anvoqa / playwright-js

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Playwright Tests

playwright-js Playwright


This test framework is developed using Playwright, one of the top choices for front-end test developmenet that has been emerged recently. The chosen programming language is JavaScript

The framework contains the following tests:

  • Functional tests
  • Visual regression tests
  • API tests
  • Accessibility tests

Structure and Components

  • commons: Contains the classes (e.g. basePage TBD) and values (e.g. appUrl, file name, etc.) that can be used across the other classes and test file
  • pages-objects: each class represents a specific page in the application under test. Each page contains the elements and methods that interact with those elements
  • tests: Contains all the tests spec files and has the following folders
    • accessibility-tests: contains tests that automatically scan some accessibility issues of an entire page, or a specific part of a page
    • api-tests: contains tests to validate CRUD operations of API endpoints
    • functional-tests: contains tests to validate user flows of a web application
    • visual-regression-tests: contains tests to validate the UI of an entire page, or a specific element. It has a sub-folder visual-testing.spec.js-snapshot containing snapshots basedline of those tests
  • playwright.config.js: Used to configure the test runner on local as well as CI environment (e.g. parallel execution, browsers & viewports, etc.)

How to run tests locally

  • Install node.js
  • Clone this repository
  • cd to project folder, run npm init playwright@latest and follow the instructions to install packages for playwright
  • Run all the tests under \tests folder using command npx playwright test
  • View test report by using command npx playwright show-report

CI with Github Actions

There are 2 worklows set up for this repository:

  • playwright.yml is used to trigger the test run on every push or new PR to master branch. The workflow is created by default when Playwright was being installed. When a push or new PR event occurs, the workflow will:
    • Create an latest ubuntu instance
    • Checkout the repo
    • Install node 16, Playwright and its dependencies and browsers
    • Execute all tests
    • Upload test reports if there is any failed tests
  • update-snapshots.yml is used to trigger the test run on a PR when a comment /update-snapshots is added to that PR.
    • The purpose of this condition is to update snapshots of visual regression tests when there is any changes in the PR that impact the snapshot comparision
    • Thanks to Mazzarolo Matteo who wrote this article to explain in details what the workflow does
    • Make sure the workflow has the permission to commit update (snapshots) to the PRs. Otherwise, it will fail at the last step uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4



Language:JavaScript 100.0%