apos / M-o-M_pwm_arduino

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FUN with your Mirror-o-Matic (12/24V)

Program for a custom made "Mirror-o-Matic" machine controlling two motors (turntable and ExtenderWheel) with and arduino (nano) and pwm.

  • I2C for input devices like the 4x4 keypad and the 16x2 lcd screen.
  • TCST2103 transmissive optical sensors for controlling the speed of the motors.
  • BTS7960 43A H-bridges for controlling an 12V and an 24V motor (3A)with PWM.
  • ( NOT YET: HM-10 for bluetooth communication -> TODO )

Read the Changelog.md and Readme.md files contained in the source folder. I will add some pictures here later and a Youtube video.

Author: Axel Pospischil (Homepage http://wiki.blue-it.org) Projectpage: https://github.com/apos/M-o-M_pwm_arduino

Copyright (GNU public licence v. 3.0)


PWM Control


The beginning



The software starts by default in Timer-Mode. By default the turntable is selected.

Use case

  1. software starts in turntable mode (if not altered otherwise by pressing "*")
  2. select a speed in turntable mode ( second line ">TBL" ) by selecting [1-9]
  3. change to extender wheel mode by pressing "*" ( first line changes to ">EXT" )
  4. select a speed for the extender wheel with [1-9]
  5. Enable the timer (default) by pressing "D" (a "T" is visible at the end of the second line)
  6. set a time for the timer with [A] short press: + 0.5 minutes long press: + 5 minutes
  7. start the process with [C] (continue)
  8. you can press [0] during the operation and resume with [D]. The timer keeps counting, either you are in timer mode ("T" or not "nT").

4x4 Keypad

Button A: short: add 0.5 minutes to timer long: add 5 minutes to timer

Button B: short : sub -0.5 minutes from timer long: add 5 minutes to timer

Button C: resume the actual run (time must be added with button A)

Button D: toggle Timer on / off

*: toggle extender wheel / turntable mode

#: use with caution! long press: ALL processes run to STOP ... AND ALL values of the session will be reset to 0 and are lost.

[1-9]: enter speed for given mode. In timer mode ("T") this only sets the values. The machine will only start running after pressing "C". In no-timer mode ("nT") the machine will start at once. Changes in speed when the machine is running are applied at once.

[0]: all processes run to 0. You can resume with [D]


Simulation mode for testing

This makes it possible to test the software without connection to any PWM- or INPUT pins.

Set global var: int SIMULATION = 1; Or press: [*] (this will be removed in version 1.0 !)


All other variables changes that can be made by the user are documented in the source code.