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TOEIC Speaking Study Memo

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TOEIC Speaking

TOEIC Speaking Test Result :

  • Intermediate High (Score 150)
toeic speaking result

Q1 ~ 2

지문 읽기

  • 발음 연습

    • reached 뤼이ㅊㅌ (장모음, ea는 길게 끌어주며 발음 되어야함)

      • ex) watched 워ㅊㅌ / changed 췌엔ㅊㅌ
    • temperatures : 템펄쳘스

    • ever wanted to : 에버 워니 투

    • increase 명 : /인크리스, 동 : \인/크리스

    • We'll 윌

    • modern 마더얼언

    • women's attire (''위민스'' 어타이어)

    • comfortable 컨ㅍ타블 (or 발음을 빼도 됨)

    • reserv/a-tion

    • aisle. (아일 s가 빠짐!)

      • sword 솔드, fasten 빼쓴
    • 3음절 이상의 단어들은 강세가 제각각인 경우가 많습니다.

  • 강세

    • Why ~~~~ ? 일때는 마지막에 내리는게 자연스럽다.
  • 끊어 읽기!

    • 마침표와 쉼표 뒤에서 끊어줍니다.
      • This weekend, we are hosting a citywide dance competition.
    • 접속사, 혹은 관계사 앞에서 끊어줍니다.
      • we apologize for the delay and thank you for your understanding.
    • 주어가 5음절 이상일 때 주어 뒤에서 끊어줍니다. (주어가 길어지면 끊어 읽는것도 생각해본다.)
      • trains for all subway lines will run between nine A.M. to four P.M. only.
    • A, B, and/or C 구조에서 정확하게 끊어주세요.
      • we will tour the rainforest, woodland, and wetland areas.
    • 구 앞이나 절 앞에서 끊어주세요.
      • We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • 의문문 억양 살려 읽기!

    • be동사, 조동사로 시작하는 의문문은 끝을 올리기

      • Would everyone please take their seats?

      • is there everyone?

    • 의문사로 시작하는 의문문은 끝을 내리기

  • 어휘

    • rainforests 열대우림.

Q3 ~ 4

사진 묘사하기

Q 3~4 Template

  • This picture was taken on(at) a 장소

  • What I notice first is 인물1, 행동 ing

  • 인물1 is wearing casual clothes

  • Next to 인물1, 인물2 is 행동 ing

  • And 인물2 has ~~~

  • In the background / on the left / on the right

    • there are trees with plenty of branches
    • there are buildings with lots of windows
  • (바깥일 경우)

    • The weather is sunny, and very good for outdoor activities.
    • The weather is cloudy, but very good for outdoor activiities.
  • 느낌

    • Overall, the picture looks calm and peaceful.
    • Overall, the picture looks lively and energetic.
  • 마무리

    • and it gives me positive feelings
    • generally, it seems like some friends are having fun shopping together.
  • 외형 설명하기 (has 와 사용)

    • blond hair (금발 머리)
    • long, curly hair (긴 곱슬 머리)
    • gray hair (회색 머리)
    • a ponytail (말머리)
    • a hat (모자)
    • a beard (턱수염)

문제 풀기

  • (L15-3) 부엌 주위에 있는 사람들

    • This picture was taken in a kitchen
    • What i notice first is five people around the kitchen counter. on the left, a man is cooking, opposite him, three people are seated with some food in front of them.
    • Also, there is a woman pouring wine(불가산 명사) into a glass.
    • in the background, I can see dining area next to a white stairway.
    • also, there are lots of pictures hanging on the wall.
    • Overall, it seems like some friends are having fun together.
  • (L15-4) 열차 옆에서 뭔가 하는 두 사람

    • This picture was taken at a train station.
    • What I notice first is two people standing on the platform. a woman wearing a hat and sunglasses, holding a smartphone.
    • next to her, a man looking at the(이미 언급된 걸 지칭할때는 the를 사용) smartphone is wearing casual clothes.
    • beside them, I can see train on the track.
    • in the distance(in the background), a sign is showing(saying) the number 6.
    • it seems like they are waiting for the train.
  • (L14-3) 사무실에서 대화하는 직원 2명

    • This picture was taken in an office.
    • What i notice is two people sitting across from each other, and talking to each other.
      • they are wearing black formal suits.
    • on the desk, on laptop, open book, documents can be seen.
    • behind the woman, a plant and a rectangular pillar(직사각형 기둥) with a picture on it.
    • overall, it seems like two people are having a meeting.
  • (L14-4) 야외에서 줄을서서 기다리는 사람들

    • This picture was taken at a bus station. (outdoors)
    • What i notice first is five people standing in a line, waiting for the bus.
    • brown-haird man in the front is wearking a gray suit with blue tie. and using his phone.
    • everyone behind him, they are wearing casual clothes.
    • in the background, there are orange buses passing by.
    • overall, it seems like many people waiting for the bus.
      • it looks like a typical scene at a bus stop.
  • (L13-3) 분수대 앞의 아빠와 아들

    • This picture was taken in front of a fountain. (outdoors)

    • What i notice first is two people sitting on the fountain and they are wearing jeans. the boy is sitting on the man's lap

    • across the fountain(in the background), I can see a group of people and a white building

    • in the background, there're some trees with pleny of branches

    • the weather is sunny, and very good for outdoor activities. and this picture looks lively and energetic. it gives me positive feelings.

  • (L13-4) 부엌에서 일을하고 있는 요리사들

    • This picture was taken in a kitchen.
    • What i notice first is five chefs in white uniforms.
      • some are wearing black hats, while others are wearing white hats.
    • on counters, vegitables and some sauce bottles can be seen.
    • at the top of the picture cooking utencils(tools) hanging from above
    • Overall, it looks like all the chefs are busy preparing food. (food는 불가산이기 때문에 foods로 쓰면 안됨!)
  • (L12-3) 나무와 사람이 있는 길가

    • This picture was taken in a viliage (outdoors)
      • potted plants, flowers, three people, empty chair
    • What I notice first is big tree with flowers and plenty of leaves next to the brick road.
    • on the left side of the picture, there are some wooden chairs with blue covers
    • and there are standing board and potted plants on the right.
    • in the distance(in the background), three people are walking along the road.
    • generally, this picture looks calm and peaceful, and it gives me positive feelings.
  • (L12-4) 실내에서 청소를 하고 있는 사람들

    • This picture was taken at an office.
    • What i notice first is three people cleaning the office. they are wearing blue aprons. and yellow rubber gloves.
    • on the left, a man is vacuuming the floor.
    • on the right, a woman is wiping a monitor on a desk.
    • and another woman is cleaning the window.
    • I can see the outside through the window.
    • overall, this picture looks lively and energetic and it gives me positive feelings.
  • (L11-3) 나무에 아이와 엄마 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken outdoors
    • what i notice first is a woman wearing heavy clothes(hats and gloves). she is walking with her two son. one of them is holding mother's hand.
    • in the background there're some trees with plenty of branches and fallen leaves covering the ground. also, i can see playground
    • generally it seems like a chily winter day.
  • (L11-4) 클래스룸에서 공부하는 애들과 선생님 (여러 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • this picture was taken at a classroom.
    • what i notice first is a man who looks like a teach pointing at a student. he is wearing casual clothes in front of a white board.
    • in front of him, there is a woman rasing her hand.
    • and there are many students looking at teacher. and there are laptops and tablet computers.
    • overall, it seems like the people are paying attention.
  • (L10-3) 차에서 봉투를 꺼내는 몇몇 사람들 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken in(at) a parking lot
    • What I notice first is three people loading some plastic bags into the back of the vehicle.
    • one of them is holding a plastic bag and other man is standing behind a shopping cart.
    • next to him, there's a women wearing sunglasses.
    • in the background of the picture, the parking lot seems to be empty.
    • Generally, it seems like some people have just finished grocery shopping.
  • (L10-4) 카페에서 뭔가 하는 사람들 사진 (여러사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken at a cafe(coffee shop)
    • What i notice first is a man with short curly hair and headphones on.
      • He is listening to something and using laptop computer.
      • on the table, there are a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.
    • behind him, there's a waitress serving coffee to another customer, who is focused on something.
    • generally, it seems like a typical scene at a coffee shop.
  • (L9-3) 거리, 배경이나 사물이 중심인 사진

