apiep / react-native-multichannel-widget

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React Native Multichannel Widget

The most complete chat UI Multichannel for React Native


  • React Native Version >= 0.59


  • Using npm npm i @qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget
  • Using yarn yarn add @qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget

Configuration Widget

1. Add MultichannelWidgetProvider in App.js

We use Hooks to synchronize data. To make it work we have to explicitly insert a mount point in your app like this:

// in your entry file like `App.js`
import {MultichannelWidgetProvider} from '@qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget';

// in your render function
return (
  <MultichannelWidgetProvider>  // <- use MultichannelWidgetProvider
    <App />

Reference : ExampleApp

2. Initialization Widget

Initiate widget for first time

import {Qiscus} from '@qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget';
const SplashCreen = () => {
    //optional params
    let options = {
      baseURLMultichannel: // custom base url Multichannel
      baseURLSdk: // custom base url SDK
      mqttURLSdk: // custom mqtt url SDK
      brokerLbURLSdk: // custom broker LB url SDK
      uploadURLSdk: // custom uploader url SDK

Reference : ExampleApp

AppId Qiscus used to initiate chat applications in qiscus, further related to AppId : https://documentation.qiscus.com/latest/multichannel-customer-service/settings-and-configuration#app-information

3. Initialization Chat

Initiate room chat

import Widget from '@qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget';

const widget = Widget();
  .then(result => {

  .catch(e => {


Reference: ExampleApp

Input options (object prefered)

fields type required description
userId string true unique identifier of a user
name string true display name of a user
deviceId string false device token from fcm, used for push notification needs
extras json_string/ json_object false eg: {"data_source": "us"}
additionalInfo json_string/ json_object false it will fill the user properties bar on the right side of customer room
messageExtras json__string/ json_object false will fill the information on message extras
channelId integer false optional, init chat on target channel_id


const USER_ID = "user01@mail.com"
const NAME = "user01"
const FCM_TOKEN = "12345678"
const USER_EXTRAS = {
    user_id: "user01",
    is_priority: true
"full name" : "Linda",
"email" : "linda@mail.com"
let options = {
    userId : USER_ID,
    name : NAME,
    deviceId: FCM_TOKEN,
    extras: USER_EXTRAS,
    additionalInfo: ADDISIONAL_INFO
  .then(result => {

  .catch(e => {


4. Use Header Component

Using component header

    backgroundColor : 'orange'
  textColor = 'white'


  • title (String) - Custom title
  • subtitle (String) - Custom subtitle
  • avatar (Object) - Extra props to be passed Component to custom avatar
  • height (Integer) - Height of the Header, default is 56
  • headerRight (Object) - Extra props to be passed Component to the Right Header
  • headerLeft (Object) - Extra props to be passed Component to the Left Header
  • style (Object) - Extra props to be passed custom style header
  • textColor (String) - Custom text color header

Reference : ExampleApp

5. Use Chat Room Component

Using chat room component

  onSuccessGetRoom={room => {


  • onSuccessGetRoom (Function(room)) - Callback when success get room
  • onPressSendAttachment (Function) - Callback when button Send Attachment is tapped
  • onPressVideo (Function) - Callback when button media player is tapped
  • onDownload (Function) - Callback when a download message attachment is tapped
  • renderSendAttachment (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component button Send Attachment
  • renderSendMessage (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component button Send Message
  • placeholder (String) - Extra props to be custom placeholder, default Type a message...
  • renderTickSent (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component Tick Sent
  • renderTickDelivered (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component Tick Delivered
  • renderTickRead (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component Tick Read
  • renderTickPending (Object) - Extra props to be custom Component Tick Pending
  • filterMessage (Function(message)) - Extra props to filter list message
  • avatar (Object) - Extra props to be passed Component to custom avatar
  • onTyping (Function) - Callback when a user typing

Reference : ExampleApp

Get Unread Message Count

To get unread message count, you can use getUnreadCount method like below.


End Session User

To request end session or end chat, you can use endSession method like below.


Remove Notification

At the logout action from the app, you need to implement removeNotification method like below to remove FCM_TOKEN from Qiscus Server, that means Qiscus Server not sending push notifications again to the device.


FCM_TOKEN is the same value when first initiation in step: 3. Initialization Chat link

Change Language

To change the language you can use changeLanguage method with input en for English and id for Indonesia.


Get Qiscus SDK Service

To get Qiscus functionalities, you can import Qiscus like below.

import {Qiscus} from '@qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget';
// another example to get room object from qiscus
import {Qiscus} from '@qiscus-community/react-native-multichannel-widget';

let room = Qiscus.qiscus.selected

for more methods related qiscus sdk service, you can read on this link : https://github.com/Qiscus-Integration/react-native-multichannel-widget/blob/master/lib/services/qiscus/index.js

Reference : ExampleApp

Example App

ExampleApp folder contains an example app to demonstrate how to use this package.

How to run the example app

  • Clone or download this repo
  • Open ExampleApp directory
  • create new file with name .env file like .env_sample add APP_ID with your Multichannel AppId
  • Open your terminal or cmd and execute npm install command
  • To run the Example App you need to execute react-native run-android command and wait for the process to complete

Push Notification

To implement push notification in react native widget you need to add FCM Key in notifications setting, below is how to do it, you need to read in “Android's Customer Widget Push Notification” section https://documentation.qiscus.com/multichannel-customer-service/settings-and-configuration#notifications




Language:JavaScript 71.7%Language:TypeScript 19.0%Language:Java 4.5%Language:Objective-C 3.1%Language:Ruby 0.8%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Starlark 0.4%