Scripts to config and install Augoor System in clients, The objetive is provide installation over Kubernetes for AWS, Azure, and GCP Clouds
- Create corresponding infrastructure as per provider
- Install RabbitMQ
- Create a file with all of your custom values in examples/my-values.yaml
- Install the Helm Chart as follows
cd helm
helm install my-release augoor . -f ../examples/my-values.yaml --namespace [augoor-k8s-namespace | augoor-openshift-project]
The installation does have 3 main stages:
- Infrastructure Prerequisites
- RabbitMQ installation
- Service deployment
- internet access from the cluster to download models from
Node Group General services:
Provider Type of instances Quantity Disk GPU Support AWS t3.xlarge 2~3 120 GB Not needed Azure Standard_D3_v2 2~3 120 GB Not needed GCP e2-standard-4 2~3 120 GB Not needed -
Node Group with GPU (Elastic Scaling):
Provider Type of instances Scale Min Scale Max Disk GPU Support AWS g5.4xlarge 0 >=1 180 GB Needed: Amazon EKS optimized accelerated AMI Azure Standard_NC4as_T4_v 0 >=1 180 GB Needed: AKS GPU image enabled GCP n1-standard-8 + 1 GPU NVIDIA V100 0 >=1 180 GB Needed: Install NVIDIA GPU drivers automatically or manually -
Additional requirement
- The nodes need support for GPU, Azure, and GCP are included by default AWS requires GPU Optimized AMI.
- The nodes need open communication in port 8080 from ALBs.
- The nodes need open TCP communication between nodes.
- The nodes need open TCP port 5432 communication with the postgres DB
- AutoScaling ebnabled in the cluster.
- for AWS [Cluster Autoscaler] ( Installed
- for Azure [Enable Autoscaler] ( in the cluster
- In the case of AWS EFS CSI Driver Installed
- In the case of GCP Filestore CSI Driver Installed
An NFS mount point in the following services:
Provider Service Gb/s Config AWS EFS 0.5 General Purpose/Elastic Throuput Azure Storage Account 0.5 File Storage/File Share NFS GCP Filestore instance 0.5
A PostgreSQL database in the following services:
Provider Service Type AWS RDS db.t3.micro Azure Azure Database Standard_B1ms GCP Cloud SQL db-g1-small
- Rabbit MQ Installed
IMPORTANT: This is a suggested infrastructure to create a PoC only, please check with your infrastructure team for Production environment
Please follow RabbitMQ installation guide before to continue
Service deployment is being done by Augoor Helm Chart. This chart bootstrap an Augoor deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. This chart bootstrap an Augoor deployment on a OpenShift cluster using the Helm package manager.
Check Install RabbitMQ in the corresponding configuration for the provider
Make sure the following Secrets have been created in RABBIT_MQ Namespace:
- rabbitmq-ca
- tls-secret
Make sure the following Config Maps have been created in Augoor Namespace:
- cacerts
- server.crt
- The Parameters section lists the parameters that should be configured during installation. In the examples/ directory you can find some common examples
- After the creation of
Augoor is ready to be install as follows:
To install the chart with the release name my-release
cd helm
helm install my-release augoor -f ../examples/my-values.yaml --namespace [augoor-k8s-namespace | augoor-openshift-project]
To uninstall/delete the my-release
helm delete my-release
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
Name | Description | Value |
JSON WEB Tokens private key. See JWT Configurarion section | "" |
JSON WEB Tokens public key. See JWT Configurarion section | "" |
global.appurl |
Application URL's full domain only. i.e. | "" |
global.cipherPassphrase |
Some passphrase for encrypt messages between Auth and CodeProcessor | "" |
global.certificateArn |
Only for AWS. A valid ARN certificate for the ingress ALB | "" |
global.googleCertificateName |
Only for GCP. A valid certificate Name for the ingress ALB | "" |
global.googleStaticIPName |
Only for GCP. A valid reserverd IP Name for the ingress ALB | "" |
global.cloudProvider |
Cloud Provider. The value can be either of: aws, azure, gcp or minikube | "" |
global.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | "" |
global.containerRepository |
Global Docker image repository, e.g:$containerRepository/image:tag | "serenity" |
global.customDomainProvider |
Needed if the Provider does have a custom domain instead of [github/gitlab/etc].com | "" |
global.environment |
Environment for the deployment | prod |
global.nodeGroupCPU |
Kubernetes Node group for general services. Not needed for OpenShift | "" |
global.nodeGroupGPU |
Kubernetes Node group with GPU. Not needed for OpenShift | "" |
global.postgresqlServer |
PostgreSQL server to connect to | "" |
global.postgresqlPort |
Port to connect to PostgreSQL server | 5432 |
global.queuePass |
Password for the user above. Check augoor-user-credentials Secret in RabbitMQ Namespace |
"" |
global.queuePort |
Port to connect to RabbitMQ service | 5671 |
global.queueServer |
Deployed RabbitMQ service. eg: rabbitmq-cluster.rabbit-namespace.svc | "" |
global.queueTLS |
Whether to use TLS to encrypt RabbitMQ or not | true |
global.queueTLSstring |
Whether to use TLS to encrypt RabbitMQ or not using as values "0" or "1" |
"1" |
global.queueUser |
User for RabbitMQ. Generated in the Configuration Steps | "" |
global.sonarUrl |
URL used for SonarQube connection | "http://sonarqube:9000" |
global.sonarPassword |
Password for SonarQube Admin user. Sonar Default will be changed during helm install | "" |
global.sonarUser |
Admin user for SonarQube | admin |
global.vaultEnabled |
Enable Vault | false |
global.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in Augoor container | /augoor |
global.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | "" |
global.ScmDomainProvider |