    • This picture was taken at a plaza in am old town (at a street, outdoors)
    • what i notice first is building on the right side of the picture in front of the building, wooden tables and chairs can be seen.
    • in the background of the picture, there are many buildings with lots of windows. also, there's a big bell tower.
    • there are some pedestrians walking on the street
  • (L9-4) 실내 액자 걸이, 소수의 사람이 중심인 사진

    • This picture was taken indoors
    • What i notice first is a man wearing red checkered shirt and hanging a picture on the wall.
    • behind him, there's a woman in a blue checkered shirt helping the man
    • in the foreground of the picture, I can see white rug and green sofas(couches)
    • Overall, it seems like they are decorating the house.
  • 사무실 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken in a meeting room (indoors)
    • what I notice first is three people sitting at a table.
      • they all have a folder open in front of them.
    • two women(위민) has long brown hair and one of them is drinking water.
    • in the background, I can see a small harbor through a big window.
    • it seems that the people are having a meeting at work
  • 실내 청소하는 남자 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken indoors(at a house)
    • What i notice first is a man with a white outfit and painting the wall.
    • behind him, a number of containers(통 들) are filled with paint and painting tools.
      • cleaning tools, cooking tools, painting tools.
    • left side of the picture, there are two ladders beside a big window
    • it seems that the one man is painting room.(it seems like the room is benig painted)
  • 길가

    • this picture was taken on a street
    • What I notice first is some people walking by on the street, and most of them are wearing summer clothes.
    • in the middle, there are many kind of items placed on the ground.
    • in the background, there are some tall trees with plenty of branches.
    • overall, the weather is sunny, and very good for outdoor activities.
      • Generally, it seems like a outdoor market in a small town.
  • 식당 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken at a restaurant.
    • what i notice first is a man with short blond hair handnig a check over to a waiter.
    • on the left side of him, I see two women, and they are both smiling
    • there are some beverages and foods placed on the table.
    • Overall, it seems like people are having a good time.
  • 휴게 장소

    • this picture was taken at a break room (at an office kitchen)
    • what i notice first is two people talking to each other.
    • a man wearing a black tie and a jacket is standing and holding a cup.
    • next to him, a woman with blond hair is holding some documents.
    • in the background, there are coffee machine and some food (displayed, placed, arranged) on a countertop.
    • overall, it seems like two coworkers are taking a break from work.
  • (실내 / 실외가 어딘지 묘사가 어려우면... indoors / outdoors)

    • This picture was taken indoors
    • what i notice first is woman listening to music. she is using tablet pc and sitting down on the long bench
      • she has her legs crossed.
    • next to her, there is a luggage cert with two bags inside
    • behind her, there is a wall with some electric outlets (충전기, consent X)
    • Generally, it seems she is passing her time watching something with her computer.
  • 공사 현장

    • This picture was taken at a construction site.
    • What i notice first is some men smoothing out cement on the ground
    • and other men are standing around the construction site. and wearing safety hats, work clothes.
    • right side of the picture, there is a construction vehicle havinig a loading shovel attached to it.
    • generally, it seems like the ground is being prepared for construction
    • the weather is sunny and very good for outdoor activities.
    • this picture looks lively and energetic. and it gives me positive feelings.
  • 마네킹 사무실 (소수의 사람이 중심인 사진)

    • This picture was taken indoors.
    • what i notice first is a man and a woman looking at a laptop. the woman is wearing a blue shirt and smiling.
    • on the table, there is a sewing machine with some thread and cotton fabric.
    • in the foreground and background of the picture, I see some 마네퀸 wearing clothes.
    • it appears that the man and woman are fashion designers.
    • overall, this picture looks calm and peaceful. it gives me positive feelings.
  • 캠핑 (at a camping site outdoors)

    • This photo was taken at a camping site.
    • What I notice first is a woman with short curly hair taking a picture. She is wearing checkerd shirt.
    • In front of her, a group of people are smiling at a camera. Behind them, I can see tents on the ground.
    • there are some trees with plenty of branches.
    • the weather is sunny and very good for outdoor activities.
    • generally, it appears that the campers are having a good time together.
    • and it gives me positive feeliings.
  • 식료품 점

    • This picture was taken at a grocery store.
    • What I notice first is a man holding a fridge handle. he has dark hair and a beard, and is wearing a blue jacket.
    • in front of him, there is a cart filled with some vegetables and fruit. In the distance(in the background), two people are also browsing the refrigerated foods section.
    • overall, this picture looks calm and peaceful. and it gives me positive feelings.
    • (Overall, it seems like a slow day at the store.)
  • 집앞 야외

    • This picture was taken outdoors.
    • What I notice first is a woman with short, blond hair. She is standing in the back of the truck and handing a box over to a man in front of her.
    • The man is reaching for the box (the man is taking the box.)
    • In the background, I can see another man in a red cap and a T-shirt holding a box in front of a house.
    • Overall, It appears that some peoples are moving some boxes in front of a house.
      • Overall The weather is sunny and very good for outdoor activities.
    • this picture looks calm and peaceful, and it gives me positive feelings.
  • 야자수 해변가

    • This picture was taken at a beach.
    • What i notice first is a wooden sofa with yellow cushions at the center.
    • The sofa is surrounded by big palm trees with plenty of leaves
    • in the background, there are several beach umbrellas and empty chairs.
    • in the distance, the blue sea water is shining in the sunlight.
    • Overall, The weather is sunny and very good for outdoor activities.
    • this picture looks calm and peacefull. and it gives me positive feelings.
  • words

    • fridge handle 냉장고 손잡이

    • fruit(불가산), vegitables(가산)

    • on both sides, : 사진 양 옆에는

    • foreground and background of the picture : 사진 앞/뒤에는

    • sewing machine 재봉틀

    • cotton fabric, thread : 면, 실

    • hiking sticks(하이킹용 지팡이), beard(턱수염)

    • (large, construction) vehicle : 특수차량, 명칭을 모르는 차량도 vehicle로 설명 할 수 있다!

    • dirt mountain (산더미의 흙)

    • checkerd shirt 체크무늬 셔츠

    • smiling at(for) the camera.

