apfeltee / fei

a tiny scripting language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

a deeply convergent fork of https://github.com/fairywreath/BytecodeInterpreter

a compiler, and bytecode virtual machine for a tiny, object-aware language.


  • small: includes all the bits to make it not useless, without being bloaty.

  • combined fixed integer/floating point integer arithmetic: stores fixed/floating point separately, but converts between either seamlessly, without depending on double-precision floating point only.

  • handwritten parser makes adding new functionality straightforward.

  • clean API: little to no macros, clean code, clean API, with the intention of making extending the language as easy as possible.

  • builtin support for mutable strings and arrays. more types can be added very easily.

  • no thirdparty dependencies: just needs a C compiler.

  • familiar, javscript-like syntax.

what's not implemented (yet)

  • in-place arithmetics (++, --, +=, -=, etc). but should be trivial to implement.

  • no error recovery. any error is fatal! would require adding state jumping via setjmp, which is less trivial.

  • probably not as fast as it could be: underperforms when compiled with no optimizations, but acceptable speed when compiled with full optimizations.

what it looks like

binary trees:

function clock()
    return 0;

class Tree
    init(item, depth)
        this.item = item;
        this.depth = depth;
        if (depth > 0)
            var item2 = item + item;
            depth = depth - 1;
            this.left = Tree(item2 - 1, depth);
            this.right = Tree(item2, depth);
            this.left = null;
            this.right = null;

        if(this.left == null)
            return this.item;
        var a = this.item;
        var b = this.left.check();
        var c = this.right.check();
        return a + b - c;

var mindepth = 4;
var maxdepth = 14;
var stretchdepth = maxdepth + 1;

var start = clock();

var dep =  Tree(0, stretchdepth).check();
println("stretch tree of depth:", stretchdepth, " check:",dep);

var longlivedtree = Tree(0, maxdepth);

var iterations = 1;
var d = 0;
while (d < maxdepth)
    iterations = iterations * 2;
    d = d + 1;

var depth = mindepth;
while (depth < stretchdepth)
    var check = 0;
    var i = 1;
    while (i <= iterations)
        var t1 = Tree(i, depth).check();
        var t2 = Tree(-i, depth).check();
        check = check + t1 + t2;
        i = i + 1;
    println("num trees:", iterations * 2, ", depth:", depth, ", check:", check);
    iterations = iterations / 4;
    depth = depth + 2;

println("long lived tree of depth:", maxdepth, ", check:", longlivedtree.check(), ", elapsed:", clock() - start);

or take a look at the *.fei files.

Language Syntax

Comparators and Logical Operators

The '==' comparison operator can be replaced with the keywords 'is' or 'equals'

40 > 41;       // false
194.5 <= 992.2;   // true

var string assigned "isString";
string == "isString";         // true
string is "notString";        // false

false = !true;    // true

Control Flow

If Statements

'else if' can be replaced with the 'elf' keyword.

if condition then
    println("then statement");
else if condition then
  println("else if statement");
  println("else statement");

While and For Loops

Fei inherits while and for loops from C.

while condition
  println("while statement");

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)

Do While and Repeat Until Loops

Fei also supports do while and repeat until loops. 'do while' loops until the expression is false. 'repeat 'until' loops until the expression is true.

var i assigned 0;

  i= i + 1;
} while i < 10;
  i = i - 1;
} until i equals 0;

Switch Statements

Switch cases automatically breaks if the condition is met.

switch variable
  case 0:
      // execute statment
   case 1:
      // execute statment
    // default statmenet

Break and Continue Statements

All loops support break and continue statements.

while condition
    if breakCondition then break;
    if continueCondition then continue;


function product(a, b)
    return a * b;

function printHello()
    print "Hello";

var prod = product(12, 23);      // 276
printHello();                    // prints "Hello"


Fei has a Python-like class system. Constructors are initialize with the 'init' keyword and class members use the 'this' keyword. The keyword 'from ' used to declare inheritance. The 'super' keyword is used for superclasses.

class ParentClass
        this.name = name;       // assign name to class member 'name'
    printName()                 // class methods are initialized without the 'function' keyword
        print this.name;        

ParentClass parent("My name");
parent.printName();             // prints "My name"

class ChildClass from ParentClass
    init(name, age)
        super.init(name);       // parent constructor
        this.age = age;
        print this.age;

ChildClass child("Your name", 17);
child.printName();             // prints "Your name"
child.printAge();              // prints 17


a tiny scripting language


Language:C 96.9%Language:Ruby 2.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:C++ 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%