apsolut-archive / decom-wp-cli

Decom useful wp cli commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

decom wp cli

icon of windows icon of awesome


List of things

Regenerate thumbnails

wp media regenerate --yes - this will regenerate all thumbnails (sizes)

Empty things:

wp site empty --yes - this will remove all posts, pages, media and comments


wp plugin activate PLUGINNAME

wp plugin deactivate --all - this will deactivate all plugins

wp plugin delete PLUGINNAME


wp theme activate wp theme list

Search and Replace

wp search-replace 'http://TEST.xyz' 'https://TEST.com' --skip-columns=guid

To Explore

wp --skip-plugins

wp --prompt

wp --post create --from-post=123

wp plugin deactivate --all


Decom useful wp cli commands