arasananbu / programming-notes

My collection of programming things I see on internet. Mostly python.

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696 type hints for python 3
695 better way to refer to libc
694 test data generation in python using mimesis
693 using pandas to directly load data ( pandas is kinda awesome)
692 FUSE : filesystem in userspace
691 While writing a library ( like Django ) things to take care of for portability between VMs
690 macropy library and "with trace"
689 dbus python
688 socks5 proxy in python minimal
687 GIL implementation in python
686 Simple virtual machine implementation in python
685 embedded etcd3 server in golang
684 Python disable warnings
683 knight closure
682 Python Fire to expose internals and debugging
681 pyenv and pipenv
680 Flask JWT example
679 Flask uses Werkzeug internally
678 prime numbers with lambda
677 Elementary cellular automata in python
676 Elementary cellular automata plotted using matplotlib
675 segfault in python recursion
674 segfault using ctypes
673 tracing program execution using -m trace
672 crashing using marshal
671 iterators use c recusion stack
670 StringIO vs BytesIO (from SO)
669 simple reactive dashboards in python using dash
668 better_exceptions module
667 default arguments check
666 Timer example
665 Methods of saving state
664 bisect module is good replacement to lower_bound upper_bound
663 server/client in bash for quick use
662 sentry with golang
661 go routine
660 getting links from text
659 AWS
658 Using inner function to save data and printing a nested object
657 Using dict to get attributes of a object( I think I mentioend it earlier also )
656 In-memory String compression using gzip and StringIO
655 Generate a random binary number
654 Flask + matplotlib ( nice stuff really )
653 Mocks
652 Factorial in three ways
651 using List comprehension to shorten code
650 Tracing asyncio
649 generating primes as list or generator
648 listing all available modules
647 Overriding Control:C
646 Writing your own enumerator
645 Listing Errors Classes
644 more advanced sortings
643 using list to maintain a binary tree
642 Binary tree class
641 flask redis docker docker-compose alpine
639 django docker-compose postgres
638 streaming fraud detection kafka
637 making functions
636 misplaced future
635 method could be a function
634 staticmethods and classmethods (cls variable)
633 How to design a class
632 Copying data from numpy to ctypes
631 mocking
630 conditions object and python multithreading
629 function initilaization with mutables
628 What I learned till now ( revision )
627 New style and old style classes
626 py_compile
625 Turing machine
624 ipc queues
623 Async decorator
622 dir() and dunder dict
621 @total_ordering to do less work
620 Numpy reshaping
619 Self or call it anything, doesnt matter
618 Difference between cls and self
617 Code from numpy quickstart
616 Histogram plot of normal distribution
615 Autoshaping
614 Top down recursive parsing
613 pysnooper for logging injection
612 golang tcp-server and client
611 Flask simple app
610 Calling external command in python
609 pprint
608 itertools groupby
607 Removes duplicates while maintaining order
606 Python HTTP and SMTP servers
605 versions
604 Tree
603 inspect to get call stack
602 Datetime
601 Index for loop
600 variable/attr exist ?
599 parallel iteration in two collections
598 string <> datetime
597 2d array correct initialization
596 zip( *iterable )
595 list appending in python
594 as integer ratio
593 set algebra
592 data types and built-in data structures
591 lambda
590 types of errors
589 try except
588 Raising errors
587 Accessing Exception
586 Custom exceptions
585 try except else finally
584 str2dict
583 Permutations (without inbulit)
582 Min Queue and Max queue implementations ( not efficient )
581 twilio with python for whatsapp
580 flask + pymongo + rest api
579 flask counter
578 platform module
577 curses in python for terminal draw
576 itertools combination(similar for Pn)
575 Python classes are dynamic
574 numpy vs python loop
573 monkeypatching methods and properties
572 Deduplication
571 Iterating over a tree
570 Wrapping a String in File interface
569 Objects that behave both as String and File Interface
568 Py_Initialize and Interpreter startup
567 Thread State
566 What happens when we load a module
565 Symbol table ( CPython source)
564 Other data structures Cpython
563 Variable flags to specify context of name def. (CPython SC)
562 basicblock data structure
561 PyTypeObject
560 How generators are able to capture execution state and update that at will
559 The need for GIL
558 tstate : Thread State
557 Interpreter and Thread state
556 get python config information
555 Naming list slices
554 LEGB scoping rules of Python
553 yield syntax in python3
552 list comprehension for flattening
551 public, private , secret simple example
550 input(): disaster
549 pytest benchmark
548 rounding up floats
547 danger with format strings
546 yield where possible
545 benefits of yield
544 unzipping
543 dataclasses
542 ipython_memory_usage
541 python3 unicode
540 Exception handling silly mistake
539 python 3 faulthandler
538 (yield)
