aragon / community

Organizing Aragon community efforts in an accessible, collaborative format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The purpose of this repo is to track suggested changes to Aragon community infrastructure.

Some examples of the kind of issues that are appropriate for this repo:

  • Suggesting a change to the rules of the Aragon subreddit
  • Suggesting the implementation of a new bot in Aragon Chat
  • Suggesting a new channel in Aragon Chat
  • Suggesting a new use for the Aragon YouTube channel
  • Suggesting we use a new tool instead of something we already use (such as alternative to GitHub)

And any other change that you can think of that you don't have power to do directly that touches the infrastructure that the Aragon community uses to collaborate. This repo is your outlet for sharing those ideas and track progress on implementing them.

How to contribute

To make suggestions or propose an idea that you want to work on, create a new issue so we can discuss your idea, provide feedback, suggest changes, and point out any similar ideas that others might be working on. You can also create "meta-issues" in this repo to suggest changes to the repo and the community collaboration process itself. Please ensure that your issues and pull requests are well-commented and documented so others can easily understand what you are asking or proposing.

Sometimes GitHub isn't the best place to have nuanced discussion about an issue. So after you create your issue, you can optionally start a thread with the same title as your issue in the Aragon Forum under the Community category. Put a link to the issue in the first post of the thread with a prompt to start a discussion. Then you can share the link to the forum thread in other places to attract attention to the discussion and draw more people in to help and have a productive conversation, hopefully leading to the resolution of your issue. Once your issue is resolved, both the forum thread and the issue on GitHub can be closed.


Basic knowledge of GitHub is required to contribute to this repo. A beginner's guide to contributing to open-source projects on GitHub can be found here. For most contributions, just knowing how to create an issue is enough to participate.

You should also be familiar with the history and scope of the Aragon project - or at least the part of the project that you're interested in working on - so you can get started without having to ask too many questions. Although if any clarification is needed, we love questions! You can find information about Aragon in the Aragon wiki.

Code of Conduct

All Aragon community contributors are expected to follow the Aragon Community Code of Conduct. The code of conduct will change so please review it from time to time for any changes you might have missed. Instructions for reporting violations of the code of conduct can be found at the bottom of the code of conduct document.


All contributions made to the aragon/community repo are to be released under the CC0 1.0 Universal License. Major contributions should be accompanied by the below copyright waiver, preferably digitally signed with a PGP key associated with your account. If you do not include this waiver with your contribution, you may be asked by a repo maintainer to include this waiver with your contribution before it can be accepted. Please submit your copyright waiver as a pull request to the copyright_waivers folder in this repo.

Copyright waiver for

I dedicate any and all copyright interest in this content to the public domain. I make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of my heirs and successors. I intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this content under copyright law.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, my contributions are either originally authored by me or are derived from prior works which I have verified are also in the public domain and are not subject to claims of copyright by other parties.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, no individual, business, organization, government, or other entity has any copyright interest in my contributions, and I affirm that I will not make contributions that are otherwise encumbered.


Organizing Aragon community efforts in an accessible, collaborative format
