apegineer / flutter_web3

Web3 Ethereum, Etherjs and Wallet Connect wrapper for Flutter Web.

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This is a fork of flutter_web3_provider. Be sure to check out the original package.


flutter_web3 v2 is full Dart class and function wrapper for

  • Ethereum object from provider, i.e. MetaMask.
  • Ether.js package
    • This can be used to sign transaction and interact with smart contract, also query Blockchain data utils and a lot of helper function for developing dapps.
  • Wallet Connect Provider package
    • This enable QR code modal interaction and enable wallet that utilize Wallet Connect to use provider.

This package is made especially for developing Dapp on cross(multiple) chain in Flutter Web

V2 Changes

Version 2.0 of this package will introduce full dart wrapper instead of js interop class. Including toString override for easier debugging and more simple class instantiation.

Breaking Changes

  • Ethereum class now include static method to access default Ethereum provider.
    • Ethereum.provider is the same as ethereum, ethereum getter is still available.
    • isEthereumSupported replaced with Ethereum.isSupported. Or alternatively ethereum != null.
    • Ethereum.ethereum to access exposed Ethereum provider i.e. MetaMask with no undefined check.
    • Ethereum.binanceChain to access exposed Binance Chain Wallet provider with no undefined check.
    • Ethereum.web3 to access old web3 provider object, deprecated in many provder.
  • WalletConnectProvider class instantiation changed to factory method.
    • WalletConnectProvider.fromRpc to instantiate using rpc map.
    • WalletConnectProvider.fromInfura to instantiate using Infura id.
    • Static WalletConnectProvider.binance to instantiate using Binance mainnet rpc.
  • Web3Provider class various constructor has been added.
    • Web3Provider unnamed constructor remain the same.
    • Web3Provider.fromEthereum instantiate using Ethereum instance.
    • Web3Provider.fromWalletConnect instantiate using WalletConnectProvider instance.

Getting Started


To use Flutter Web3 package, use

 flutter pub add flutter_web3

Ethers JS and Wallet Connect Provider

To use Ethers JS and Wallet Connect Provider, we need to include script to JS package in web/index.html

  <script src="https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.4.umd.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
  <!--Wallet Connect-->
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@walletconnect/web3-provider@1.5.0-rc.2/dist/umd/index.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>

Ethereum Provider

Prompt the connection to MetaMask or other provider.

// `Ethereum.isSupported` is the same as `ethereum != null`
if (ethereum != null) {
  try {
    // Prompt user to connect to the provider, i.e. confirm the connection modal
    final accs = await ethereum!
        .requestAccount(); // Get all accounts in node disposal
    accs; // [foo,bar]
  } on EthereumUserRejected {
    print('User rejected the modal');

Subscribe to Ethereum events.

// Subscribe to `chainChanged` event
ethereum!.onChainChanged((chainId) {
  chainId; // foo

// Subscribe to `accountsChanged` event.
ethereum!.onAccountsChanged((accounts) {
  print(accounts); // ['0xbar']

// Subscribe to `message` event, need to convert JS message object to dart object.
ethereum!.on('message', (message) {
  dartify(message); // baz

Call other JSON RPC API.

// Call `eth_gasPrice` as `BigInt`
final result = await ethereum!.request<BigInt>('eth_gasPrice');

result; // 5000000000
result is BigInt; // true


Based on Ethers documentation on Getting Started.

Connecting to Ethereum: Metamask

final web3provider = Web3Provider(ethereum!);
// or
final web3provider = Web3Provider.fromEthereum(ethereum!);
// or
provider; // Default Web3Provider instance from default Ethereum provider

Connecting to Ethereum: RPC

final rpcProvider = JsonRpcProvider(); // Rpc Provider from default Rpc url, i.e. https://localhost:8545

final rpcProvider = JsonRpcProvider('https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/'); // Rpc Provider from specific Rpc url

Querying the Blockchain

// Look up the current block number
await provider!.getBlockNumber(); // 9261427

// Get the lastest block information that available
await provider!.getLastestBlock(); // Block: 9261427 0x9e7900b8 mined at 2021-07-18T16:58:45.000 with diff 2

// Get the specific account balance
await provider!.getBalance('0xgarply'); // 315752957360231815

// Get the transcation receipt of specific transaction hash
await provider!.getTransactionReceipt('0xwaldo'); // TransactionReceipt: 0x1612d8ba from 0x6886ec02 with 20 confirmations and 12 logs

Calling other Ether provider API.

// Call `getGasPrice` as `BigInt`
final result = await provider!.call<BigInt>('getGasPrice');

result; // 5000000000
result is BigInt; // true


Query data about your account.