537 Decimal math with floating point error
536 coroutine vs generator
535 coroutine with single source and multiple targets
534 Variable assignment not being expression
533 Coroutines ~~ OOPS
532 How does coroutine differ from simple argument passing?
531 Performance optimization - coroutine - and dangers
530 Property decorator
529 Summary till now and Questions in my mind
528 Dumping information about threads
527 Path of imports
526 Enums
525 Return Multiple values from a function
524 Check Memory usage of an object
523 Checking if strings are anagram or not
522 Transposing matrix
521 Zipping lists
520 Flattening list
519 Lambda and raw input
518 multiline string
517 underscore in interactive prompt
516 set comprehension
515 python version
514 enumerate in python
513 unpacking using splat operator
512 Dictionary switch
511 Infinity in python
510 Switch case with system_dict
509 list flattening using DFS
508 pygorithm module
507 zipping lists to dict
506 setting recursion limit in python
505 list partitioning in python
504 lambda, filter and reduce
503 Counters
502 ChainMap
501 Breakpoint in python interpreter
500 gdb + python + reverse debugging
499 nonlocal vs global
498 Cyclomatic complexity with radon
497 Cellular Automta Game for Learning and practicing thinking
496 Svn file downloader in python using yield and subprocess
495 What if I want to pass arguments to the decorator itself (not the decorated function)?
494 http.server and SimpleHTTPServer in python program
493 Time complexity of python list, deque, set etc.
492 Traversing a tree ( predefined structure with children attribute )
491 Using sys._getframe to get filename and lineno's
490 Timeout a function using SIGALRM
489 Timeout function as a decorator
488 IPython start from python -c
487 itertools product
486 checking if object is iterable
485 Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission ( EAFP style )
484 RingBuffer
483 primality test
482 torrent download using python
481 linecache module
480 sysconfig to get details about python env
479 xml rpc server-client
478 sched for scheduling
477 golang all basic features
476 pythonic palindrome
475 crypto asymmetric in python
474 dynamodb flask counter
473 amazon sqs
472 amazon sqs, sns and s3
471 Learning kubernetes by hands-on
470 scapy hello
469 scapy packet crafting
468 generating packets with specific configs
467 scapy ls() and packet defaults
466 spoofing packets
465 Scapy sending simple ICMP packet
464 lsc() listing all functions in scapy
463 Sending and recieving packets
462 Stepping into a function using IPython
461 using scrapy to download files from svn
460 fastAPI models
459 async fastAPI example
458 openapi path parameters
457 openapi paths, order matter
456 sending back objects
455 bool type in parameters
454 multiple parameters
453 golang syntax
452 golang defer
451 golang variadic functions
450 building grep using keras
449 building grep using keras part 2
448 fastapi
447 Retry Decorator with exponential backoff
446 Decorator Decorator
445 pseudo-Currying
444 Writing your own debug decorator
443 Adding a method to a instance using decorator
442 Averaging and Summing decorators
441 Flask parameters
440 Flask Request type
439 Flask Request Data and Headers
438 Flask Response
437 Flask handling 404
436 Flask Authorizatoin
435 Counter with and without locking
434 Pipeline using a Queue class with Locks ( done wrong )
433 coroutine yield and send together
432 concurrent.futures
431 reading PyObject with ctypes
430 self wrapping Object
429 python3 print(*a)
428 writing your own grammar engine?
