apreshill / apreshill

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

I am a behavioral scientist + former professor turned data scientist + professional educator turned product manager, which makes perfect sense once you get to know me. You might already be familiar with my public work:

➵ I was the first PM of Data Science Communication @ Posit (née RStudio), where I significantly upgraded the user experience for an ecosystem of >15 open-source software packages (~40k daily downloads)
➵ I made tidymodels.org and other widely used "websites as welcome mats" (reaching >100k users per week)
➵ I developed & taught an online data science course "Working with data in the tidyverse" (>26k students)
➵ I co-developed palmerpenguins (>32k code mentions on GitHub since 2020)
➵ I co-wrote the book on building websites with R Markdown
➵ I've taught over 15 public data science workshops, including 3 posit::conf 2-day events with 100+ participants (open source materials for all workshops are here: https://www.apreshill.com/categories/workshop/)
➵ I have given technical keynote talks across the globe – in Australia, Canada, Latin America, and the U.S.
