anyroadcom / sass-loader

SASS loader for Webpack

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sass loader for webpack


Documentation: Using loaders

var css = require("!raw!sass!./file.scss");
// => returns compiled css code from file.scss, resolves imports
var css = require("!css!sass!./file.scss");
// => returns compiled css code from file.scss, resolves imports and url(...)s

Use in tandem with the style-loader to add the css rules to your document:


webpack config

It's recommended to adjust your webpack.config so style!css!sass! is applied automatically on all files ending on .scss:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.scss$/,
        // Query parameters are passed to node-sass
        loader: "style!css!sass?outputStyle=expanded&" +
          "includePaths[]=" +
            (path.resolve(__dirname, "./bower_components")) + "&" +
          "includePaths[]=" +
            (path.resolve(__dirname, "./node_modules"))

Then you only need to write: require("./file.scss").

For requiring .sass files, add indentedSyntax=sass as a loader option:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.scss$/,
        // Passing indentedSyntax query param to node-sass
        loader: "style!css!sass?indentedSyntax=sass"

See node-sass for the available options.


npm install sass-loader


Currently the sass-loader does not follow all of the webpack loader guidelines. The general problem is that the entry scss-file is passed to node-sass which does pretty much the rest. Thus @import statements inside your scss-files cannot be resolved by webpack's resolver. However, there is an issue for that missing feature in libsass.




SASS loader for Webpack


Language:JavaScript 77.9%Language:CSS 22.1%