427 negative numbers python
426 building list of factors in inefficient way
425 two player optimal play
424 Modulus and deterministic functions of state
423 uninstalling things with pip
422 pycuber
421 red black tree
420 Some tricks with list,set and maps
419 Seemingly weird
418 method types example
417 Class variable
416 Multiple inheritence differs between 2 and 3
415 Write your own square root function
414 Using partials
413 Creating Greenlets for gevent
412 exceptions in greenlets
411 gevent.kill
410 gevent Timeout
409 Monkey patching with gevents
408 gevents Events, and AsynResult
407 Gevent Queue
406 Gevent Group
405 Twisted Echo Client server
404 Twisted quote server
403 Really nice twisted chatserver and can work with telnet
402 partitions of a integer
401 radix sort
400 vars() on objects
398 Django tutorial
397 Antipatterns in python
396 unintended for else
395 with behind the scenes
394 with exit semantics antipattern
393 return from dunder init antipattern
392 stack, heap, and code virtual locations
391 finding solutions through graphing
390 pampy
389 Python pre-loaded modules by interpreter
388 Modules written in C (CPython source)
387 .pyc files
386 Bytecode processor: BINARY_MULTIPLY
385 Inspect : tool for observation
384 Ternary operation
383 Compile code and getting code object
382 PyCodeObject
381 PyFrameObject
380 Interpreter and Opcodes
379 Frame
378 Python Object Model
377 building grep with keras 99.57% accuracy
376 finding bitwise and of a range
375 visualizing sorts using matplotlib nearest imshow
374 Different interpolation methods in matplotlib
373 Matplotlib subplots for plotting multiple data
372 calculating with dictionaries
371 subdict
370 list filter with clipping
369 Common stuff between dicts
368 clipping list to n elements of each type
367 everything on this link
366 id() and is
365 datamodel
364 Frozen set
363 Coroutine function
362 Asynchronous generator functions
361 NamedTuple
360 pip -> pipenv
359 locals()
358 getitem , next() , iter
357 isinstance
356 revisiting yield
355 inline absolute value
354 revisiting comprehensions
353 slots
352 identity weird behaviour
351 Dropping to shell from within the program (not PDB)
350 Getter and setter using @decorators
349 Underscore for readability in Python 3
348 Synchronizing threads using Lock
347 Re-entrant lock in Python
346 Disable Automatic Garbage collection
345 magic methods
344 uncompyle6
343 pyrasite shell
342 fibonacci over tcp socket
341 colored terminal output in IDLE
340 keras mnist tutorial
339 converting python ds to dynamodb supported ds
338 creating a dynamodb table
337 go exit value, is not same as what is returned
336 handling sys signals in golang
335 Running binaries as processes
334 TCP puzzler
333 spawining processes in golang
332 kubernetes
331 flask + datatables + pygithub3
330 matplotlib + seaborn + scipy uniform distribution
329 matplotlib + seaborn + scipy binomial distribution
328 matplotlib + seaborn + scipy normal distribution
327 visualizing random.random
326 PyStringObject
325 code object and func object
324 Dynamically creating type and object from that
323 Interpreter inside interpreter
322 Zero-argument and variable-argument lambdas
321 Peephole optimization and interpreter optimization
320 Dictionary hash keys
319 return statements
318 memory_profiler
317 zen of python source code
316 tuple syntax
315 another twisted server
314 combinations yielding
313 Rotation of 2d matrix
312 multithreaded hello world
311 dining philosophers
310 secrets
309 drawing a simple graph 0->1->2->3 using networkx
308 Matplotlib visualizing 2d arrays
307 Visualizing random numbers in 2d with scatter plot
306 Scatterplot with animation frames
305 trie
304 Dynamic array class
303 Accessing memory using CPython
302 Python compilation
301 Files related to ast, parser and compilation in Cpython source tree
300 golang file server and http server
299 simple random numbers example in golang
298 brainfuck interpreter
297 Generating magic squares
296 MVC
295 Strategy pattern
294 State pattern
293 Singleton pattern
292 Command pattern
291 sys.exc_info
290 Lifo queue