      • smiling to 는 안돼요.
    • Pennant banners, a string of colorful flags 삼각 깃발

사진 위치 묘사 팁

  • 좌 / 우상단 : At the top left / At the top right
  • 좌 / 우하단 : At the bottom left / At the bottom right
  • 좌 / 우 : On the left / right (side of the picture)
  • 배경 : in the background
  • 사진 앞 부분 : in the foreground

Q 5 ~7

하나의 주제에 대해 3개 질문에 답하기

  • 제목은 바로 직독 직해가 되어야 합니다.
  • 준비 시간은 각 3초, 마음의 준비를 할 시간 정도에 불과합니다.
  • 평가 기준 : 질문에 대하여 영어로 답변할 수 있는가?
  • 출제 경향 : 일상생활 25%, 취미/여가 39%, 제품(상점)/서비스 36%

5~7 번 Tip

  • Description 끝에서 미리 설문 주제 키워드가 주어짐. 이때 미리 짐작을 해볼 수 있음.
의문사 + 질문 표현 의 답 -> 질문 표현 + 의문사별 응답
  • 질문 표현의 you는 I로, your는 my로 바꾸어 말합니다.
  • Where do you usually buy your clothes?
    • I usually buy my clothes at a store near my home
  • How often do you exercise, and who do you exercise with?
    • I exercise twice a week, and I exercise with my friends. (because I'm very into that kind of stuff.)
  • Where do you duy your groceries?
    • I usually buy my groceries
      • at a store near my home / on the internet. / at a shopping mall.
  • How long have you lived in your area?
    • I have lived in my area
      • for about 6 months. / since 2010. / since I was young
  • When was the last time you went to an amusement park?
    • The last time I went to an amusement park was
      • last week. / two days ago / last summer / on my brother's birthday.
  • What do you usually use the internet for?
    • I usually use the internet for listening to music and using youtube app to relieve my stress of my daily routine.
  • What kind of TV programs do you enjoy watchnig?
    • I enjoy watching
      • reality shows / korean dramas / talk shows.

짦 템 (짦은 템플릿)

  • 답변 이후 추가로 말할 수 있는 내용 들
  • I can have so much fun + I can relieve my stress of my daily routine.

7번 핵심 표현

취미 / 여가 Template
  • 새로운 도시로 처음 여행을 간다면 어디를 가장 방문하고 싶나요?, 역사 관광지 / 쇼핑 지역 / 국립공원
    • if i were to visit a new city for the first time, i would visit historic attractions.
    • it gives me a chance to learn about the culture and history 문화의 역사에 대해 배울 수 있음
    • what I learn first-hand is usually more memorable. 직접 경험하는 것이 더 기억에 남아요.
  • 대도시와 교외 지역 중 어디로 주로 여행을 가나요?
    • I usually travel to large cities
    • they generally have better public transportation
    • they often have more things to enjoy like a wide range of food, shops, and activities.
  • 취미 활동을 단체로 하는 것의 장점은 무엇인가요?
    • it provides opportunities to meet new people and make new friends.
    • I can feel a sense of accomplishment by doing something together.
  • 영화를 고를 때 가장 많이 고려하는 것은 무엇인가요?
    • It tells me what to expect from the movie 영화에 대해 미리 알 수 있음
    • most movies with fascinating trailers turned out to be interesting. 예고편이 매력적인 대부분의 영화는 재미있었음
  • 수업을 고를 때 가장 중요하게 고려하는 것은 무엇인가요? 선생님의 경력 / 집으로 부터의 거리 / 수업(반) 크기
    • I don't want to waste too much time on traveling.
    • I can go there more often if it is within walking distance.
  • 음악을 들을 때 무엇을 사용하나요?
    • I can easily listen to music anytime and anywhere that i want. 언제 어디서나 음악을 들을 수 있음.
    • it can even analyze my playlist and recommend music i would like. 내가 좋아할 법한 음악을 추천함.
일상 생활 Template
  • 친구와 소통할 때 직접 만나서 대화하는 것과 문자하는 것 중 무엇을 더 선호하나요?
    • it allows me to communicate more often. 더 자주 연락할 수 있음
    • I can easily keep in touch with friends living abroad. 해외에 사는 친구와 쉽게 연락할 수 있음.
  • 다음 중 어떤 것을 친구에게 선물로 줄 건가요? 상품권, 악세사리, 전자기기
    • This allows them to buy whatever they want. 그들이 원하는 것을 살 수 있음
    • I wouldn't have to spend much time considering what I should buy. 무엇을 살지 고민하는 시간을 줄여 줌.
  • 친구의 추천과 인터넷 후기 중 주로 어디서 필요한 정보를 얻나요?
    • They are more trustworthy because they are based on actual experiences. 실제 경험에 기반하기에 더 믿을 수 있어요.
    • People who know me well tend to give the suggestions best suited to me. 나에게 가장 적합한 제안을 해줄 수 있음.
  • 주로 무엇을 하기 위해 인터넷을 사용하나요?
    • It's simple and easy (to use) because I can do it with just a few clicks. 간단하고 쉬움.
    • it's convenient since I don't have to visit many stores to compare prices. 가격 비교를 위해 많은 상점을 방문할 필요가 없어서 편리해요.
  • 당신이 거주하는 지역에 무엇이 더 필요하다고 생각하나요?
    • it provides a great place for people to get outside 활동할 수 있는 좋은 장소를 제공함
    • People can use the park to walk their dogs, ride their bikes, or enjoy a picnic with friends. 공원에서 다양한 활동을 할 수 있음.
  • 당신이 거주하는 지역이 쇼핑하기에 편리하다고 생각하나요?
    • There are a variety of shops in my neighborhood. 동네에 다양한 상점이 있음
    • There's a big department store and a grocery store within walking distance. 가까운 거리에 대형 백화점과 실품점이 있음.
  • 물건을 살 때 가장 중요하게 생각하는 것은 무엇인가요? 가격 / 브랜드 / 디자인
    • Well-known brands are more likely to offer high-quality goods. 고품질의 상품을 제공함
    • They often have better customer service 더 좋은 고객 서비스를 제공함
  • 서비스를 이용할 때, 광고 없는 서비스를 위해 추가비용을 지불할 의향이 있나요?
    • I don't want to spend too much money
    • I can sometimes get useful information from advertisements.
  • 가게를 방문할 때 가장 많이 고려하는 것은 무엇인가요? 다양한 제품 / 개장 시간 / 위치
    • There are more options to choose from. so it's easier to find products I like. 선택의 폭이 넓음
    • It's time-saving because I don't need to visit many stores to get what I want. 시간을 절약할 수 있음.
  • [유형 3] 만능 전략 & 지문 종류별 공략 & Check-up (p.56~67), ~48:06 까지 들음

낮은 가격을 선택하는 이유

  • I don't want to spend lots of money on ~~~, ~에 많은 돈을 쓰고 싶지는 않아요.
  • If I can save on ~~, I can spend more money on other important things!, ~애서 돈을 전약한다면, 다른 중요한 곳에 더 많은 돈을 쓸 수 있어요.
  • I have to consider finance all the time., 저는 항상 재정을 고려해야 해요.

특정 장소 특징을 설명할때

  • FEEL
  • facilities
    • sell various items
    • provide well-maintained facilities for ~~~
  • Employees
    • the staff members are very friendly
  • Environment
    • the environment is clean. so I can trust them.
  • Location
    • Usually, ~~~~ are located where people can easiliy access them.
    • around the city, which is very convenient.

질문에 대답을 바로 할 수 없을 때 말할 수 있는 템플릿

  • Well, it depends (on the situation. on what i'm making). 상황에 따라 달라요.
  • Well, I'm not quite sure, but.. 정확하게는 모르지만,
  • Well... 음...

혼자(alone) vs 함께(with others) 템플릿

혼자의 장점

  • I can fully concentrate on my work, become productive, and have a better outcome.
  • I can make all the decisions by myself.

함께의 장점

  • I can always share some ideas and opinions about ~~~
  • I like to have company. 옆에 누군가가 있는게 좋아요.

마지막 시간 있을때

  • personally, I'm very into that kind of stuff.

  • I can relieve the stress of my daily routine.

  • I can have a new experience and expand my view.

  • I can meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Yes .... for many reasons.




What are your plans for your next vacation, and who are you going with?

