apeshape / qr_marklet

A bookmarklet that gets the QR-encoded version of the url that you are currently on and displays it as an image in your browser window. Good for testing your responsive site on your mobile device without the hassle of actually typing the address on those tiny mobile keyboards with your way-too-large fingers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

QR Marklet

A neat little QR-code helper (using google's QR generator API) for when you need to view a site that you are reading on your desktop, on your phone.


Just add the follwoing:

javascript:(function(){b=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];u=location.href;qr='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl='+escape(u);i=document.createElement('img');i.style.position='fixed';i.style.top='0';i.style.left='0';i.style.cursor = 'pointer';i.style.zIndex = '100000';i.src=qr;b.appendChild(i);i.onclick = function(){b.removeChild(i);}})()

as a bookmark and click it when you need to save som time typing that super long URL on your mobile device.



A bookmarklet that gets the QR-encoded version of the url that you are currently on and displays it as an image in your browser window. Good for testing your responsive site on your mobile device without the hassle of actually typing the address on those tiny mobile keyboards with your way-too-large fingers.