then return
a new Observable that will combine them.
The first way to combine them is to just collect all the events from the
spawned childen. This matches the semantics of Stream
and will allow us to
produce merge
Another way to combine events is to unsubscribe all the existing children, when
a new event occurs on root, then spawn a new one and just listen to it. You can
think of it as swiching from one observable to another one. This matches the
semantics of Box
and will allow us to produce zip
flatMapGeneric: (f, lastOnly) ->
root = this
new @constructor (sink) ->
children = []
rootStop = false
unsubRoot = ->
unsubChildren = ->
unsubChild() for unsubChild in children
children = []
unbind = ->
checkStop = ->
if rootStop and (children.length == 0)
sink Stop
spawner = (event) ->
if event == Stop
rootStop = true
unsubChildren() if lastOnly
if event instanceof Error
sink event
child = f event.value
unsubChild = undefined
childStopped = false
removeChild = ->
remove(unsubChild, children) if unsubChild?
handler = (event) ->
if event == Stop
childStopped = true
tap sink(event), (reply)->
unbind() if reply == Reply.stop
unsubChild = child.subscribe handler
children.push unsubChild if not childStopped
unsubRoot = root.subscribe(spawner)
flatMapAll: (f)-> @flatMapGeneric(f, false)
flatMapLast: (f)-> @flatMapGeneric(f, true)
We can also define skipDuplicates
which is extremely useful.
withStateMachine: (initState, f) ->
state = initState
@withHandler (event) ->
[newState, outputs] = f(state, event)
state = newState
stopped = any outputs,
(output)=> @push(output) == Reply.stop
if stopped then Reply.stop else Reply.more
skipDuplicates: (isEqual = (a, b) -> a is b) ->
@withStateMachine Nothing, (prev, event) ->>
if prev == Nothing || !prev.test((p)-> isEqual(v, p))
[new Just(v), [event]]
[prev, []]
).getOrElse [prev, [event]]
From withStateMachine
we can easily define scan
scan: (initState, f) ->
@withStateMachine initState, (acc, event)->
newAcc =>f(acc, v)).getOrElse(acc)
[newAcc, [toEvent newAcc]]
Always good in UI there is an option to debounce
debounce: (delay)->
@flatMapLast (value)=>
@constructor.later delay, value
Let's do take
and takeWhile
take: (n)->
return @constructor.nothing() if n <= 0
@withHandler (event) ->
unless event instanceof Fire
@push event
if n > 0
@push event
@push event if n == 0
@push Stop
takeWhile: (f)->
@withHandler (event) ->
if event.test(f)
@push event
@push Stop
is going to be slightly more complicated - it's going to listen to
one stream till an event on another appears. A very useful one:
takeUntil: (other)->
source = this
stopper = other.changes()
new @constructor (sink)->
unsubSource = ->
unsubStopper = ->
unbind = ->
transport = (event)->
sink event
unbind() if event == Stop
watcher = (event)->
sink Stop
unsubSource = source.subscribe(transport)
unsubStopper = stopper.subscribe(watcher)
A helper method for boolean algebra (others are map2 based methods and so are just applicable to box):
not: -> @map (x)-> !x
How to build observables
The basic ways to build an observable are nothing
, unit
and error
. In
semantics they mean never
, once
and error
, in Box
they mean empty
, always
and error
. We won't create the aliases and give
these names to get you the feel of what they mean.
@fromList: (values, wrapper = toEvent)->
new @ (sink) ->
sink event for event in map wrapper, values
sink Stop
@nothing: -> @fromList []
@unit: (value)-> @fromList [value]
@error: (value)-> @fromList [value], toError
just adds a syntax sugar for us to easily define more
sophisticated constructors.
@fromBinder: (binder, transform = id) ->
new @ (sink) ->
unbinder = binder (args...) ->
events = toArray transform args...
for event in map toEvent, events
tap sink(event), (reply)->
unbinder() if event == Stop or reply == Reply.stop
polls a function within given interval.
@poll: (delay, poll) ->
@fromBinder (handler) ->
i = setInterval(handler, delay)
-> clearInterval(i)
, poll
and later
send a fixed list of events or one event
respectively within given interval.
@interval: (delay, list)->
index = 0
@poll delay, ->
value = list[index++]
if index < list.length
else if index == list.length
[value, Stop]
@later: (delay, value)->
@interval(delay, [value])
Let's also define a function that works on promises, e.g., ajax. The resource releasing here for ajax is abort. We should also handle promise errors here. In a transform function we attach end to our stream.
@fromPromise: (promise) ->
@fromBinder (handler) ->
promise.then handler, (e) ->
handler new Error e
-> promise.abort?()
, (value) -> [value, Stop]
Finally let's define the way to receive events from DOM objects. We'll do it assuming we're called in jQuery/Zepto fashion.
We allow to override transform
- by default it'll take the first
argument, which is usually a jQuery event. We use on
to subscribe and
to unsubscribe.
