apu314 / apu314.com

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API & Front(SSR) Dockerized (Nginx, Certbot, nuxtjs)

Build Setup

1) First of all you will need to uncomment the proxy and certbot services from the root docker-compose.production.yml file and also comment out the following lines like this:

#    external:
#      name: nginx_web

2) Then we allow execution permission to init-letsencrypt.sh and execute it. This will create our dummy certificates for nginx to be able to be executed later.

## Install dummy certs to start nginx without problems.
$ chmod 0755 init-letsencrypt.sh and 
$ ./init-letsencrypt.sh production email domain www.domain

3) Stop the services created by our last execution.

## Stop the services specifying a docker-compose file and not removing volumes 
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

4) We're going to deploy our application.

First, we need to redo the changes done at step 1.

We do this because when executing init-letsencrypt.sh by the first time, we only need to execute nginx and certbot containers with a network called web. And now we want to create a network inside web called nginx_web that connects our proxy container with nuxtjs container.

Once done, we can proceed.

So we're executing docker-compose up from the docker-compose file inside nginx folder and then from the root.

## Run proxy (Nginx) and certbot containers firstly.
$ cd nginx/
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up --build -d
$ cd ..
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml up --build -d

That's all folks!

REMEMBER TO SET THE CORRESPONDING DNS (Cloudflare, Google Cloud DNS, etc.). If not it won't run

Useful Docker commands

## Show running containers (optional: -l -a).
$ docker ps

## Check Nginx configuration for correct syntax.
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker container exec proxy nginx -t

## Reload Nginx inside coker container.
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker container exec proxy nginx -s reload

Stop commands:

## Stop proxy service (recommended use because using docker-compose).
$ cd nginx
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

## Stop nuxtjs service (recommended use because using docker-compose).
## In Root folder of the project launch the following:
$ sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml down

## Stop container (not recomended).
$ sudo docker stop [CONTAINER_NAME]

## Remove container.
$ sudo docker rm [CONTAINER_NAME]

Remove all stopped containers and not used volumes, networks, images without at least one container associated to them and all build cache

$ sudo docker system prune -a --volumes   

Get changes from git repo.

$ git pull https://github.com/apu314/apu314.com.git 



License:MIT License


Language:PHP 72.7%Language:Vue 14.7%Language:JavaScript 6.7%Language:Shell 3.1%Language:Blade 2.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Stylus 0.1%