apriorit / FindIDL

CMake module for building IDL files with MIDL and generating CLR DLL using Tlbimp

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CMake module for building IDL files with MIDL and generating CLR DLL using Tlbimp.


IDL is used for creating COM servers. Unfortunately CMake has a limited support for IDL, so this module comes to rescue. The Type Library Importer (Tlbimp) converts the type definitions found within a COM type library (TLB) into equivalent definitions in a common language runtime assembly. The output of Tlbimp.exe is a binary file (an assembly) that contains runtime metadata for the types defined within the original type library.


  • CMake 3.0 or higher
  • MIDL compiler
  • Tlbimp.exe (optional)



Add FindIDL to the module search path and call find_package:

find_package(IDL REQUIRED)

FindIDL will search for midl.exe and tlbimp.exe


Takes two arguments: the name of the target project and idl file.

add_idl(<name> source)


  • <name> - name of the target project
  • source - full path to idl file


add_idl(GreeterIDL Greeter.idl)

The function does the same work as MIDL, specifically generates files:

  • Greeter_i.h
  • Greeter_i.c
  • Greeter_p.c
  • Greeter.tlb

To use the generated files the idl project should be linked as following

target_link_libraries(Main GreeterIDL)

add_idl() with tlbimp

Takes four arguments: the name of the target project, idl file, TLBIMP flag and the name of the tlbimp target.

add_idl(<name> source TLBIMP <tlbimp name>)


  • <name> - name of the target project
  • source - full path to idl file
  • TLBIMP - flag to indicate to run tlbimp
  • <tlbimp name> - name of the tlbimp target


add_idl(GreeterIDLWithTLBIMP Greeter.idl TLBIMP GreeterInterop)

The function does the same work as MIDL and tlbimp.exe, specifically generates files:

  • Greeter_i.h
  • Greeter_i.c
  • Greeter_p.c
  • Greeter.tlb
  • GreeterInterop.dll

To use the generated files the idl project should be linked as following

target_link_libraries(MainCpp GreeterIDL)

Or if you want to use the file generated by tlbimp:

target_link_libraries(MainCsharp GreeterInterop)

MIDL flags

To specify additional command-line options for midl set MIDL_FLAGS variabe.

set(MIDL_FLAGS /target NT60) # avoid MIDL2455 error

TLBIMP flags

To specify additional command-line options for tlbimp set TLBIMP_FLAGS variabe.

set(TLBIMP_FLAGS /silence:3002) # importing a type library into a platform agnostic assembly


Take a look at the samples folder to see how to use FindIDL.


Apriorit released FindIDL under the OSI-approved 3-clause BSD license. You can freely use it in your commercial or opensource software.

Version History

Version 1.0.2 (15 Aug 2019)


Version 1.0.1 (08 Aug 2019)

  • New: Add tlbimp

Version 1.0.0 (26 Oct 2018)

  • Initial public release


CMake module for building IDL files with MIDL and generating CLR DLL using Tlbimp

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:CMake 100.0%