@fromDOM: (element, event, selector, transform) ->
[transform, selector] = [selector, null] if isFunction(selector)
@fromBinder (handler) =>
element.on(event, selector, handler)
=>, selector, handler)
, transform
Class Stream
represents a disrete sequence of values, coupled with time. So
it uses the appropriate dispatcher to do it.
activates the listeners when a first sink is added and then just
adds them. On each event it just pushes it to all sinks.
class StreamDispatcher
constructor: (subscribe, handler) ->
subscribe ?= (event) ->
sinks = []
@push = (event) =>
for sink in sinks
tap sink(event), (reply)->
remove sink, sinks if reply == Reply.stop
handler ?= (event) -> @push event
@handler = (event) => handler.apply(this, [event])
@subscribe = (sink) =>
unsubSelf = subscribe @handler if sinks.length == 1
remove sink, sinks
unsubSelf?() unless any sinks
To have Stream
class we just need to override abstract dispatched
from the base class to use StreamDispatcher
class Stream extends Observable
dispatched: (subscribe, handler)->
new StreamDispatcher(subscribe, handler).subscribe
For this class we can have flatMap
aka bind
. In our case it's flatMapAll
flatMap: (args...)-> @flatMapAll(args...)
Having this we can easily have merge
merge: (others...)->
Stream.fromList(map method("changes"), [@, others...]).flatten()
flatten: -> @flatMap(id)
To make it transparent for a user, is this stream or box, we proxy the box methods to box. First we define a conversion method with an optional starting value.
box: (initial = Nothing)->
initial = toMaybe(initial)
new Box (sink)=>
sink initial unless initial.isEmpty()
@subscribe (event)-> sink event
changes: -> @
We could also define a new stream with initial value merged to the beginning, but the current code is simple enough.
All proxy methods are trivial.
zipWith: (others..., f)-> @box().zipWith(others..., f)
and: (others...)-> @box().and(others...)
or: (others...)-> @box().or(others...)
not: -> @box().not()
Class Box
represents continuous value that changes with time. So we need a
slightly tweaked dispatcher. The difference is that it holds the current
value and sends it to each new subscriber. Another difference is that even when
the Box is ended, it still sends the last value and then immediately sends stop
class BoxDispatcher extends StreamDispatcher
constructor: (subscribe, handler) ->
super subscribe, handler
current = Nothing
push = @push
subscribe = @subscribe
stopped = false
@push = (event) => -> current = new Just x)
stopped = true if event == Stop
push.apply(this, [event])
@subscribe = (sink) =>
reply => sink new Fire v)
if reply.getOrElse(Reply.more) == Reply.stop
else if stopped
sink Stop
subscribe.apply(@, [sink])
Now class Box
is going to use that dispatcher.
class Box extends Observable
dispatched: (subscribe, handler)->
new BoxDispatcher(subscribe, handler).subscribe
For this class we can have flatMap
aka bind
. In our case it's flatMapLast
flatMap: (args...)-> @flatMapLast(args...)
With this flatMap
we can define a glorious map2
, also known as zipWith
for two boxes.
map2: (other, f)->
@flatMap (x)-> (y)-> f(x, y)
Having this, zipWith
is easy.
@sequence: (boxes)->
foldl boxes, @unit([]), (acc, box)->
acc.map2 box, (memo, value)-> append memo, value
@zipWith: (boxes, f)->
@sequence(boxes).map uncurry f
zipWith: (others..., f)->
Box.zipWith [@, others...], f
Helpful would be to define boolean algebra over boxes. not
is defined on
and: (others...)-> @zipWith others..., (a, b)-> a && b
or: (others...)-> @zipWith others..., (a, b)-> a || b
An interesting sampledBy
function should take a property and stream it's
value when sampler pops:
sampledBy: (sampler)->
sampler.flatMap(=> @take(1)).changes()
To convert Box
into Stream
we take it's changes.
changes: ->
new Stream (sink)=>
@subscribe (event)-> sink event
box: -> @
Here are the proxy methods.
merge: (others...)-> @changes().merge(others...)
Pretty trivial special values to return from event listeners.
Reply =
stop: "<stop>"
more: "<more>"
We need some simple helper functions.
empty = (xs)-> xs.length == 0
method = (meth)-> (obj)-> obj[meth]()
nop = ->
id = (x)-> x
fail = -> throw "method not implemented"
head = (xs) -> xs[0]
tail = (xs) -> xs[1...xs.length]
uncurry = (f) -> (args)-> f(args...)
map = (f, xs) -> f(x) for x in xs
foldl = (xs, seed, f) ->
for x in xs
seed = f(seed, x)
tap = (x, f) ->
remove = (x, xs) ->
i = xs.indexOf(x)
xs.splice(i, 1) if i >= 0
all = (xs, f = id) ->
for x in xs
return false if not f(x)
return true
any = (xs, f = id) ->
for x in xs
return true if f(x)
return false
copyArray = (xs)-> xs.slice()
append = (xs, x)-> tap copyArray(xs), (copy)-> copy.push x
isFunction = (f) -> typeof f == "function"
toArray = (x) -> if x instanceof Array then x else [x]
toMaybe = (x) ->
if x instanceof Maybe then x else new Just x
We now need to make our objects usable outside.
for name, value of {Stream, Box, Event, Fire, Error, Stop,
Maybe, Just, Wrong, Nothing}
Jnoid[name] = value
if define?.amd
define [], -> Jnoid
else if module?.exports
module.exports = Jnoid
@Jnoid = Jnoid
Have fun!