apnex / bind-cli

CLI interface to BIND / NAMED DNS system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


bind-cli is a CLI client used to interact with a BIND DNS server.
It provides an interface for programmatic query, creation and deletion of DNS records and their zones.

It is intended to be stupidly simple.
Ideal for lab purposes.


bind-cli can be installed natively via NPM or consumed using a pre-built docker image.
bind-cli via NPM assumes that BIND is installed and configured on the local server (see BIND Installation).

Note: Usage via Docker pre-built image has BIND already configured and you can skip BIND Installation.

via NPM

bind-cli requires that BIND - along with RNDC and NSUPDATE subsystems are configured on your system.
Once installed, bind-cli can be leveraged directly via the bind-cli shell command - see Usage below

npm install bind-cli --global

BIND Installation

Here is an example of a working BIND configuration (on Centos).
RNDC access is configured to be restricted to localhost.
BIND will also forward to and for dns queries without a local zone.

yum install bind bind-utils

Create /var/bind directory with correct permissions

mkdir -p /var/bind
chown named:named /var/bind
chmod 777 /var/bind

System conf files are crafted as follows;


This is the base BIND server configuration, including upstream forwarders.

options {
	directory "/var/bind";
	session-keyfile "/var/bind/session.key";
	allow-query	{; };
	allow-transfer	{; };
	allow-new-zones yes;
	recursion yes;
	forwarders {;;
	dnssec-enable yes;
	dnssec-validation yes;
include "/var/bind/named.conf.local";

This configures additional BIND logging options, and specifies the RNDC key and scope (local only).

logging {
        channel "default_syslog" {
                file "/var/log/named.log" versions 3 size 5m;
                severity debug;
        category default { default_syslog; };
        category general { default_syslog; };
        category config { default_syslog; };
        category security { default_syslog; };
        category resolver { default_syslog; };
        category xfer-in { default_syslog; };
        category xfer-out { default_syslog; };
        category notify { default_syslog; };
        category client { default_syslog; };
        category network { default_syslog; };
        category update { default_syslog; };
        category queries { default_syslog; };
        category lame-servers { default_syslog; };
controls {   
	inet allow { localhost; } 
	keys { dnsctl; };
key "dnsctl" {   
	algorithm hmac-md5;   
	secret "S9agqVPtjiI=";

This configures a local shared-secret key for the RNDC client to interact with BIND.
The key name and secret must match those configured in /var/bind/named.conf.local

options {   
	default-server  localhost;   
	default-key     "dnsctl"; 
key "dnsctl" {
	algorithm hmac-md5;
	secret "S9agqVPtjiI=";

This creates a blank database file used by bind-cli to track zones and records.


via Docker

exec (launch + persist)
This is where we start the container using docker run with the required parameters set.
Subsequent commands are then issued using docker exec commands.

Start the container in background attached to host network:

docker run -id --net host --name dns apnex/bind-cli

Then issue one or more docker exec commands:

docker exec -t dns bind-cli <cmd>


  • <cmd> is one of the available commands (see Usage)

Clean up docker container when done:

docker rm -f dns

See Usage for examples

bind-cli is intended to be stupid simple with only a few <cmd>.
One just needs to configure records - zone creation and deletion are handled automatically by the system.


  • record.create
  • record.delete
  • zone.list
  • record.import
  • record.export


bind-cli record.create

This command creates a new A record and PTR record for a given fqdn:addr pair.
Forward and reverse zones will automatically be created if required.

command usage: record.create <name> <addr>

  • <name> is the FQDN
  • <addr> is the ip-address used for the A and PTR records


bind-cli record.create vcsa.lab
bind-cli record.create nsxm.lab
bind-cli record.create sddc.lab

bind-cli record.delete

This command deletes an A record and PTR record for a given fqdn.
Forward and reverse zones will automatically be deleted if this results in an empty zone.

