aosaimy / sawaref-uniqer

A tool (part of sawaref toolkit) that standarize the results of several Arabic morphological taggers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A tool (part of sawaref toolkit) that parses several Arabic morphological taggers and unify their output into standard represenstation

Supported POS taggers

  2. Stanford POS tagger (ST):
  3. AMIRA Toolkit v.2 (AM):
  4. Farasa POS Tagger (FA): In addition, there are some other taggers in the repo that was supported.

Supported Morphological Analysers:

  1. Elixir FM:
  2. AlKhalil v.2:
  3. Buckwalter (AraMorph):
  4. ALMOR:

In addition, there are some other taggers in the repo that was supported.


npm install aosaimy/sawaref-parser


Assuming you have run the tagger on your text and the taggers results is saved on a file.

Via Command Line:

cat taggedFile | sawaref-parser -t EX -s /path/to/source/file

Usage: sawaref-parser -t|--tool tool -s|--source sourcefile -i|--input rawtextfile

  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --tool, -t    Name of tool                                          [required]
  --source, -s  path to source raw input text file                    [required]
  --input, -i   convert from this file        [required] [default: "/dev/stdin"]
  -d            debug


This scripts has its own unit testing. You can add yours to test/ folder. To run unit tests, run npm test.


A tool (part of sawaref toolkit) that standarize the results of several Arabic morphological taggers

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:JavaScript 78.6%Language:Shell 21.4%