  • For my next vacation, I plan to go to the beach with my friends. we are going to swim and eat some fresh sea food with my friends. and i'm very into that kind of stuff.

how often do you go shopping for clothes, and when was the last time you bought clothes.

  • I go shopping for clothes about once or twice a month. the last time i bough clothes was last week. i bought some casual clothes with my mother. i'm very into that kind of stuff.

how often do you go to a convenience store, and where is the nearest one from your house?

  • I go to a convenience store about once or twice a day.
  • and the nearest one from my house is a block away. it takes about 10 minutes on foot. (it is located within a short walking distance)

What day of the week do you usually go to the library and at what time?

  • I normally go to the library on Saturdays, and I go in the morning before it gets busy.

When was the last time you traveled on a train, and where did you go?

  • The last time I traveled on a train was two weeks ago. I went to Busan for a weekend trip. (I went to Busan to meet my friend) I could relieve the stress of my daily routine.

How often do you use a navigation device? How long have you used it?

  • I use the navigation application about once or twice a week. I've used it since I started working. it gives me the me the most accurate directions whenever I am(I can use it whenever and wherever I want)

What was the last piece of furniture you bought, and when did you buy it? (furniture 는 불가산 명사로 s를 붙히지 않습니다.)

  • The last piece of furniture i bought was my green leather sofa. i bought it last month. it was a little expensive, but it's very nice
    • 색깔과 재질을 함께 표현할 수 있다.
      • green leather sofa
      • sand-colored wooden table
      • oak bookcase

What is the anniverary you have celebrated most recently, and how did you celebrate it?

  • The anniversary I have celebrated most recently is my younger brother's birthday. He turned 20, so I planned a surprise party and invited all of his friends.

When do you go to exhiibitions, and how much time do you spend at one when you go.

  • I go to exhibitions when there's is a science-related one in town. I like to take my time looking at the exhibits, so I usually spend about two hours at an exhibition.

How often do you go shopping for groceries, and where do you usually go?

  • I go shopping for groceries about once or twice a week. and I usually go department store near my house.

    • It takes about 5 minutes on foot. so I can save my time, and efforts.
    • I usually buy groceries online, because I can save time, and efforts by doing that.
  • Do most poeple have pets where you live? What types of pets are popular?

    • Yes, most poeple have pets where I live. Cats and dogs are popular types of pets in my area. I also have two cats.
  • If you wanted to get a pet, where would you go to get one?

    • If I wanted a pet, I would go to the animal shelter. They have dogs and cats that need a home. I would adopt one.
    • Animal shelters provide well-maintainied faciliities for animal. Also, the environment is clean. so I can trust them.
  • How often do you cook, and what type of food do you usually make?

    • I cook dinner for myself and family almost every evening, and i usually make Korean food.
    • Well, it depends on what I'm making. but on average, it takes about an hour (from start to finish.)
    • Well, on average, it takes about an hour from start to finish

How far? ... 은 거리에 관한 질문이다.

  • How far is the bus station from your house?

    • I think it takes 5 minutes to go to the bus station from my house
  • How far would you travel to go to a movie theater?

    • I'd probably travel up to an hour at most. I usually go to a movie theater near my house. it's located whthin a short walking distance. and i'm very into that kind of stuff.
      • it's just a block away. it takes about 10 minutes on foot. it's located within a short walking distance
  • How far are you willing to travel to visit a famous restaurant

    • I am willing to travel for an hour to visit a famous restaurant
  • 추가적으로...

    • It takes about 10 minutes on foot.
    • it is located within a short walking distance.
  • 혼자의 장점

    • I usually go to the movie alone. because I can fully concentrate on myself. also, I can make all the decisions by myself.
  • 함께의 장점

    • I can always share some ideas and opinions about ~, I like to have company (a 붙히면 안됨!)


That sounds nice. How far in advance do you usually plan your vacations?

  • I usually plan my trips about three weeks ahead of time. I try to book hotels and find some activities to do aty my destination in advance.
    • I book hotels and plan what to do when I get there.

Who do you usually go shopping with? Why?

  • I usually go shopping with my mother. she knows me very well. so, I can buy some clothes more effectively, and efficiently with my mother. and i'm very into that kind of stuff.
  • I usually go shopping alone. well, i love shopping alone, because I can fully concentrate on shopping. and I can look around the shopping malls as much as i want.

What do you normally buy at convenience stores?

  • I buy various items ranging from snacks to daily necessities that I forget to bring from home or unexpectedly need. sucj as socks.
  • I usually buy snacks such as sweets and beverages at a convenience stores. sometimes, i can buy that at a resonable prices there.

Do you think there should be a new library in your town? why or why not?

  • No I don't think we need to have another library in our town. there's a library with nice facitlities in my town. and it's just a block away to go there.

When you buy train tickets, do you prefer to buy them on the internet or at the station?

  • When I buy train tickets,. I prefer to buy them online. then, I can save my time, effort. and I can buy train tickets anytime and anywhere that I want. also,
  • Usually, you can easily access the train station anywhere in the city.

And where was the last place you went using a navigation device?

  • The last place I went using a navigation device was the seoul subway station. at that time I needed to find a restaurant to meet my friends.

If a new fitness center opened in your area, would you work out more often? Why or why not?

  • Yes, I'd work out more often if a new fitness center opened in my area close to my house. That's because having a gym close by would make it easier to find the time to exercise.

How do you get information about furniture?

  • I get information about furniture by looking on furniture dealers' Web sites. it's easy to compare products and prices that way.
    • I can save my, money and effort searching for the information

Do you prefer to celebrate anniversaries at home or somewhere else?

  • I prefer to celebrate anniversaries at home. This is because I can enjoy the house party without worrying about other people. Also, I can decide how to decorate my home and what to serve to guests.
  • I prefer to celebrate anniversaries in special locatioins rather than at home. This is because somewhere like a fancy restaurant can make the celebratioin more memorable.
    • personally, I am very into that kind of stuff.
    • I can relieve the stress of my daily routine.
    • I can have a new experience and expand my view
    • I can meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds

Would you ever go to the same exhibition twice?

  • Yes, I would go to the same exhibition twice. This is because sometimes I can see something new that I missed before. also, Personally, I'm very into that kind of stuff.

And what kind of things do you usually buy there?

  • I usually buy fruit and vegetables there. The fruit and vegetables there are fresh and are usually available at a reasonable price. I'm very into that kind of stuff.


What do you consider most when choosing a place for your vacation?

  • When I choose a place for my vacation, I consider the cost the most.

  • first of all, If i choose a place at a resonable prices, I can save my time, money and efforts to choose the place.

    • I don't want to spend lots of money on ~~~
    • If I can save on ~, I can spend more money on other important things!
    • I have to consider finance all the time.
  • also, I can do other things with my extra money.

  • so I can do many kinds of things when I get there. then, I can enjoy my time more effectively and efficiently.

  • so these are the reasons.

    • dim sum 만두

Do you think there should be more clothing stores where you live? Why or why not?

  • No, I don't think there should be some clothing stores where I live for many reasons.
  • because there's department store near my house. it's just a block away. and it takes 10 minutes on foot. also. there are many kinds of items in at department store. so I can buy something more effectively, and efficiently.
    • I only buy clothes from my favorite shops. They carry lots of items, and the quality of the clothes is pretty good. Also, the clothing stores are all located near my house. They are located within a short walking distance.
    • carry 운반하다, 취급하다.

Do you suggest that I go to a convenience store rather than to a supermarket?

