anushagif / kardelio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, Im Ben 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

I currently work as a Senior Android Developer and I maintain/develop a well known language learning app that is widely used acrossed Europe.


I have a Tech/Dev YouTube Channel that I post weekly to on a range of topics from Bash scripting, teaching how to program, Android development, interviews with industry professionals & even fun silly skit kind of things!

Things that make me, me

  • I love presenting in front of audiences & teaching others about tech & programming.
  • I have a strange, but fun, obsession with keeping my dev flow within a terminal and using it as often as possible. Hence I write alot of bash scripts that help automate most of my tasks.
  • I am a big fan of the FOSS movement as a whole and think its really important to advocate that software should be free and open.
  • I love to learn and am always watching videos or reading blogs about different tech/dev based topics to enhance my knowledge.
  • As stated above I have a tech/dev YouTube channel that I am constantly trying to grow & create awesome (hopefully helpful to others) content for. So this requires a lot of video & image editing, for those I use Davinchi Resolve & Gimp.
  • It important to me to stay in shape so I go to the gym regularly, do a bunch of bouldering & also play Ultimate Frisbee.

Tech Stack 💻 (My Skills)


Kardelios' github stats

My Projects

Check out some of my more interesting/stand-out github projects (in no particular order):

Project Language Description Link
easy-dumpsys bash Tool for Android devs to view the current activities & fragments of an app in a easy to view way in the terminal Link
todo Terminal based Todo list keeper. Have different lists, colours, priorities & even tag your tasks Link