289 class vs instance attribute(just for remembering)
288 range is a sequence
287 pysolr
286 executing web assembly with python
285 JWT in python
284 using valgrind with python
283 destructors and constructors
282 selenium webdriver
281 ijson
280 GIL
279 Lifecycle of python code
278 Python Docs ( damn; reached them so late )
277 id() of mutables
276 Midnight time evaluates to false
275 python-cheatsheet
274 list
273 center, ljust, rjust the string
272 subset operations
271 logic gates and Fraction class
270 Timing a python standard type operations
269 Checking paranthesis
268 number to binary through division
267 postfix evaluation using stack
266 infix to postfix
265 printer queue simulation
264 palindrome checking using deque
263 make a turtle recurse
262 tower of hanoi
261 coin exchange problem
260 binary search
259 hash table implementation with rehashing ( integer keys )
258 Sortings
257 equating two sides of a license plate
256 monotonic time in python
255 python with etcd - getting notified of key creation
254 Locks with python-etcd3
253 Schema Validation in FastAPI
252 Taking tables from webpages using pandas
251 Flask advantages/features
250 list enumeration
249 bitwise operations
248 finding length of maximum common subsequence with recursion and memorization
247 twoSum
246 nestedSum
245 clockAngle
244 isPrime
243 finding The first non repeating character in a string
242 words with vowel trigram from setence
241 finding majority element in linear time without extra space
240 threesum
239 visualizing python object space with json
238 websockets
237 Rx python
236 Decorator for argument typechecking
235 tsne in python
234 random number quiz
233 knuth shuffle
232 buffer cache
231 afl fuzzing using python
230 golang cmd prompt
229 golang-set
228 colorful text in golang
227 golang now
226 python http logging
225 adding latency to network for testing
224 go basic simple programs
223 python blkchain
222 PEP 3148 concurrent futures
221 Call source code for function object
220 Elements of style
219 StringIO and sys.out
218 Permutations
217 deque and yield pattern
216 heapq
215 Reading PEPs
214 PEP8001 - Mostly about how the Python development will continue with BFDL and voting algo for same
213 Weak references
212 Core Developer Tutorial
211 PEP 201: Lockstep interation
210 PEP 214: print
209 Exception hook
208 about PEPs
207 Celery
206 built-in help
205 WSGI
204 C3 Linearization for Multiple Interitance
203 new vs init
202 docstring
201 Constructors
200 Inheritence
199 issubclass
198 operator overloading
197 loops implementation
196 nonlocal in python 3
195 dictionary from list and tuple
194 actual print
193 Probability game
192 List
191 Generator List
190 Yeild list from function
189 *args, **kwargs
188 Random Shuffle
187 List Sort
186 Decorators
185 What is PEP 8?
184 Counter
183 Print directory listings recursively
182 Module import location in python code
181 Module import caching
180 Classes are objects in Python
179 Monkey Patching
178 Decorator with annotation
177 Garbage collection in Python
176 Dynamic class creation
175 Code in finally clause
174 name == "main"
173 cout << x << y ...
172 dict
171 timing functions in python
170 self
169 _init_
168 multithreading
167 [print in python 2
166 memory management
165 builtin datatypes
164 try except
163 id()
162 GIL
161 Inheritance
160 Composition
159 Iterator and Iterable
158 yield vs return
157 closure
156 dict comprehension
155 inline conditional
154 enumerate
153 globals()
152 deepcopy
151 list to dict conversion
150 list to tuple
149 ternary operator
148 help() and dir()
147 keywords
146 lstrip, rstrip, strip
145 // % **
144 exec() and eval()
143 flavours of python
142 Bytecode for CPython
141 Default argument initialization issue
140 z3-solver
139 heap data structure
138 Binary Search Tree, OOPs
137 AVL tree python
136 Graph representation; adjacency list
135 Determine if a string contains unique characters
134 Determine if a string is a permutation of another
133 binary tree traversals
132 Treeset implementation
131 primes
130 pandas series ( 1D )
129 pandas dataframe ( 2D )
128 pandas panel ( 3D )
