aprilmaccydee / puushproxy

A proxy for puush, requires no external database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

puush proxy
A proxy for puush, requires no external database

This proxy allows you to upload screenshots captured with puush to your own server.
Check http://puush.me for more information on puush.
This is a fork of https://github.com/mave/puushproxy without requiring MongoDB, and uses it's own embedded database
 (using Node Embedded Database - nedb)
 * Node.js v0.4.12 or higher (+ npm) --- http://www.nodejs.org
 * formidable --- npm install formidable
 * mime --- npm install mime
 * nedb --- npm install nedb

 Check the 'configuration' section of app.js.
 Set 'registerEnabled' to true when you're going to register an account via http://host:port/register
 Don't forget to create your upload directory and make writable.
 You might want to use 'forever' (npm install forever -g) to keep the proxy alive as long as possible.

in puush:
 Edit %appdata%\puush\puush.ini:
   ProxyServer = ip
   ProxyPort = port

 This software intercepts all requests to the original puush API and does *not* forward them.
 You have to create an account using the registration interface (http://host:port/register).


A proxy for puush, requires no external database


Language:JavaScript 100.0%