apkd / SuperScience

Gems of Unity Labs for our user-base.

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Science! Super Science!

At Unity Labs we perform a great deal of experiments. These frequently produce 'gems' or small algorithms that are useful to the community by themselves. This is a repository of those gems.

Experimental Status

This repository is frequently evolving and expanding. It is tested against the latest stable version of unity. However, it is presented on an experimental basis - there is no formal support.

How to Use

Each gem is located in a separate folder in this repository. They are presented with an example scene (if appropriate) and well-commented code to educate the reader.

This repository can be put in an empty Unity project or cloned into a child folder of an existing project. Most gems can be used in earlier Unity versions but the sample scenes require 2019.1 or greater.

Use the example scripts directly, or tweak and alter the algorithms inside to fit your needs. A list of included gems follows:

Stabilizr : Object Stabilization for XR

"The Fishing Rod Problem" - Virtual objects or rays locked to a controller can shake in an unnatural way. In the real world, long objects have weight, which gives them stabilization through inertia. In XR, this lack of stabilization makes objects feel fake and precise selection difficult.

Stabilzr is a solution to this problem. It smoothes the rotation of virtual objects in three scenarios

  • Steady Motion: Holding an object at a precise angle while moving the controller
  • Orbiting (endpoint) Motion: Holding the end of an object or ray at a particular spot while moving the controller
  • Still Motion: Holding an object at a precise angle while clicking a button on the controller

Stabilzr works without adding lag to large sweeping motions - precise control is enabled while in the worst case only diverging from ground truth by 2 degrees for a single frame.

For an example of Stabilzr in action, check out the included 'TestScene'. A 6 foot broom and 12 foot pointing stick are attached to the right and left XR controllers. To compare before/after, two additional gameobjects (labeled Non-Stabilized Overlay) can be enabled. These are non-stabilized copies of the broom and pointer that render of top of the originals.

GizmoModule: Gizmos for EditorXR/Runtime

The normal Gizmos.Draw[Primitive] and Debug.DrawLine APIs don't work in EditorXR, and don't work in Runtime. The GizmoModule can be loaded alongside EditorXR, or included in a player build to provide similar functionality through the Graphics.DrawMesh API.

The module can be accessed staticly using a singleton reference, or referenced like a normal MonoBehaviour to draw rays/lines, spheres, and cubes. Like the normal Gizmos/Debug API, you must call Draw[Primitive] every frame that you want to see it.

Check out the example scene, which draws spheres on tracked controllers, and a line between them. If you don't have an HMD, don't worry. Just run the scene to see it work.

Here are some advanced examples from EditorXR:

The blue rays are used to detect objects for snapping The red ray is showing how close we are to breaking the snapping distance This example shows that the third ray has encountered an object and shows where the non-snapped object would be

PhysicsTracker: Bridging the gap between game code and physics simulation

One of the more difficult problems in games is translating motion from non-physics sources, like animations, custom scripts, and XR input, into the physics simulation. An additional concern on the input side is that while some XR Input devices provide physics data, others do not. Tracked objects in AR usually do not have velocity or other physics data associated with them.

The convential approach to this problem is to integrate velocity by looking at how an object has moved frame to frame. This data can vary pretty wildly (especially at low speeds) and 'feel' incorrect for things like rotational motion, changing directions, shaking, and so on. Presenting something that looks and feels like motion the player intended usually requires a lot of trial and error, tweaks, and hacks.

The PhysicsTracker provides a solution. It works by seperating the problem of tracking velocity into tracking speed and direction separetely. It smooths and predicts these values and how they change, and then recombines them into a final velocity, acceleration, and angular velocity.

The PhysicsTracker is versatile; it is a class that can be used inside and outside monobehaviours. They can follow any kind of changing set of positions and rotations and output appropriate physics data. Do you need to get the velocity at the end of a bat? Stick a PhysicsTracker there. Rotation of an XR Input device? Stick a PhysicsTracker there. Want to get some physics values for that 'monster attack' animation in your game? Stick a PhysicsTracker there.

The included 'TestScene' for PhysicsTracker shows the smooth physics data being generated for the left and right hands. An attached component 'DrawPhysicsData' on each hand does the tracking and drawing of data. Various pieces of data can be visualized - velocity, acceleration, angular velocity, and direct integrated velocity (for reference). I recommend only having one or two options on at a time - the data can get too busy with them all active at once. Velocity is drawn in blue, Acceleration in green, Angular Velocity in white, and Direct Integration in Red.

