anusha94 / EmployeeApplication

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to run the application


  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • Maven 3.2.4

Starting the application

git clone
cd EmployeeApplication
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Testing the application

./mvnw test


  • I have used Apache Derby for the database. Apache Derby is an open source database written in Java. When you start the Spring Boot application, it runs in an embedded mode within the JVM of the application. It is an in-memory database, that is, it creates necessary tables at startup and destroys tables and shuts down Derby once the application exits
  • If the file uploaded contains duplicate name, it overrides the existing employee details

Endpoint Details

GET /api/employees
GET /api/employees?page=2
GET /api/employees?size=50
GET /api/employees?page=1&size=50

Get all employee records in a paginated response

Default page number is 0 and default page size is 20

You can pass the page and size attributes in the query params

GET /api/employees/{name}

Get the employee details with name {name}

Returns EMPLOYEE_NOT_FOUND if there is no employee entry with the given name

Note The names are case sensitive

POST /api/employees

Add a new employee to database

Returns the newly created employee

Returns EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_EXISTS if there is already an employee with given name

Returns INVALID_AGE_RANGE if age is a negative number

PUT /api/employees/{name}

Update employee details with given {name}

Returns the updated employee

Returns EMPLOYEE_NOT_FOUND if there is no employee entry with the given name

Returns INVALID_AGE_RANGE if age is a negative number

DELETE /api/employees/{name}

Delete an employee with given {name}

Returns success status

Returns EMPLOYEE_NOT_FOUND if there is no employee entry with the given name

POST /api/employees/upload

Reads the file contents and adds to the Employee database. Accepts the following format -

Rachel Greene 28
Monica 29
Phoebe Buffay 31

The last word is treated as the age of the employee and everything that comes before it is the name

Since there can be large number of data points, a taskId with a processing status is returned to the caller. The execution then happens asynchronously and DB inserts are done in batches of 30

Once the task is completed, the task entry in the database is marked as completed

Returns FILE_EMPTY_ERROR if an empty file is uploaded

Returns FILE_PROCESSING_ERROR if the file contents are not in the above mentioned format. Example, a string for age field

GET /api/tasks/{id}

Returns the status of the given {id}

Returns TASK_NOT_FOUND for an invalid task id

Postman Collection

To refer to all endpoints with sample payload content, refer to this postman collection



Language:Java 100.0%