command usage: record.delete <name>

  • <name> is the FQDN


bind-cli record.delete vcsa.lab
bind-cli record.delete nsxm.lab
bind-cli record.delete sddc.lab

bind-cli zone.list

zone.list displays all configured zones and their records.

command usage: zone.list [ <filter> ]

  • <filter> is the standard filter syntax

See Examples for additional informations.


bind-cli zone.list


Search and filter records

Display all zones and records

$ bind-cli zone.list 
zone                    key                          ttl    view  type  value                                          
----------------------  ---------------------------  -----  ----  ----  ---------------------------------------------  
0.16.172.in-addr.arpa   0.16.172.in-addr.arpa.       86400  IN    SOA   ns1.lab. mail.lab. 102 3600 1800 604800 86400  
0.16.172.in-addr.arpa   0.16.172.in-addr.arpa.       86400  IN    NS    ns1.lab.                                       
0.16.172.in-addr.arpa    86400  IN    PTR   sddc.lab.                                      
0.16.172.in-addr.arpa    86400  IN    PTR   vcsa.lab.                                      
0.16.172.in-addr.arpa   ns1.0.16.172.in-addr.arpa.   86400  IN    A                                     
10.16.172.in-addr.arpa  10.16.172.in-addr.arpa.      86400  IN    SOA   ns1.lab. mail.lab. 101 3600 1800 604800 86400  
10.16.172.in-addr.arpa  10.16.172.in-addr.arpa.      86400  IN    NS    ns1.lab.                                       
10.16.172.in-addr.arpa   86400  IN    PTR   nsxm.lab.                                      
10.16.172.in-addr.arpa  ns1.10.16.172.in-addr.arpa.  86400  IN    A                                     
lab                     lab.                         86400  IN    SOA   ns1.lab. mail.lab. 103 3600 1800 604800 86400  
lab                     lab.                         86400  IN    NS    ns1.lab.                                       
lab                     ns1.lab.                     86400  IN    A                                     
lab                     nsxm.lab.                    86400  IN    A                                   
lab                     sddc.lab.                    86400  IN    A                                    
lab                     vcsa.lab.                    86400  IN    A                                    
[ 15/15 ] entries - filter [ key: ]

Display all records within zone lab
Note: <filter> defaults to key if no column specified

$ bind-cli zone.list lab
zone  key        ttl    view  type  value                                          
----  ---------  -----  ----  ----  ---------------------------------------------  
lab   lab.       86400  IN    SOA   ns1.lab. mail.lab. 103 3600 1800 604800 86400  
lab   lab.       86400  IN    NS    ns1.lab.                                       
lab   ns1.lab.   86400  IN    A                                     
lab   nsxm.lab.  86400  IN    A                                   
lab   sddc.lab.  86400  IN    A                                    
lab   vcsa.lab.  86400  IN    A                                    
[ 6/15 ] entries - filter [ key:lab ]

Display all records that contain lab as part of key
Same output as above, but explicitly defining the column key

$ bind-cli zone.list key:lab
zone  key        ttl    view  type  value                                          
----  ---------  -----  ----  ----  ---------------------------------------------  
lab   lab.       86400  IN    SOA   ns1.lab. mail.lab. 103 3600 1800 604800 86400  
lab   lab.       86400  IN    NS    ns1.lab.                                       
lab   ns1.lab.   86400  IN    A                                     
lab   nsxm.lab.  86400  IN    A                                   
lab   sddc.lab.  86400  IN    A                                    
lab   vcsa.lab.  86400  IN    A                                    
[ 6/15 ] entries - filter [ zone:lab ]

Filter and display any records in zone:lab that (regex) match the key string nsx

$ bind-cli zone.list zone:lab,key:nsx
zone  key        ttl    view  type  value         
----  ---------  -----  ----  ----  ------------  
lab   nsxm.lab.  86400  IN    A  
[ 1/15 ] entries - filter [ zone:lab,key:nsx ]


MIT © Andrew Obersnel


CLI interface to BIND / NAMED DNS system

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%