aoout / obsidian-epub-importer

Import EPUB files as Markdown.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Epub Importer

Import .epub file into your Obsidian vault as markdown notes. For more information, there are some text: obsidian-epub-importer/wiki. And there is a example vault: mdReader.


Run Epub Importer: Import epub to your vault command, and input the absolute path to .epub file you want to import it into your obsidian vault.

Then, the .epub file will be converted to a folder and some notes, so you can read the book directly in obsidian, and make some marks, make some links and notes.

Or, you can add some `libraries`` in settings, and epubs under the paths will come out when you type the command.

Propertys template

all available variables:

- {{bookName}}
- {{title}}
- {{author}}
- {{publisher}}
- {{language}}


title: {{bookName}}
author: {{author}}
publisher: {{publisher}}
status: false

AssetsPath template

all available variables:

- {{savePath}}
- {{bookName}}



Helpful for Workflow

This plug-in has powerful sorting capabilities and can keep our file explorer in order. If you want to know more information, you can see wiki/How-to-sort-files and Example Vault.

This plugin can record the position of the cursor and restore it when opening the same file again. However, unfortunately, what we want most is to record the position of the editor scroll.

How do you use epub importer

Please share your usage and experience, feel free to write someting in obsidian-epub-importer/discussions.


The function is tested based on Windows system, so I'm not sure that the bugs on linux and mac will be fixed. If you are using Linux or Mac, please use the corresponding tag on your issue to prompt me when creating an issue.

Mobile support is not possible as I cannot unzip the .epub file due to limitations.

How to issue bugs

You should also upload the .epub file the same time when the bug occurred. If you have some trouble uploading files, you can send them directly to my email:

I'm not going to implement every feature request, and if I don't think it fits my philosophy, then maybe I won't do it.

How to contribute

FootNote, Image parsing

src/lib/NoteParser.ts Used to parse footnotes and images via regular expressions.

An example is shown here:

parseFontNote() {
    // example: [[2]](ab0c_defg.html#hi_j0kl) -> [^2]
    this.content = this.content.replace(/([^!])\[\[(\d+)\]\]\(.*?\)/g, "$1[^$2]");

    // example: [2](ab0c_defg.html#hi_j0kl) -> [^2]
    this.content = this.content.replace(/([^!])\[(\d+)\]\(.*?\)/g, "$1[^$2]");

    // example: [^2]something is good.00264qed你说对吧 -> [^2]: something is good.00264qed你说对吧
    // and, the string is from the begging of the line
    this.content = this.content.replace(/^(\[\^\d+\])(.*?)$/gm, "$1: $2");

If you meet problems related to footnotes, image parsing, and you know regular expressions, maybe you can try to solve the problem yourself and open a pr.

Epub parsing

I wrote these codes alone without referring to any code: src/lib/EpubParser.ts, The basic principle is to unzip the .epub file, read the content in sequence, and convert it to markdown.

The data structure is roughly as follows:

    toc: //just nested versions of chapters.
    chapters: Chapter[] = [cpt1,cpt2,cpt3...]
            level: number = 1
            sections: Section[] = [sct1,sct2,sct3...]
                    name: string = "第21章 直觉判断与公式运算,孰优孰劣?"
                    url: string = "C:\Users\aoout\AppData\Local\Temp\5788812b3d04ffd8966aa833dab45cb7\OEBPS\text00028.html"
                    html: string = "<!DOCTYPE html..."

Hope this helps understand the log output and clears up some basic misunderstandings like this.


Import EPUB files as Markdown.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 82.8%Language:JavaScript 17.2%