appcia / yayframework

yayframework is a little php framework to make my life easier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



YayFramework is a little PHP framework. It attempts to provide a solid and easily understandable API for common PHP programming tasks, like database handling, caching, managing files and more. I wrote it for myself, but it's always good to share your code with others. Someday someone may find this project useful.

YayFramework is in a really early stage, it's under heavy development, not capable of being used in a production environment.


  • PHP 5.4
  • Some of the database connection classes require PDO and PDO drivers
  • Rest coming soon


In progress.


This may change during development.

	app/				default application directory
		action/			action classes (business logic)
		config/			configuration files
		controller/		controller classes
		model/			model classes
		view/			views
		App.php			a basic Application class
		bootstrap.php	init stuff here
	core/				YayFramework
	public/				directory accessible via http
		index.php		:)


You don't need to install YayFramework, just simply clone this repo and use it. Using App.php and the app directory is a good start. Check bootstrap.php for the initialization of App class.


There is no documentation for YayFramework yet. You can check phpdoc comments if you want.


YayFramework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


yayframework is a little php framework to make my life easier