api3dao / airseeker-v2

A service powering the dAPIs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A service powering data feeds using the signed API.

The Airseeker is a rework of the original Airseeker. The Airseeker v2 is simplified and only works with signed APIs.

Flowchart and specification

A render of the flowchart can be found below. To edit this document, use diagrams.net to edit airseeker_v2_pipeline.drawio, preferably by cloning the repository and loading the file locally.

Airseeker flowchart

Link to the Airseeker specification.

Getting started

  1. pnpm install - To install the dependencies.
  2. cp config/airseeker.example.json config/airseeker.json - To create the configuration file.
  3. cp config/secrets.example.env config/secrets.env - To create the secrets file.

Versioning and release

Airseeker uses semantic versioning. The version is specified in the package.json file. The package is not published to NPM, but instead dockerized and published to Docker Hub.

To release a new version:

  1. pnpm create-release:npm [major|minor|patch] - Choose the right version bump. This will bump the version, create a git tag and commit it.
  2. pnpm publish --access public - Publish the package to NPM.
  3. git push --follow-tags - Push the tagged commit upstream.
  4. Create a GitHub release for the specific tag.
  5. pnpm run create-release:docker - To build the Docker image and tag it correctly. The script uses the current package.json version so it expects the NPM release is done first.
  6. The command outputs the publish instructions to push the images.


Airseeker can be configured via a combination of environment variables and configuration files.

Environment variables

All of the environment variables are optional and or set with default values for convenience.

For example:

# Defines a logger suitable for production.


# Defines a logger suitable for local development or testing.


Enables or disables logging. Options:

  • true - Enables logging.
  • false - Disables logging.

Default: true.

LOG_FORMAT (optional)

The format of the log output. Options:

  • json - Specifies JSON log format. This is suitable when running in production and streaming logs to other services.
  • pretty - Logs are formatted in a human-friendly "pretty" way. Ideal, when running the service locally and in development.

Default: json.

LOG_COLORIZE (optional)

Enables or disables colors in the log output. Options:

  • true - Enables colors in the log output. The output has special color setting characters that are parseable by CLI. Recommended when running locally and in development.
  • false - Disables colors in the log output. Recommended for production.

Default: false.

LOG_LEVEL (optional)

Defines the minimum level of logs. Logs with smaller level (severity) will be silenced. Options:

  • debug - Enables all logs.
  • info - Enables logs with level info, warn and error.
  • warn - Enables logs with level warn and error.
  • error - Enables logs with level error.

Default: info.

LOG_HEARTBEAT (optional)

Enables or disables the heartbeat log. The heartbeat log is a cryptographically secure log that is emitted every 60 seconds to indicate that the service is running. The log includes useful information such as the configuration hash. Options:

  • true - Enables the heartbeat log.
  • false - Disables the heartbeat log.

Configuration files

Airseeker needs two configuration files, airseeker.json and secrets.env. All expressions of a form ${SECRET_NAME} are referring to values from secrets and are interpolated inside the airseeker.json at runtime. You are advised to put sensitive information inside secrets.


The mnemonic of the wallet used to derive sponsor wallets. Sponsor wallets are derived for each data feed separately. It is recommended to interpolate this value from secrets. For example:

// The mnemonic is interpolated from the "SPONSOR_WALLET_MNEMONIC" secret.
"sponsorWalletMnemonic": "${SPONSOR_WALLET_MNEMONIC}",


A record of chain configurations. The record key is the chain ID. For example:

  // Defines a chain configuration with ID 1 (ETH mainnet).
  "1": {
    "providers": {
      "mainnet": {
        "url": "http://mainnet.com",
alias (optional)

The optional alias to identify the chain in logs. If not provided, the chain alias from @api3/chains is used. If there is no record in @api3/chains for the given chain ID, falls back to using unknown.


A record of contract addresses used by Airseeker.

Api3ServerV1 (optional)

The address of the Api3ServerV1 contract. If not specified, the address is loaded from the Airnode protocol v1 repository.


The address of the AirseekerRegistry contract.


A record of providers. The record key is the provider name. Provider name is only used for internal purposes and to uniquely identify the provider for the given chain.


A provider configuration.


The URL of the provider.


The settings used to calculate gas prices used to submit transactions. The gas oracle is stateful and maintains historical gas prices for a specific sampling window. In case the transaction is a retry of a pending transaction, the latest gas price is linearly scaled by a factor up to a specified maximum. In case the transaction is not a retry, the latest gas price is sanitized against a percentile chosen from the historical gas prices and multipled by a specified gas price multiplier.

Example of a scaling computation:

// Parameters:
// - recommendedGasPriceMultiplier = 1.2
// - maxScalingMultiplier = 2
// - scalingWindow = 300
// Say there is a pending transaction for 150 seconds.
// The scaling factor is calculated as:
1.2 + (2 - 1.2) * (2.5 / 5) = 1.6

The base multiplier used to compute the gas price. Used to multiply the latest (or sanitized) gas price.


The number of seconds for which to keep historical gas prices.


The percentile of gas historical prices to use for sanitization of the latest gas price.


The period in seconds used to scale the retry of a pending update transaction. The transaction is scaled linearly up to the maxScalingMultiplier.


The maximum scaling multiplier. The gas price will not be scaled by a larger factor independently of how long is the update pending.

deviationThresholdCoefficient (optional)

The global coefficient applied to all deviation checks. Used to differentiate alternate deployments. For example:

"deviationThresholdCoefficient": 1,

Defaults to 1.


The interval specifying how often to run the data feed update loop. In seconds.


The batch size of active data feeds that are to be fetched in a single RPC call.

fallbackGasLimit (optional)

The fallback gas limit used when the gas limit estimation using the RPC provider fails. If not specified, Airseeker will only rely on the RPC provider for gas limit estimation and will skip an update if this fails.


The fetch interval in seconds between retrievals of signed API data.


A list of signed API URLs to call along with URLs fetched from the chain.


The derivation scheme configuration used to derive sponsor wallets.


The following options are available:

  • self-funded - The sponsor wallet is derived from the hash of the encoded beacon ID together with the update parameters. This is the scheme that was originally used by Nodary for self-funded data feeds.
  • managed - Derives the wallet from the hash of the dAPI name (or data feed ID). This means the wallet derivation is agnostic to update parameters, and the same wallet is used when the dAPI is upgraded/downgraded.


An identifier of the deployment stage. This is used to distinguish between different deployments, for example dev, prod-1 or prod-2. The stage value can have 256 characters at maximum and can only include lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens.


The version specified in the config must match the version of the Airseeker Docker image at deployment time.



The docker image can be built by running the following commands from the root directory:

pnpm run docker:build


The docker image can be run locally with:

pnpm run docker:run


A service powering the dAPIs

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 89.2%Language:HTML 9.2%Language:JavaScript 1.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:Shell 0.0%