aras62 / PIE

Annotations for Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset

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Calibration not working?

lukeN86 opened this issue · comments


i'm trying to use to calibration information provided with the dataset, but I cannot get good correspondence between coordinates in the world space and the pixel space. I use the provided intrincis matrix, distortion coffecients and for camera rotation I use the pitch of 10 degrees (nothing else is provided with the data).

I am using the below code which should draw horizontal lines in what should be the distance of 5 meters, 10 meters, etc, but as you can see the lines distances are way off - the first line is 5 meters away, but in the image is very close to the car.

What is even more worrying is that these drawn lines should converge to the vanishing point (the left edge of the lines should correspond to the world coordinates of [X=0, Y=0, Z=Inf] ), but this point in the pixel space seems to be higher and lot more to the left that where it actually is. Am I missing something here?


import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def world_points_to_pixel_space(keypoints_3d, proj_mat):
    keypoints_3d_hom = np.hstack([keypoints_3d, np.ones((keypoints_3d.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)])
    keypoints_hom =, keypoints_3d_hom.T).T
    keypoints = np.vstack([keypoints_hom[:, 0] / keypoints_hom[:, 2], keypoints_hom[:, 1] / keypoints_hom[:, 2]]).T
    return keypoints

#Load calibration details
calib = {"cam_height_mm": 1270, "cam_pitch_deg": -10, "dim": [1920, 1080], "K": [[1004.8374471951423, 0.0, 960.1025514993675], [0.0, 1004.3912782107128, 573.5538287373604], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], "D": [[-0.02748054291929438], [-0.007055051080370751], [-0.039625194298025156], [0.019310795479533783]]}
mtx = np.array(calib['K'])
cam_height = np.array(calib['cam_height_mm']) / 1000.
distCoeffs = np.array(calib['D'])
h, w = (1080, 1920)
pitch = calib['cam_pitch_deg'] * math.pi / 180.

#Load image
image_path = '$PIE_PATH/images/set01/video_0002/04951.png'
img_data = cv2.imread(image_path)
img_data = cv2.cvtColor(img_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

#Undistort image
newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, distCoeffs, (w, h), 0, (w, h), centerPrincipalPoint=True)
img_data = cv2.undistort(img_data, mtx, distCoeffs, None, newcameramtx)

# Get projection matrix as K * R
K = np.hstack([newcameramtx, np.zeros((3, 1))])
rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(pitch), -np.sin(pitch), 0], [0, np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
proj_mat = np.matmul(K, rot)

# Draw lines on the road which are 2 meters wide, with left edge in the center of the camera (X = 0m)
line_width_in_meters = 2
for distance in range(5, 200, 5):
    points_3d = np.asarray([[0, cam_height, distance], [line_width_in_meters,  cam_height, distance]], dtype='float32')
    points_pixel = world_points_to_pixel_space(points_3d, proj_mat).astype(np.int32)
    cv2.line(img_data, tuple(points_pixel[0, :]), tuple(points_pixel[1, :]), (255, 0, 0), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

    if distance <= 15:
        cv2.putText(img_data, '{}m'.format(distance), tuple(points_pixel[1,:]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0))


Hi Luke,

Thanks for using our dataset. We did our best to generate calibration data as best as we can. Unfortunately, so far we have used the information in some experimental code. As a result, I cannot make any definitive comments on how well it works.
On a different note, however, based on the image you posted, I don't think the 5 meters mark is too off. One way to confirm that can be to measure the size of a known object in the scene and calculate the distance based on its actual size.


Hi Amir,

thank you for a prompt reply!

Could you maybe comment about which elements of the calibration data are definitely correct and which you are perhaps not as sure about? 😉

For example, it seems to me that the intrinsics (K matrix) seem reasonable, but the extrinsics = camera rotation is probably a bit more than 10 degrees, and there also seem to be some rotation around the X axis. And not sure about the distortion coefficients?

Thank you

Hi Lukas,

Once again, I cannot give a definitive answer. I guess the external parameters are more prone to error given that we used the dashcam to record. We kept the position of the camera fixed all the time and used proper tools to measure angles. However, there is a possibility that the position of the camera be altered a bit because of some bump or a whole on the road. I don't, however, think that is significant.

@lukeN86 Hi Lukas,
I compute the intrinsics matrix using your script and the results is [[1065.29876, 0.0, 959.5], [0.0, 1064.82575, 539.5], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]. Have you test this? Thank you.

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