  • Yes I recommend that you go to a convenience store rather than to a supermarket.
  • first, convenience store open everyday(24 / 7 도 가능). so I can buy items at a convenience store anytime and anywhere I want.
    • first, convenience stores usually open all day long, so you can even go there and grab(사는 것, purchase, buy) some snacks at two(새벽 2시) in the morning
  • also, somtimes, there are many kinds of discount events at a convenicne store. so I can buy something at a resonable prices. so these are the reasons.
    • secondly, convenience stores are located almost everywhere, so you can find one easily whenever you need one.

Which of the following is the most important in improving a library's services?

  • I think the most important thing for improving a library's services is to offer a greater selection of books.
  • first of all, if there is greate selection of books, I can get the information that I need from many books. so I can get the experience and expand my view more effectively, and efficiently.
    • people like to read books in a comfortable space.
    • children need a child-friendly environment to enjoy books.
  • However, it is not really ~
  • Also, I can solve many kinds of problems or situations from many kinds of books. so, I can fully concentrate on my work, become productive, and have a better outcome.
    • People can experience more than just reading books. it will attract more visitors.
  • so, these are the reasons.

I want to go shomewhere for vacation on a train, Can you recommend a destination for me?

  • Sure, I can recommend a destination for you trip. I think you should go to a 전주한옥마을. you can enjoy many kinds of thing, there are good places to take picture or eat delicious korean foods. and memorable guide tour events for korean history.

Do you think more people will use navigation devices in the future than they do now? Why or why not?

  • I think more people will use navigation devices in the future. This is because cities and roads will become larger and more complex. Navigation devices will be necessary to get around. Also, navigation devices are getting more accurate. so they will be easier to use in the future. (발전되기해 편해지는 이유로 참고하면 좋음)

Which of the following is the most important to you when choosing a gym to join?

  • Competent trainers, Monthly fees, Facilities

  • When I choose a gym to join, facilities are the most important to me. First, there should be enough machines because I don't want to wait long to use a machine.

  • the monthly fees are the most important to me. First, I don't want to spend lots of money on the monthly fees. If I can save on the fee, I can spend more money on other important things. such as healthy food. Also, I have to consider finance all the time. These are the reasons why I think a gym's monthly fees matter the most.

Do you prefer to buy furniture online or from an offline store? Why?

  • (online 장점)I prefer to but furniture online. First, since online shopping malls have more information about furniture than any other places, I don't have to look further to search for the information that I want. second, I can save time, money, effort purchasing furniture. plus, I don't have to carry heavy furniture by myself, since they provide delivery services, so, I think buying furniture online is a better way.

  • (offline 장점)I prefer to buy my furniture from offline stores. first, I want to see and feel the furniture before I buy it. second, offline stores usually deliver and assemble the furniture for me, which is very convenient. These are the reasons why I usually buy furniture from an offline store.

It's my mother's birthday soon. Do you suggest that I give her monty as a gift?

  • Yes, I suggest giving your mother money for her birthday. First, if you give her money, she can buy exactly what she wants with it. So, it'll be money well spent. Secondly, you can even go shopping with her. that way, you can have a shared experience too. these are the reasons why I think it's a good idea to give money to your mom for her birthday. also, I'm very into that kind of stuff.

What are some advantages of taking a guided tour at an exhibition?

  • There are some advantages of taking a guided tour over looking around an exhibition alone. First, the guide can make sure I won't miss any of the important exhibits. the guide can also give many information that I need. so I can get the information and expand my view more effectively and efficiently.

  • ... I prefer to go alone throughout the tour

  • Which factor do you consider the most when you go grocery shopping? (Price, Location, Selection of foods that are available)

    • When I go grocery shopping, I consider the price the most important factor. First, a low price lets me buy a large quantity without spending too much, so I can make more meals for my family. In addition, if I can save on groceries, I can spend more money on other important things! also, I have to consider finance all the time.
    • so these are my reasons.
      • I don't wanna spend lots of money on ~
  • What are some disadvantages of having pets?

    • Time, Money, Effort
    • There are some advantages of having pets. First, it helps reduce to stress of a dailiy routine. Cats and dogs make great companions. if you have pets at home, you will feel less lonely. Also, having pets helps people socialize. it is easy to start a conversation with someone who has pets, because you have a common interest.
    • There are some disadvantages of having pets. First, pets take up your time. You need to play with them. give them bathes, and clean up after them. Second, pet are expensive. You need to pay for their food and also their medicine if they get sick. These are just some of the disadvantages of having pets.
  • I'd like to learn how to cook. Do you have suggestions about where I can learn?

      1. Yes, I suggest you use the internet to find good recipes.
    • First, I would recommend searching online for good recipes, There are many Web sites with detailed recipes that you can download for free.
    • In addition, you should watch videos of people cooking similar types of food.
    • This is the fastest way of learning new recipes. So, I definitely think you can learn how to cook online.
    • (You will definitely save lots of time, money and effort.)
      1. I recommend you read a cookbook. First, many celebrity chefs share their special recipes in the book.
    • Also, there are many tips and secrets to make the food taste better!
      1. I suggest that you learn from people around you.
    • First, you can easily follow the steps, and they will teach you how to cook the meal thoroughly.
    • Also, you can have a good time with your family and friends while cooking together.

store opens day and night

  • 상점이 하루종일 열어요.

Q8 ~ 10

표 보고 질문에 답하기


  • 고객이 선택한 사항에 대해서 설명할 때
    • You will stay at, ~에서 묵게 될 거에요.
    • You will get ..., ~를 받게 될 거에요.
    • You have selected..., ~를 선택하셨습니다.
  • 월 앞에는 in, 날짜 on


When am i going to the Architecture and Design Expo, and when does it end?

  • You are going to the Architecture and Design Expo at 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday. and it ends at 4:30 P.M.

I heard that you offer a hiking trip. When is this trip, and how much is it?

  • the hiking trips is every day from monday to friday. it start at 8:30 A.M. and cost 10 dollars per person.

When do I need to sign up by, and what do i need to bring to the seminar?

  • You need to register by June 15, and you have to bring a photo ID for check-in.

When will you be accepting volunteers, and who do i contact about signing up?

  • We will be accepting volunteer applications from September 10 to the 17. and you can contact Norah Willis to sign up/

What 's the first product scheduled to be released in May?

  • the first product to be released in May is Univers 33 which is mobile phone. it will be released on May 26th. do you want more details about it?

I heard that there is an awards and recognitions session scheduled. is that correct?

  • unforntunately, you have a wrong information. The Awards and Recognitions Session scheduled for Outstanding Emplyee of the Month has been cancelled. do you want more details about it?

Who will give the presentation, and what will it be about?

  • The presentation will be given by Alanis Campbell. it will be a case study on successful sales strategies at 5:00P.M.

What time are we arriving in Paris and what time do we check in a t the hotel?

  • We will be arriving at 9:00 a.m. in Paris by Air France 383. and We will check in at the Grand Hotel at 11:00 a.m.

What time is the first interview and what is the name of the applicant?

  • The first interview is at 9:30 A.M. the applicant's name is ~~ and he is applying for the position of junior editor.

Could you tell me what time the center open and closes?

  • The center opens at 9:00a.m. and closes at 9:00p.m. It is open from Monday to Saturday

When and where will the conference be held?

  • The online marketing conference will be held from July 10 to July 11 at the Knigsgate Conference Center.

you have the wrong information. The special event, a meet-and-greet, is planned for after The Blossom's show. do you want more details about it?

  • The picnic will be held on August 23rd, and the first event, Coctails and Catch-Up" will start at 11 a.m

When is my ..

  • You will take a flight to Toronto on October 30th at 9:00 A.M. and the flight number if 578.


