apemon / docker-compose-php

Docker-environment for web-development on PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nginx + MariaDB + MailHog + PHP-7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/8.0 FPM + Apache mod-php 5.6/7.1/7.4

Russian Readme

First local run:

All you have to do is run these commands:

1. Edit your /etc/hosts
sudo vim /etc/hosts

and add    site.test
2. Run these commands
cp mysql.env.example mysql.env
cp docker/nginx/config/templates/site.test.conf-php-8 docker/nginx/config/site.test.conf
mkdir -p projects/site.test
echo '<?php echo phpversion();' > projects/site.test/index.php
make up
Another options
cp mysql.env.example mysql.env
#edit mysql.env

#you can choose the template with specific php version
cp templates/docker-compose-php-8.yml docker-compose.yml

#and copy specific config for Nginx + PHP-FPM
cp docker/nginx/config/templates/site.test.conf-php-8 docker/nginx/config/site.test.conf

#or copy configs for Nginx + Apache PHP
cp templates/docker-compose-apache-php-74.yml docker-compose.yml
cp docker/nginx/config/templates/site.test.conf-apache-php-74 docker/nginx/config/site.test.conf
cp docker/apache-php-74/config/templates/site.test.conf docker/apache-php-74/config/sites-enabled/site.test.conf

mkdir -p projects/site.test
echo '<?php echo phpversion();' > projects/site.test/index.php

make up
3. Test running services

http://localhost:8025 - mailhog (super:demo)

http://localhost:8080 - adminer (super:demo)

http://site.test - test site


For ease of management, all basic commands are included in the Makefile. To list the available commands, run cat Makefile.


#docker-compose up -d
make up


#docker-compose stop
make stop

View the status of running containers

#docker-compose ps
make ps

Viewing container logs

#docker-compose logs -tail=100 -f (php-8|db|mailhog|nginx)
make logs name=php-8

Database host - db

Fine tuning

Change login/password super:demo

Open docker/nginx/.htpasswd and replace its contents.

Host user permissions

In the terminal, using the id command, we get the digital identifier of our user and group. Then uncomment the line

#RUN usermod -u 1050 www-data && groupmod -g 1050 www-data

In docker/php-8/build/Dockerfile and replace id 1050 with your identifiers there. We start containers with a rebuild

#docker-compose up -d --build
make upb

php.ini settings

Open docker/php-8/config/php.ini Or edit the php-fpm settings - www.conf

Switch php version

Uncomment the block with the container of the required php version in docker-compose.yml.

In Nginx config for the site, comment out the old upstream and uncomment the new one.

#docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d --build
make st upb

In the case of Apache in the Nginx config, you need to comment out the entire block for PHP-FPM and uncomment the one below for Apache. Also do not forget to tweak Apache configs.

Adding a new host

Just copy config docker/nginx/config/templates/site.test.conf and tweak it.

In the case of using the container with apache, you must also fix the docker/apache-php-56/config/sites-enabled/site.test.conf config.

There are examples of Nginx config files in docker/nginx/config/disabled/

Connect to the database from the console

make php
mysql -uroot -hdb -pMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

Example with importing SQL-dump:

make php
mysql -uroot -hdb -pMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
> create database test;

mysql -uroot -hdb -pMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD test < dump.sql

Connect to the database from the console

#docker-compose -f docker-compose.mycli.yml run --rm mycli /bin/ash -c "mycli -uroot -hdb -p\$$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" || true
make mycli

Run php scripts from the console

#docker-compose exec $(name) /bin/sh || true
make exec name=php-8

Route access to the database

The password is registered in the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD parameter in mysql.env

Change of database access details

Changed in mysql.env file

An example of running Cron background tasks

* * * * *    /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /srv/www/docker-compose-php/docker-compose.yml exec php-8 /srv/projects/site.test/yii api/send


#docker-compose -f docker-compose.acme.yml run --rm acme acme.sh --issue -d `echo $(d) | sed 's/,/ \-d /g'` -w /acme-challenge
make ssl d="site.ru,www.site.ru"

SSL certificates are saved in the docker/nginx/ssl directory. To make it work you need to uncomment lines in the docker-compose.yml config

      # - ./docker/nginx/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl:ro

Also uncomment the line

      # -"443:443"


00 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /srv/www/docker-compose-php/docker-compose.acme.yml run --rm acme acme.sh --cron
02 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /srv/www/docker-compose-php/docker-compose.yml exec -T nginx nginx -t -q && /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /srv/www/docker-compose-php/docker-compose.yml restart nginx

If you need to run acme.sh for some other purpose, you can do this with this command:

make acme


#docker-compose -f docker-compose.node.yml run --rm node-10 /bin/ash || true
make node

MySQL Tuner

#docker-compose -f docker-compose.mysqltuner.yml run --rm mysqltuner /bin/ash -c "/opt/mysqltuner --user root --host db --pass \$$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --forcemem $(mem)" || true
make mysqltuner mem=4096


Docker-environment for web-development on PHP

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 63.5%Language:Makefile 18.0%Language:NASL 13.9%Language:C++ 4.5%