// Get signer from provider
final signer = provider!.getSigner();

// Get account balance
await signer.getBalance(); // 315752957360231815

// Get account sent transaction count (not contract call)
await signer.getTransactionCount(BlockTag.latest); // 1

Send/write to the Blockchain

// Send 1000000000 wei to `0xcorge`
final tx = await provider!.getSigner().sendTransaction(
        to: '0xcorge',
        value: BigInt.from(1000000000),

tx.hash; // 0xplugh

final receipt = await tx.wait();

receipt is TransactionReceipt; // true


Define ABI object, All ABI formats can be view here.

final humanReadableAbi = [
  "function balanceOf(address owner) view returns (uint256 balance)",
  // Some examples with the struct type, we use the tuple keyword:
  // (note: the tuple keyword is optional, simply using additional
  //        parentheses accomplishes the same thing)
  // struct Person {
  //   string name;
  //   uint16 age;
  // }
  "function addPerson(tuple(string name, uint16 age) person)", // Or "function addPerson((string name, uint16 age) person)"

final jsonAbi = '''[
    "type": "function",
    "name": "balanceOf",
    "stateMutability": "view",
    "payable":false, "inputs": [
      { "type": "address", "name": "owner"}
    "outputs": [
      { "type": "uint256"}

// Contruct Interface object out of `humanReadableAbi` or `jsonAbi`
final humanInterface = Interface(humanReadableAbi);
final jsonInterface = Interface(jsonAbi);

// These two abi interface can be exchanged
humanInterface.format(FormatTypes.minimal); // [function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint256)]
humanInterface.format(FormatTypes.minimal)[0] == jsonInterface.format(FormatTypes.minimal)[0]; // true

Initialize Contract object.

final abi = [
  // Some details about the token
  "function name() view returns (string)",
  "function symbol() view returns (string)",

  // Get the account balance
  "function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint)",

  // Send some of your tokens to someone else
  "function transfer(address to, uint amount)",

  // An event triggered whenever anyone transfers to someone else
  "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount)"

final busdAddress = '0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56';

// Use `Provider` for Read-only contract, i.e. Can't call state-changing method
final busd = Contract(

// Use `Signer` for Read-write contract
// Notice that ABI can be exchangeable
final anotherBusd = Contract(
// Or `busd.connect(provider!.getSigner());`

Read-only method.

// Call `name`
await busd.call<String>('name'); // BUSD Token
// Call `symbol`
await busd.call<String>('symbol'); // BUSD
// Call `balanceOf`
await busd.call<BigInt>(
); // 2886780594123782414119

Write/State-changing method.

// Send 1 ether to `0xfoo` 
final tx = await anotherBusd.send('transfer', ['0xfoo', '1000000000000000000']);
tx.hash; // 0xbar

final receipt = tx.wait(); // Wait until transaction complete
receipt.from; // 0xthud
receipt.to; // 0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56 (BUSD Address)

Listening to Events.

// Receive an event when ANY transfer occurs
busd.on('Transfer', (from, to, amount, event) {
  from; // 0x0648ff5de80Adf54aAc07EcE2490f50a418Dde23
  to; // 0x12c64E61440582793EF4964A36d98020d83490a3
  amount; // 1015026418461703883891
  Event.fromJS(event); // Event: Transfer Transfer(address,address,uint256) with args [0x0648ff5de80Adf54aAc07EcE2490f50a418Dde23, 0x12c64E61440582793EF4964A36d98020d83490a3, 1015026418461703883891]

// A filter for when a specific address receives tokens
final myAddress = "0x8ba1f109551bD432803012645Ac136ddd64DBA72";
final filter = busd.getFilter('Transfer', [null, myAddress]);
// {
//   address: '0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56',
//   topics: [
//     '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
//     null,
//     '0x0000000000000000000000008ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba72'
//   ]
// }

busd.on(filter, (from, to, amount, event) {
// ...

Query Historic Events

final filter = busd.getFilter('Transfer');

// Query past event in last 100 blocks.
final events = await busd.queryFilter(filter, -100);

events.first; // Event: Transfer Transfer(address,address,uint256) with args [0x209F2A37Ccb5672794329cB311406A995de9347c, 0x928bE3DEB1f8B9e4A24a5744bD313E726462961D, 150000000000000000000]

Alternatively for ERC20 Contract, we can use ContractERC20 class.

final token = ContractERC20('0xfoo', provider!.getSigner());

await token.name; // foo
await token.symbol; // bar
await token.decimals; // baz

final tx = await token.transfer('0xbar', BigInt.parse('10000000000000'));
tx.hash // 0xbarbaz

token.onApproval((owner, spender, value, event) {
  owner // 0xfoo
  spender //0xbar
  value //0xbaz

Wallet Connect Provider

Create WalletConnectProvider object.

// From RPC
final wc = WalletConnectProvider.fromRpc(
  {56: 'https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/'},
  chainId: 56,
  network: 'binance',

// From Infura
final infuraWc = WalletConnectProvider.fromInfura('https://foo.infura.io/v3/barbaz');

// Static BSC RPC
final binaceWc = WalletConnectProvider.binance();

Enable the session, toggle QRCode Modal.

await wc.connect();

Use in Ethers Web3Provider.

final web3provider = Web3Provider.fromWalletConnect(wc);

await web3provider.getGasPrice(); // 5000000000


Web3 Ethereum, Etherjs and Wallet Connect wrapper for Flutter Web.



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