appvia / at-demo-azure-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This simple app allows demonstrating the use of a cloud resource from a Wayfinder application.

To use, apply the cloud resource plan to your instance of Wayfinder:

wf apply -f ./.wayfinder/cloudresourceplan.yaml

Then in your workspace, apply the app:

wf use workspace proj1
wf apply -f ./.wayfinder/app.yaml

Create an app environment as needed then deploy, setting CLUSTERNAME to an existing cluster (or tweak to use a plan instead and create a new cluster):

wf create appenv --app testapp -c CLUSTERNAME -e test -s nonprod
wf deploy component testapp test --component store --wait-for-ready 2m
wf deploy component testapp test --component test --wait-for-ready 3m



Language:JavaScript 90.7%Language:Makefile 4.9%Language:Dockerfile 4.4%