aramboi / ropython-meetup-26-feb-2019

RoPython Cluj Meetup - 26 Feb. 2019

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RoPython Cluj Meetup - 26 Feb. 2019

Deploying your Python apps using Dokku and Digital Ocean

Presentation description:

How to deploy your very own PaaS on a Digital Ocean droplet using Dokku ( a Docker powered "poor mans" mini Heroku bash script. +Demo: setup a simple Python app and deploy it using git (and if we have time automate this using Gitlab CI/CD).

  1. Create a new droplet using the One-click apps option and choosing Dokku 0.xx.xx on 18.04. This shortcut should autocomplete most of the options you need. (NOTE: while the smallest 1GB instance should be enough to get you started, I recommend going with the at least a 2GB droplet later on).

  2. Add the A DNS record to point a (sub)domain to your new droplet IP address (ex.

  3. Access the domain in a browser and you should be presented with the initial Dokku instance setup (as seen in this image). Press Finish setup after making changes.

  4. Connect to the Dokku instance to do some additional updates:

# On the Dokku host
# Update the dokku repo keys as they are outdated on the one-click apps
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
# Do additional setup you might need (ex.: apt-get install fail2ban)
  1. Install PostgreSQL and Let's Encrypt Dokku plugins (full plugin list here:
# On the Dokku host
$ sudo dokku plugin:install
$ sudo dokku plugin:install
$ dokku plugin
  1. Create a helloworld Dokku app where we will deploy our project and a database for the app to use:
# On the Dokku host
$ dokku apps:create helloworld
# Creating the database container
$ dokku postgres:create helloworld-db
# Link the database to the app
$ dokku postgres:link helloworld-db helloworld
# Check the postgres plugin set the app environment config values for the database connection
$ dokku config helloworld
# Check that the app subdomain vhost was created and assigned to the app
$ dokku domains:report
  1. On you local machine create a project directory and install Django in a virtual env using pip or pipenv, then:
# On your local machine
# This will create a new Django project based on a Heroku open-source template
$ django-admin startproject --template= --name=Procfile helloworld
$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
  1. In order to deploy the above project we have to add the Dokku host as a git remote:
# On your local machine
# The user must be `dokku` otherwise it won't work. Also, the string after `:` must be the name of the Dokku app created earlier
$ git remote add dokku
# Deploy the app
$ git push dokku master
# We should be able to access the project at at this point
  1. As a final step, we can get the project to be served over HTTPS using a Let's Encrypt certificate:
# On the Dokku host
$ dokku letsencrypt helloworld
# We should be able to access the project at at this point
  1. Profit!


RoPython Cluj Meetup - 26 Feb. 2019