To use the PhysicsTracker in your own scripts, just create a new 'PhysicsTracker' in your script, and call the 'Update' method with the most recent position and rotation values of the object you wish to track. The physics tracker then will calculate up to date values for Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Direction, Angular Speed, and Angular Velocity.

For smoothest visual results, use a fixed or smooth delta time with the PhysicsTracker update functions. For single-frame use (gameplay-to-physics events), delta time is fine.

RunInEditHelper: Manage what is running in edit mode

The runInEditMode flag is a relatively new feature of MonoBehaviour which allows scripts to decide whether or not a given MonoBehaviour gets lifecycle callbacks (like Start and Update) in edit mode. This handy Editor Window allows users to modify the RunInEdit state of selected objects, and lists which objects are currently running in edit mode. The window is helpful when working on or debugging RunInEdit-based workflows to provide manual control and oversight while creating the systems which modify this flag. It is sometimes unclear whether an object had the flag set or unset, because it is not exposed in the inspector (regular or Debug).

The reason why we manually set enabled to false when stopping behaviors is to ensure that they get their OnDisable call and can clean up any state modified in OnEnable. There is no other reason why this is necessary to disable runInEditMode, and in fact if the desired behavior is just to "pause" the behavior, and not trigger OnDisable/OnEnable, another button could be added to simply toggle the state or set it to false.

If you want to continuously update your running behaviors while in edit mode (as if in Play mode), click Start/Stop Player Loop. You can try this out in the sample scene. If you start the Cube/Rotator, you will notice that it only updates every other frame, and only while selected. If you click Run Player Loop, you should see the cube smoothly update, regardless of selection.

HiddenHierarchy: Find hidden scene objects

Sometimes it is necessary for Unity systems to add hidden objects to the user's scene. Either the object should not be selected and modified, should not be included in Player builds, or needs to be hidden for otherr reasons.

The HiddenHierarchy window shows a Hierarchy-like view of the currently open scenes which includes all GameObjects, even those normally hidden in the hierarchy. This is useful for debugging systems involving hidden objects, in case new objects "leak" into the scene or the system somehow fails to destroy a hidden object.


This is an example of how to hook into Undo.postprocessModifications and Undo.undoRedoPerformed to respond to property modifications in a Scene. It uses a short timer that is reset and started when a change is detected, and it only triggers the response when the timer finishes. This pattern is useful when you have a complex response that you don't want to happen constantly as a continuous property is changed (for example, as a user drags a slider in the Inspector).


One way to store metadata for a Scene is by keeping it in a ScriptableObject Asset, in which case you need to make sure the Asset is kept in sync with the Scene. This example shows how to use the OnWillSaveAssets callback in AssetModificationProcessor to ensure that a metadata Asset gets saved with the Scene.


It is sometimes necessary to reference Editor code in your runtime assembly. For example, a MonoBehaviour may exist only for the purpose of edit-time functionality, but it must live in a runtime assembly due to the rule against MonoBehaviours in Editor assemblies. In this case, it is often useful to define some static delegate fields inside of an '#if UNTY_EDITOR' directive. An Editor class can assign its own methods to those delegates, providing access to itself in the runtime assembly.

EditorDelegatesExampleWindow provides functionality to EditorDelegates for checking if the mouse is over the window and firing callbacks when the window is focused and unfocused. The MonoBehaviour EditorDelegatesUser is then able to use this functionality even though it is in the runtime assembly.

MissingReferences: Track down references to missing assets

The goal of the MissingReferences window is to identify assets in your project that may be missing their dependencies. It can identify two problematic situations:

  • A script on a prefab is missing
  • An object field on an asset is missing its reference

Note that this window will load all of the assets in your project, synchronously, when you hit Refresh. In large projects, this can crash Unity, so use this window at your own risk! If you want to use this with large projects, replace the call to AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths() with a call to AssetDatabase.FindAssets() and some narrower search, or reconfigure the script to work on the current selection.


Gems of Unity Labs for our user-base.



Language:C# 94.8%Language:ShaderLab 5.2%