Pair values separated by : , where the first value is the repo provider and the second one is the hostname of the repo provider. It can be more than one pair defined, just separate it with a comma , . Repo Provider values supported: "github" , "gitlab" , "azure" , "bitbucket" . Some examples: "" , "" , "," |
"" |
global.sftpServer |
SFTP server url to connect to (needed for download model binaries for inference) | "" |
global.sftpUser |
SFTP user for connect to server | "" |
global.sshKeyPath |
Path of SSH key needed for connect to SFTP server | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
sharedIngress.securityGroups |
comma separated list of AWS security Groups for the ALB. eg: [sg-####] | [] |
sharedIngress.subnets |
comma separated list of AWS subnets id for the ALB. eg: [subnet-####,subnet-####] | [] |
Required Parameters:
Name | Description | Value |
auth.flywayUser |
PostgreSQL DB admin user. | "" |
auth.flywayPassword |
Password for the PostgreSQL DB admin user | "" |
auth.postgresqlPassword |
Password for augooruser PostgreSQL user |
"" |
auth.reposProvider |
List of repositories to be used by Augoor. See reposProvider section | [] |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
auth.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Auth service | True |
auth.environment |
Environment for the deployment | `` |
auth.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
auth.postgresqlServer |
PostgreSQL server to connect to | `` |
auth.postgresqlPort |
Port to connect to PostgreSQL server | `` |
Required Parameters:
Name | Description | Value |
codeprocessor.foreFrontServer |
ForeFront URL service | "" |
codeprocessor.foreFrontApiKey |
ForeFront API Key | "" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
codeprocessor.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Code Processor service | True |
codeprocessor.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
codeprocessor.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
codeprocessor.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in codeprocessor container | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
context.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Context service | True |
context.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
context.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
context.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in context container | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
contextassistant.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Context service | True |
contextassistant.openAIKey |
Open AI API KEY is needed for the context-assistant to work | "" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
forefrontproxy.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Index service | True |
forefrontproxy.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
indexer.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Index service | True |
indexer.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
indexer.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
indexer.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in indexer container | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
jobstarter.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Index service | True |
jobstarter.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
jobstarter.maxReplicas |
Maximum quantity of GPU instances to be created. Please check your GPU Node group configuration | "1" |
jobstarter.sleepBetweenEvaluation |
Seconds the job-starte will wait before getting a new message count of the Queue | "30" |
jobstarter.serviceTriggerThershold |
Value limit to reach to trigger a model-inference job creation, with AVG metric: 1 or more messages will trigger a inference job creation | "0" |
jobstarter.metric |
Metric used for calculate if a new job need to be created can be "AVG" ,"SPEED" ,"MIN" ,"MAX" |
"AVG" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
modelinference.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Inference service | True |
modelinference.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
modelinference.environment |
Environment for the deployment | `` |
modelinference.inactivityTimeout |
Seconds the application will wait for new message in the queue before shutdown pod | 300 |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
search.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Search service | True |
search.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
search.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
search.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in search container | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
semanticonversation.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Semantic Conversation service | True |
semanticconversation.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
search.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
search.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in search container | `` |
Required Parameters:
Name | Description | Value |
sonarqube.postgresqlUser |
User for sonarqube database |
"" |
sonarqube.postgresqlPassword |
Password for above user | "" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
sonarqube.enabled |
Set to True for deploying SonarQube Community service | False |
sonarqube.environment |
Environment for the deployment | `` |
sonarqube.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
sonarqube.postgresqlServer |
PostgreSQL server to connect to | `` |
sonarqube.postgresqlPort |
Port to connect to PostgreSQL server | `` |
Environmental variables description:
Name | Description | Value |
spider.sonarMaxRetry |
Max amount of retries to connect into Sonarqube API. | "30" |
spider.sonarRetrySleepInterval |
Seconds to wait between every retry to connect to Sonarqube API after an analysis. | "30" |
spider.snQueueContext |
Queue name for spider publisher. | "sn.spider" |
spider.rabbitQueue |
RabbitMQ queue name for spider consumer. | "sn.context" |
spider.experimental |
Activate or deactivate experimental features such as assistantdatabase enqueue message. | "0" |
spider.reconnectionDelay |
Retries amount to reconnect to RabbitMQ queue. | "5" |
spider.csaStrategy |
Enable the strategy to be used on health/code smells metadata generation. Supported values: "SONAR_COMMUNITY" ,"SONAR_ENTERPRISE" , "PMD" , "COBOL" , "DISABLED" . Concatenate with a comma , to activate more than one ("PMD,COBOL" ). Use "DISABLED" to deactivate step. |
"" |
spider.dependencyGraph |
Enable the strategy to be used on dependencies metadata generation. Supported values: "EMERGE" , "COBOL" , "DISABLED" . Concatenate with a comma , to activate more than one ("EMERGE,COBOL" ). Use "DISABLED" to deactivate step. |
"" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
spider.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Spider service | True |
spider.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
spider.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
spider.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in spider container | `` |
spider.bitbucketToken |
BitBucket personal token. Only used if Auth failed to get one | `` |
spider.azureToken |
BitBucket personal token. Only used if Auth failed to get one | `` |
spider.githubComToken |
BitBucket personal token. Only used if Auth failed to get one | `` |
spider.githubCorpToken |
BitBucket personal token. Only used if Auth failed to get one | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
structureindexer.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Structure Indexer service | True |
structureindexer.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
structureretrieval.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying Structure Retrieval service | True |
structureretrieval.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
Required Parameters IMPORTANT: For OpenShift Only:
Name | Description | Value |
ui.useServiceAccount |
It will use the already generated augoor-ui-sa with root privileges |
true |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
ui.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying UI service | True |
ui.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
Required Parameters
Name | Description | Value |
assistantdatabase.reconnectionDelay |
Retries to re-connect to queue | "5" |
assistantdatabase.rabbitQueue |
RabbitMQ queue name | "" |
assistantdatabase.getCommitDays |
Amount of days to consider to extract Git metadata | "2000" |
Optional Parameters, if set, will override the corresponding global.value:
Name | Description | Value |
assistantdatabase.enabled |
Set to False for not deploying assistantdatabase service | True |
assistantdatabase.containerRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | `` |
assistantdatabase.volumeServer |
NFS server to connect to | `` |
assistantdatabase.volumeRootPath |
NFS Root Path for mounting the directories in assistantdatabase container | `` |
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard RFC 7519 that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -noout -out /tmp/my.key.pem
# Extracts PKCS8 private key
global.JWT_PRIVATE_KEY=`openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in /tmp/my.key.pem`
# Extracts public key
global.JWT_PUBLIC_KEY=`openssl ec -in /tmp/my.key.pem -pubout`
rm /tmp/my.key.pem
Here you can have a list of repositories and their OAuth 2.0 attributes. for instance:
if you want to add a GitHub repository:
documentation about how to create Auth App in GitHub here
- name: github
admins: user1,user2
# defaultRole: only if admins is not present can be used to make every user by default admin with the value ROLE_ADMIN
clientId: Client ID from OAuth Apps
clientSecret: Client Secret from OAuth Apps
userAttr: login
clientName: GitHub
scope: read:user,repo
type: GITHUB
if you want to add an Azure repository:
documentation about how to create OAuth 2 web Application in Azure DevOps here
- name: azure
admins: username1,username2
# defaultRole: only if admins is not present can be used to make every user by default admin with the value ROLE_ADMIN
clientId: APP ID from Authorizations
clientSecret: Client Secret from Authorizations
userAttr: login
clientName: Azure repos
scope: vso.code,vso.project
And, of course, both repositories
- name: github
admins: user1,user2
clientId: Client ID from OAuth Apps
clientSecret: Secret from OAuth Apps
userAttr: login
clientName: GitHub
scope: read:user,repo
type: GITHUB
- name: azure
admins: username1,username2
clientId: APP ID from Authorizations
clientSecret: Client Secret from Authorizations
userAttr: login
clientName: Azure repos
scope: vso.code,vso.project
if you want to add a GitLab SaaS repository:
documentation to create user-owned application in gitlab here
- name: gitlab
url: ""
admins: user1,user2
clientId: Application ID from Applications
clientSecret: Client Secret from Secret field
userAttr: username
clientName: GitLab
scope: read_user,read_api,read_repository
type: GITLAB
if you want to add a GitLab self-managed repository:
- name: gitlab
type: GITLAB
url: "url of your installation of gitlab"
admins: user1,user2
clientId: Application ID from Applications
clientSecret: Client Secret from Secret field
userAttr: username
clientName: GitLab
scope: read_user,read_api,read_repository