(hard) If I'm not mistaken, I'm transferring in Dallas on my way back to Atlanta, right?

  • Actually, no. You are flying directly from Los Angeles to Atlanta on American Airlines fight TF 897. You depart at 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 4, and arrive at 9:00 P.M.
  • Actually, no You will dapart Los Angeles with American Airlines TF 897 at 5:00P.M on Wednessday, September 4, and you will arrive in Atlanta at 9:00 P.M. do you want more details about it?

I'm interested ini the cooking class. But I heard that I have to pay extra for ingredients. is that correct?

  • No, you have the wrong information. The cost of ingredients is included in the price of the class, which is $25 per person.

I'm not planning on bringing my car there. How can I get to the venue?

  • A shuttle will be provided to and from the hotel. it will leave every half hour between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M.
  • You can get to the venue by taking a shuttle from the hotel. There is a shuttle every half hour between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M.

I want to invite my friend and family to come to the fair. What date does it open to the public?

  • The county fair opens for visitors on October 2. If you have any questions about that, you can contact Janice Walter,

To be Determined인 상품이 곧 출시된다고 알고 있을때

  • No, you have the wrong information. Sound ZM actually doesn't have a release date. because, it has not yet been determined.

I have to do some work during my stay. Will I be able to send e-mails from my room?

  • Yes. You will be able to send e-amils. The hotel has Wi-Fi in all the guest rooms.

I header that there are two applicants who have more than 10 years of experience in their field.

  • I'm sorry, but you have the wrong information. only Nicole Baxter has more than 10 years. She has 11 years and 7 months of experience. She is applying for the web content executive position at 3:30 P.M.

Do I have to bring my own lunch?

  • Lunch is included in the fee. and lunch time is at 12:00 PM on July 10.

  • No, actually you don't. Lunch will be provided. The price is included in the conference fee.

I heard that I'll be going to the orchestra concert on Sunday. Is that right?

  • I'm sorry, but that information is incorrect. The orchestra concert is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st. it will start at 7PM.


월요일 오후, 로스 엔젤레스 토착 후에 어떤 스케쥴이 있나요?

  • Sure, I can tell you the details of Monday afternoon's schedule after you arrive. First, you will attend a lecture at the LA Design Meseum at 3:00 P.M. and then at 6:00P.M., you will have dinner will Frank Arnold, the interior designer. (do you want more details about it?)

무료 이벤트가 무엇이 있나요?

  • There are two free activities you are looking for.
  • first activity is Campfire at the Beach at 7:30 P.M. from Friday to Sunday.
  • second activity is Movie Night at 8:30 P.M. Every Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Sure, I can recommend two free activities. First, the campfire at the beach is free. This is held at 7:30 P.M. on Firdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Second, we also have movie nights at 8:30 P.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These are the activities you can enjoy for free at our resort.

9월 25일 이후에 일을 도울 수 있어요. 뭘 해야 할까요?

  • 9월 26일 이후의 내용을 설명
    • there are three events you are looking for.
    • from ~ to ~, we are going to V(you can help with ~ ing)

april에 release 되는 상품 들이 뭐에요?

  • there are two mobile phones. First U3 will be released on the 3rd, and Royal 07 comes out on the 16th. Also, we are going to release a tablet PC called WindPad 4 on the 34rd. These are all the products to be released in April

I work with Tommy Owen. Can you tell me what he is in charge of during the meeting?

  • There are two events you are looking for. the first agenda is Marketing Project Update at 3:20 P.M. and he wiil talk about Purpose and Goals, Specific Strategies, and Customer Responses. Second agenda is Sales Review at 4:30 P.M. by Tommy Owen. do you want more details about it?

I'm interested in history and art, and i"d love to visit some museums. Are we planning to visit any?

  • We will go to the Louvre Museum at 1:00 p.m. on the first day. On the second day, we will go to the Rodin Museum at 10:00 a.m,

We urgently need a new marketing manager. Can you giive me all the details about the applicants for the marketing manager position?

  • There are two applicants for the marketing manager position. At 1:30 P.M., Mason Woodcock is interviewing for the position. He has 6 years of experience. And at 4:30 P.M. Julie Hartman is also interviewing for that position. She has 4 years and 9 months of experience.

There are two bands available for booking in October. The first is Team Cloud. They will be playing on October 8 and 9. The second is The Eleventh Star. They will perform on October 15 and 16. You can book tickets for either of them. Do you want more details about it?

  • Sure, you can take your children with you to the picnic. Family members, including children, are welcome.

Can you let me know what I'll be doing on the second day of my trip?

  • sure. first, you will attent a sales traning workshop at 9:30 AM. and the workshop will take pplace at the JT distributors headquarters.
  • After that, you will go on a factory tour at the JT manufacturing center, which willl be held at 1P.M.
  • Finally, the last event of the second day is a sales team meeting at 4 P.M., which will take place at the Hilltop hotel conference center.


For employees, do you think it is better to communicate with work colleagues in person or via e-mail? Support your answer with reasons or examples.

  • I think it is better to communicate with work colleagues via e-mail for many reasons.
  • First of all, if i use the email, I can communicate with work colleagues anytime, and anywhere that I want. so, I can save my time, efforst to communicate with them.
    • sending e-mails is more convenient for both the sender and the receiver. To be specific, a person may be in the middle of something important and complicated, and if i go to speak to hime or her in person, I could disturb him or her. But if I send an e-mail, the recipient can view it when it is convenient for him or her.
    • employees can share some ideas and opinions immediately and continue to communicate.
    • employees acn express their feelings better by using facial expressions and body language. which helps them understand each other better.
    • employees can engage in the conversation better and value each other's opinions. 직 원들은 좀 더 대화에 적극적으로 참여하고, 서로의 의견을 더 존중합니다.
  • However, it is not really possible when I think about the other options.
  • also, I think, this is what really matters now. society tells employees to communicate with work colleagues with email. but most employees don't follow that. so, to increase their productivity, it is getting more and more important I think.
    • it's easier to share a lot of information at once through e-mail because I can attach multiple files.
  • also, we can share some ideas or opinions more effectively, and efficiently with email.
    • Also, e-mails are an effective way to keep track of information exchanged.
  • so, these are the reasons.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most effective method of educating childrens to teach them one-on-one.

  • I agree that The most effective method of educatinig chilidrens to teach them one-on-one for many reasons.
  • first of all, if we educate childrens to teach them one-on-one, they can fully concentrate on their work, become productive, and have a better outcome. with their teacher.
    • children will concentrate on their learning, become productive, and have a better outcome.
    • also, chilidren will ask questions and share some ideas and opinions freely.
  • however, it is not really possible when i think about other options,
  • also, I think, this is what really matters now. society tells parents to their children one-on-one. but most parents don't follow that. so it is getting more and more important i think.
  • teaching them one-on-one is very important. it have positive effects on children. but they are not fully developed mentally and physically. so they need care and control from their teacher.
  • so, these are the reasons.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employee satisfaction is vital to a company's success, Use specific ideas and examples to support you opinion.

  • I agree that Employee satisfaction is vital to a company's success for many reasons.

  • 더 높은 직원 만족은 더 높은 생산성을 의미함 -> 만족한 직원들은 회사를 위해 열심히 일하도록 더 동기 부여 됨

    • first of all, higher employee satisfaction means higher productivity. satisfied employees are more motivated to work hard for their company. so overall work efficiency will increase.
  • 행복한 직원들은 그들의 회사에 더 오래 머무를 것이며 이는 회사에 도움이 됨 -> 회사는 항상 신입 사원들을 교육하는 것에 돈과 시간을 쓸 필요가 없을 것임.