127 matplotlib with pandas
126 pandas input and output
125 Checking if a object is iterable
124 timeit function without ipython
123 Using a class as decorator
122 asyncio call soon and functools.partial
121 asyncio call later
120 asyncio call at a specific time
119 Why GIL
118 More GIL
117 dict comprehension shortcut for reversing key,value
116 various ways to use subprocess
115 a simple CPU emulator
114 Plotly offline interactive graphs
113 Plotly offline with Jupyter tutorial
112 Tor using python
111 How to connect to ngrok when firewall is interfering?
110 docker-compose and python development
109 cloudwatch amazon examples
108 ec2 instance boto3 examples
107 not python but useful for local projects
106 Disk usage in linux
105 Floating point errors!
104 Dunder import
103 SHA256 for subsequent bytes
102 Smallest Number in python
101 Newton Raphson
100 Sympy
99 Pyglet multimedia library Hello World
98 SQLAlchemy simple example
97 sys.getsizeof for int, byteobject, string
96 event driven network programming using Twisted
95 Concurrency using gevent
94 Greenlet select
93 Random non-deterministic event scheduling with gevents
92 Speeding up parallel requests using gevents
91 Gevents spawns greenlets
90 Multiprocessing vs Gevents
89 Typing usage
88 contextlib for perf
87 using github as a pypi server
86 cherrypy
85 euclid
84 Simple graph adj list structure
83 assertions
82 Context With
81 try except finally ~~ with
80 contextlib to create with interface, generator based
79 wildcard imports and underscore
78 __baz is name-mangled by python interpreter
77 bam dunder bam
76 _ ( don't care about it, it's underscore)
75 var_ ( underscore after the name)
74 String formatting
73 del
72 making objects callable
71 lambda again?
70 trace using decorators
69 metadata for decorator debugging
68 unpacking operator
67 return None
66 is vs ==
65 str and repr
64 getting classnames
63 Python 2 unicode and str are separate
62 Dunder
61 random number generators
60 terraform basic script for aws http server
59 generating random string on terminal using openssl
58 websocketd
57 websocketd send-receive
56 websockets at lower level
55 websockets and asyncio
54 probability simulations!
53 listing builtins
52 listing modules
51 default module and module search paths
50 Listing only user-imported modules
49 from modulefinder import ModuleFinder
48 Inspect
47 Checking if a function is Async or not
46 Lispi
45 Hunting Traces by hunter module
44 Generating a random permutation and isomophiic mapping functions
43 Prover and Verifier part of Graph isomorphism Zero-konwledge proof simulation in python (continued from 11)
42 Python with cockroach DB using psycopg2 driver
41 Meddling with a program in middle
40 Source code for objects, classes, closures, generators, iterators
39 asyncio
38 Python program steps
37 python bytecode
36 call stack and data stack
35 Python is dynamically typed! lower level details
34 CPython Directory Structure
33 main Cpython
32 Memory Management Cpython
31 Py_Main CPython
30 PyObject CPython
29 PyTypeObject CPython
28 Protocols
27 Reference Counting
26 PyObject_memory small block allocator
25 PyEval_EvalFrameEx
24 kubernetes autoscaling
23 Python release vs. distribution
22 dbus send notifications
21 listening to dbus
20 efficient recursion of fibonacci
19 Reversing a list using recursion
18 CPython garbage collector
17 refcounting example
16 Generational GC example
15 debugging reference cycles
14 objgraph to visualize the memory reference information visually
13 Ctypes simple example
12 ABC abstract base classes
11 Disassembly of list and tuple
10 Struct
9 SimpleNamespace
8 Strict typing for function arguments
7 Memory used by Python objects
6 Loading libc and executing functions from that
5 String interning
4 Exiting Python
3 inline unpacking is treated differently
2 virtualenv and venv
1 sys.getcounts


My collection of programming things I see on internet. Mostly python.


Language:Python 100.0%