apple2373 / wbc-benchmark

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White Blood Cell Classification under Domain Shift

If you find the code useful, please consider citing the following paper:

  • Satoshi Tsutsui, Zhengyang Su, and Bihan Wen. (2023). Benchmarking White Blood Cell Classification Under Domain Shift. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP).
	author = {Satoshi Tsutsui and Zhengyang Su and Bihan Wen},
	booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
	month = {06},
	title = {Benchmarking White Blood Cell Classification Under Domain Shift},
	year = {2023}

Dataset Preparation


  • We used python version 3.8.
  • We used CUDA version 11.6
  • see requirements.txt.
    • We use pytorch with version 1.12.1.
    • We use torchvision with version 0.13.1.
    • We use timm with version 0.6.11.
  • We used miniconda. The following commands should do the job.
     conda create -y --name=wbc-benchmark python=3.8
     conda activate wbc-benchmark
     pip install numpy==1.23.1 pandas==1.5.0 Pillow==9.3.0 tqdm==4.64.1
     conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
     # pip install torch==1.12.1+cu116 torchvision==0.13.1+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url # if conda is too slow...
     pip install timm==0.6.11
  • The exact enviroment we use is see environment.yml.


  • See python3 --help for details.
  • By default, it will train on RaabinWBC dataset, and test on LISC dataset.
  • E.g., to train ResNet50 with Group Normalization
    • python3 --backbone resnet50_gn
  • E.g., to test on RabbinWBC Test A set.
    • python3 --backbone resnet50_gn --test-img-root ./data/RaabinWBC/TestA
  • Trained models can be tested on other datasets by feeding --epochs 0 --resume <path to pretrained model> --test-img-root <path to test set root>.


All models are initialized with ImageNet pretrained weights.

Models used in the paper.

  • vgg16
    • VGG16
    • python3 --backbone vgg16
  • vgg16_bn
    • VGG16 with Batch Normalization
    • python3 --backbone vgg16_bn
  • resnet50
    • ResNet50
    • python3 --backbone resnet50
  • resnet50-gn
    • ResNet50 that replaced Batch Normalization with Group Normalization
    • python3 --backbone resnet50_gn
  • resnet50-fc
    • ResNet50 + VGG-style fully-connected layers.
    • python3 --backbone resnet50 --addfc 1
  • resnet50-freezebn
    • ResNet50 + freeze batch normalization layers with ImageNet pretrained parameters
    • python3 --backbone resnet50 --freezebn 1
  • resnet50-freezebn-last16only
    • ResNet50 + freeze batch normalization layers with ImageNet pretrained parameters + fine-tune only the last 16 layers.
    • python3 --backbone resnet50 --freezebn 1 --last16only 1

Models not used in the paper.

  • resnet50-gn-mixup
    • ResNet50 that replaced Batch Normalization with Group Normalization
    • python3 --backbone resnet50_gn --mixup 1
  • vit_b_16
    • Vision Transformer (ViT) Base 16x16.
    • python3 --backbone vit_b_16

Accuracy (%)

The results are obtained by running the model 10 times with random seeds of 0-9. See for example. We report mean accuracy with 95% confidence interval.

  • vgg16
    • testA: 98.75 +- 0.06
    • testB: 64.79 +- 6.05
    • LISC: 74.44 +- 2.72
    • BCCD: 17.32 +- 3.40
  • vgg16-bn
    • testA: 98.64 +- 0.18
    • testB: 12.06 +- 5.46
    • LISC: 32.33 +- 6.17
    • BCCD: 19.86 +- 2.23
  • resnet50
    • testA: 98.53 +- 0.18
    • testB: 34.55 +- 10.72
    • LISC: 23.11 +- 3.04
    • BCCD: 23.19 +- 7.87
  • resnet50-fc
    • testA: 98.46 +- 0.19
    • testB: 35.63 +- 4.51
    • LISC: 27.74 +- 3.44
    • BCCD: 21.34 +- 3.04
  • resnet50-freezebn
    • testA: 98.94 +- 0.06
    • testB: 65.38 +- 2.78
    • LISC: 51.48 +- 7.14
    • BCCD: 11.97 +- 2.46
  • resnet50-freezebn-last16only
    • testA: 98.67 +- 0.12
    • testB: 61.92 +- 2.11
    • LISC: 74.24 +- 2.46
    • BCCD: 23.33 +- 1.21
  • resnet50-gn
    • testA: 98.24 +- 0.14
    • testB: 77.95 +- 5.43
    • LISC: 73.07 +- 2.07
    • BCCD: 49.12 +- 6.94
  • resnet50-gn-mixup
    • testA: 98.44 +- 0.09
    • testB: 19.67 +- 4.71
    • LISC: 63.50 +- 2.65
    • BCCD: 53.11 +- 4.82
  • vit_b_16
    • testA: 98.33 +- 0.14
    • testB: 85.06 +- 2.74
    • LISC: 69.77 +- 3.09
    • BCCD: 41.00 +- 6.66



Language:Python 98.1%Language:Shell 1.9%