    • secondly, happy workers will stay at their company longer, which helps the company. then, company won't constantly have to spend money and time traning new employees.

Do you agree and disagree with the following statement? The best way for a manager to evaluate an employee is through assessing their work attitude.

  • I agree that the ~ work attitude for many reasons.
  • first, as a employ. the employee with good work attitude usually makes good performaces. they usually knows i don't know. so I can get the information that i need from them more effectively, and efficienty.
    • Employees who are enthusiastic usually bring positive energy to the team.
    • Employees with a positive attitude usually have excellent work performance.
  • however it is not really ~~ options.
  • also, i think, this is what really matters now. society tells people to get a good attitude but most employees don't follow that so it is getting more and more important i think to imporve PS skills and develop self decipline.
  • And not just me, but most people think that ~ is way better. so these are the reasons.

When you make new friends, what characteristic do you consider the Most? Reliability, Humor, Generosity.

  • I think that humor is the most important characteristic in a new friend for many reasons.

  • first, humorous person is usually positive. so they can make any situation better by finding humor in a bad situation. so, they can save the problem more effectively, and efficiently.

  • However, it is not really possible when i think about other options.

  • also, I think this is what really matters now. society tells people to be a humorous people but most people don't follow that. so it's getting more and more important i think.

  • and not just me, but most people think that, to incraese life quality, to be humorous people is good solution. so these are the reasons.

  • 유머러스한 사람은 긍정적이기도 함 -> 좋지 않은 상황에서도 유머를 찾음으로써 어떤 상황이든 나아지게 할 수 있음

    • A humorous person is also positive. so, they can make any situation better by finding humor in a bad situation.
  • 다른 사람들을 편안하게 만들 수 있음 -> 나를 웃게 할 수 있고, 친구들과 함께 웃는 것은 스트레스를 해소하는 좋은 방법임.

    • also, they can make others feel relaxed. good atmosphere.
    • they can make me laugh, where I talk will them, I can relieve the stress of my daily routine.

What are some advantages of living in the same town for a long time?

  • 이웃과 가까운 친구가 됨 -> 이웃과의 긴밀한 유대를 발전 시켜 가족처럼 됨
    • people who live in the same town for a long time become close friend with their neighbors. then people can live their life more effectively, and efficiently.
    • and they can increase their life satisfaction.
  • 주변을 더 잘 앎
  • I think that there are a couple of advantages to living in the same town for a long time. First of all, people who live in the same town for a long time become close friends with their neighbors. To be specific, they usually develop close bonds with them and become like a family. Everyone helps each other when needed. Secondly, people who live in the same place for a long time know the area better. for instance(for example), they know where the best restaurants are and what stores have the best deals. This can help to save time and money. Therefore, ....

과중한 업무가 힘들게 할까요? 새로운 상사가 힘들게 할까요?

  • I think getting a new boss is more challenging than getting a heavier workload for a few reasons. it takes time to build a relationship with new boss. so I can't get the information that I need easier from new boss. they usuall know things i don't know but I can't ask somethings before getting along with him. also, I think, this is what really matters now. society tells company not to change boss quickly. but most company don't follow that. so it is getting more and more important I think to imporve the empoyee's productivities. Any Not just me, but most people think that, to work well, changing boss frequently is not the solution, so, these are my reasons.

  • I think getting a heavier workload is more challenging than getting a new boss for a few reasons. First of all, If my workload is heavy, I might have to stay at work longer. To be specific, I would have trouble staying focused, and I couldn't do them fast enough to finish them on time. This means that I would have less time to spend with my family or friends. Secondly, a heavier workload would stress me out more. For example, when I have more work to do, I become responsible for more things. As a result, I need to worry about many things at once. and that makes me tried and anxious. Therefore,....

Q Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For new employees, it is more important to get acquainted with colleagues and supervisors than to do anything else.

  • I agree that it is more important for new employees to get acquainted with colleagues and supervisors than to do anything else.
  • as a new employees, if i am get familiar with them, I can get the information that I need more easily, they usually know things I don't know. so their opinion is very important for me.
  • however, it is not really possible when i think about other options.
  • also, i think this is what really matters now. society tells new employees to get familiar with their supervisor. but most employees don't follow that. so it's getting more and more important I think.
  • and not just me, ~~
  • so these are the reasons.

직장 상사와 친해지면 장점

  • employees can work at a comfortable work atmosphere. in this kind of environment, they experience a lot less stress because they have a good relationship with their coworkers. 편안한 환경에서 일해서 스트레스를 낮출 수 있음
  • if the new employees get along with their coworkers, then they can increase productivity. the new employees can learn more when they have a good relationship with others. because they can ask questions to their colleagues easily. 오히려 생산성을 높일 수 있음

Q(hard) What are the disadvantages of motivating elementary school students by giving them monetary rewards?

  • monetary rewards : 금전적 보상

이유 :

  • 동기부여가 무엇인지에 대한 잘못된 개념을 줌 -> 학생들은 그들의 윤리에 근거하여 옳은 일을 하는 방법을 배워야함
    • gives them the wrong idea about what motivation is
    • -> students need to learn how to do the right thing based on their morals.
  • 금전적 보상이 모든 문제의 해결책이라고 생각할 수 있음 -> 다른 사람들에게 돈을 주면서 문제를 해결하려고 할 수 있다.
    • may think monetary rewards are the best solution to all problems.
    • -> may try to solve all problems by giving other people money
  • I think that there are some disadvantages of motivating elementary school students by giving them money as a reward. First of all, giving money to young students to motivate them gives them the wrong idea about what motivation is. To be specific, students need to learn how to do the right thing based on their morals, (not because they will get a reward for doing it.) Secondly, young students may think monetary rewards are the best solution to all problems. For example, when they grow up, they may try to solve problems by giving other people money. Therefore, I think these are some disadvantages of giving monetary rewards to elementary students to motivate them.

I agree that young people should be well-informed about current event for a few reasons.

first of all, It helps young people decide their position on a specific issue. so they can decide their position more effectively, and efficiently. but, it's not really possible when I think about other options,

also, I think this is what really matters now. society tells young people to be well informed people about current event. but most young people don't follow that. so it's getting more and more important I think.

also, most people think that it is useful when they meet new people. because they can choose many topics to discuss with people.

so these are my reasons.

  • 시사 문제와 관련되는 질문 유형들
    • 정부가 비용이 들더라도 더 많은 친환경 대중교통 수단(eco-friendly public transportation)을 제공해야 한다는 것에 대해 동의하시나요?
    • 지금보다 더 강력한 재활용 관련 법안(recycling bill)이 도입되어야 한다는 것에 대해 찬성하시나요?
    • 학교에서 청소년들에게 더 건강한 음식 (healthier meals)를 제공하는 것은 어떤 이점이 있나요?

What are the advantages of studying alone compared to studying in a group?

Give reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

혼자 공부하는게 좋은 이유

  • There are the davantages of studying alone compared to studying in a group for many reasons.
  • First, if I study alone, I can concentrate on my work, become productive, and have a better outcome. So, I can do my work more effectively, and efficiently.
    • studying in a group can be distracting because there's often a sense of competition.
    • some people are more interested in showing off what they know than helping others, which can be annoying.
  • also, I think, this is what really matters now. society tells my students to study alone to concentrate on their work. but most student's don't follow that. so it's getting more and more important I think.
  • also, and not just me, but most people think that to concentrate on myself, studying alone is way better.
  • so these are my reasons.

함께 공부하는게 좋은 이유

  • There are more advantages of studying in a group.
  • I can always share some thoughts and opinions on the subject with others. Other people can come up with ideas that I didn't think of.
  • I like having company because I can be motivated by others with many information.


