arafatamim / rescript-these

An "either-or-both" monadic type implementation in ReScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An "either-or-both" monadic type implementation in ReScript. This can be thought of as an "inclusive-or" type (as opposed to Result's "exclusive-or"), which can be used to represent the result of a computation that can fail, succeed, or do both at the same time.

The data type is defined as:

type These.t<'a, 'b> = This('a) | That('b) | These('a, 'b)

This package provides various useful helper functions for transforming and querying the contained values.


npm install rescript-these

Next, update the bs-dependencies key in your bsconfig.json to include rescript-these.


open These

let result = This("Hello")

// pattern matching
switch result {
  | This(data) => Js.log(data)
  | That(error) => Js.log(error)
  | These(data, error) => Js.log2(data, error)

// transform the contained value
let mapped = result->These.mapThis(data => data ++ " World!") // This("Hello World!")

// chain the result of one computation with that of the next one
let chain = result->These.flatMapThis(this => These(this, "Got error!")) // These("Hello World!", "Some Error!")


API documentation is available at


MIT Licensed. See LICENSE file.

External links

  1. fp-ts - These
  2. joneshf/elm-these
  3. purescript-contrib/purescript-these


An "either-or-both" monadic type implementation in ReScript.

License:MIT License


Language:ReScript 100.0%