Ashwin Rajnish's repositories
Analysis and visualization of the gender wage gap dataset from OECD using MySQL, the PyMySQL and Pandas modules from Python, and Jupyter Notebook.
The official C++ client API for PostgreSQL.
A header-only C++20 port of the C-based bloom filter implementation, inspired by the concurrent RingDB project. C++ brings the power of template parameters and C++20 guarantees conditions for their values to be defined at compile time.
My modern C++ implementations of a lock-free ring buffer for both SPSC and MPSC with minimal memory orders, icache load, and cache coherence, as well as optimized arithmetic and elimination of false sharing, for maximum efficiency. The writer is in fact wait-free in the SPSC case.
A full stack web app for a mock online shopping company.
My repository for CS 23200 at PFW.
A collection of various ML or data-related projects that I have completed since January 2021, when I began studying machine learning by taking CS 446 and other related classes at UIUC.