Q5~7 템플릿

직접 물건 구매의 장점 (인터넷 쇼핑의 단점)

  • I can physically inspect or try on the items before purchasing them. 구매 전에 직접 찾아보거나 입어볼 수 있어요.

  • I don't have to wait for the delivery, and I don't have to pay extra delivery fees. 배송을 기다리지 않아도 됩니다. 배송료를 낼 필요가 없습니다.

  • it is much easier to get money refunded or exchanged at the local store. 환불이나 교환이 훨씬 쉽습니다.

온라인의 장점

  • I can save my time, money and effort when ~ (or ~~ing ~~)

  • I can get the many information that I need from online more efficiently and effectively in my home

서론 템플릿

Do you agree or disagree 로 시작할 경우 :

  • I agree that / I disagree that (의견 문장 그대로 읽기!) for many reasons.

문제에서 일반동사 (prefer ~ / consider ~ / think ~)가 보이면 : 옵션을 "일반 동사" 바로 뒤에 넣고 읽습니다.

  • I prefer to V for many reasons. / I consider ~~~ for many reasons.

문제에서 is가 보이면 : 옵션을 be 동사 is 바로 앞에 넣고 읽습니다.

  • I think ~ is the most important ~ for many reasons


  • There are many advantages of + V ing

본론 템플릿

First, as a employee, If I ~ it is good to ~

So I can V more conveniently / easily / effectively / efficiently / succesfully

However, it is not really possible when i think about other options

Also, ~ (사회 / 집중 / 향상 / 정보 / 경험 / 이해 / people 템플릿!)

And not just me but most people think that ~ is very important (is way better)

So, these are my reasons.

본론 템플릿 모음

공통 템플릿

  • ​ 직장 / 교육 / 일상 여러가지 상황에서 적용할 수 있는 템플릿입니다.

사회 템플릿

Also, I think this is what really matters now. society tells people to V. but most people don't follow that. So, it's getting more and more important i think.

집중 템플릿

If ~, I can fully concentrate on my work, become productive, and have a better outcome.

향상 템플릿

If ~, I can improve my problem-solving skills. Also, I can develop self-discipline(자제력) So, I think they are the most essential part of my life and career.

  • 향상 템플릿에 사용 가능한 어휘들
    • problem-solving skills 문제해결 능력
    • self-discipline. 자제력
    • responsibilities 책임감
    • creativities 창의력
    • leadership 리더십
    • confidence 자신감
    • knowledge in ~, ~에 대한 지식
    • cooperation skills, 협동심
    • my social skills and communication skills, 사회성과 소통능력

일상 템플릿

  • 직장 외에도 일상에서 일어나는 여러가지 주제를 다룹니다.

정보 템플릿

If ~, I can get the information / that I need. also, They usually know things I don't know. so their opinions is very important to me.

  • ex) I can get the information that I need. They usually know things I don't know, so their opinion is very important to me.

경험 템플릿

(I can have lots of experience / ~~ have lots of experience). And well, experience is very important, because people with experience can solve the problems better and help others better.

  • ex) If I work overtime, I can have lots of experience. Well, experience is very important. because people with experience can solve the problems better, help others better.

이해 템플릿

(N) understand me, and know me very well. For example, my personality, strength and weakness.

  • ex) My family members understand me and know me very well, For example, my personality, strength, and weakness.


I can have a new experience and expand my view. Also, I can meet many people and improve my social skills and communication skills.

  • ex) (If I work at foreign countries), I can meet many people and improve my social skills and communication skills. It is the most essential part of my life and career.

기타 템플릿

  • 추가로 암기하면 다양한 질문에 조금 더 구체적으로 답변이 가능합니다.

동기 템플릿

If (S + V), people will get inspiration and motivation to follow that as well. so more people will (V).

  • ex) If (companies are protecting the environment), people will get inspiration and motivatiion to follow that as well. So more people will protect the environment.

아동 템플릿

(N) is very important. I think it has positive / negative effects on children. they are not fully developed mentally, and physically. So, they need care and control from their parents and adults.

N은 아동에게 매우 좋은 / 안 좋은 영향을 미칩니다. 아이들은 정서적으로 모두 성장하지 않아서, 보호와 조절이 필요합니다.

  • ex) Having a role model is very important. I think it has positive effects on children't behaviors. children are not fully developed both mentally and physically. So, they still need care and control of parents and adults.

환경 템플릿

(N) is very important for the environments. keeping the nature is crucial to everyone. it is also good for the people.

  • ex) preserving the environment is crucial to everyone. it is not only beneficial for the environment, but also for the people.
  • 환경문제는 출제빈도가 매우 낮으나 난이도는 상당이 높기 때문에 시험보기 전 어떻게 말할 지 아이디어라도 준비하는게 좋다.

발음 팁

a, e, o 모음 두개가 이어지면 길게 끌어서 발음 한다.

  • please, cooperation

장소 설명 시

It is just a block away.

It takes about 10 minutes on foot.

it is located within a short walking distance.

It takes about 5 minutes from the bus station

시간 절약

I can save my time, money, and efforts

추가적으로 말할 수 있는 조미료 문장 리스트

Personally, I am very into that kind of stuff. 개인적으로, 저은 이런 것들을 좋아하는 편이에요.

I can relieve the stress of my daily routine 일상에서 받는 스트레스를 풀 수 있어요.

I can have new experience. and expand my view. 새로운 경험을 할 수 있고, 시야도 넓힐 수 있어요.

I can meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds. 다양한 문화적 배경을 가진 사람들을 만날 수 있습니다.

Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  • I agree that employees should not be required to work overtime for several reasons. First, emplyees experience a lot less stress when they go home on time.
  • To be specific, a heavy workload followed by working overtime thends to disrupt work-life balance. resulting in more stress on employees,
  • Secondly, working overtime doesn't mean higher work efficiency. First instance, more work means that there are more things to manage simultaneously.
  • so it's easier to lose track of tasks. For these reasons, I think employees should not be required to work overtime.

Employees should not be required to work overtime.

I agree that emplyees should not be required to work overtime for many reasons.

first, as a employee, if i don't work overtime, I will experience a lot less stress when I go home on time. and i can make my work more effectively and efficiently whenever I work.

and also i think this is what really matters now. society tells employees not to work overtime but most employees don't follow that. so it is getting more and more important I think

also. and not just me, but most people think that working overtime doesn't mean higher work efficiency.

Q. When you are lookiing for work, what are the advantages of finding information about jobs online? (online은 가능하면 장점 말하는게 유리, time, money, effort)

  • I think there are some advantages of finding information about jobs online when you are looking for work. for many reasons.
  • first of all, the latest information is available online. to be specific, people post everything on the Web because it communicates information the fastest and to the biggest number of people. So, it's the best way to get information about job openings.
  • Secondly, I can easily compare multiple job openings at the same time if I do my research online. For example, I can check the working conditions of different jobs side-by-side. and decide which is better for me before applying.
  • therefore, I think these are some of the advantages of finding job-related information online.

Which of the following is the MOST important quality for a customer service agent?

A customer service agent's job is to solve problems, so he or she needs to listen carefully.

if the agent is not paying attention, it will only make the situation worse.

listening itself could help resolve the situation. some times customers just want someone to listen to them

being friendly is the most essential part of being a customer service agent for many reasons.

then, customers. will also be nice to the employees.

  • exaggerated 과장된
    • some of the information is exaggerated 몇몇 정보는 과장되어있어요.


TOEIC Speaking Study Memo