anujparikh / take-home-assessment

This is service provides features to retrive data from open SimplyRETS api and store and update corresponding data with separate datasource (MongoDB)

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Listing Service

This is service provides features to retrive data from open SimplyRETS api and store and update corresponding data with separate datasource (MongoDB)

Tech involved

  • Node.js
  • SimplyRETS APIs
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo server - providing GraphQL server for Nodejs environment
  • Mongoose - mongodb object modeling for Nodejs environment (ORM)

Getting started guide


git clone
yarn install
yarn start:db
yarn start:app

Mongo Database

For this service, we are using in-memory mongodb which would be seeded by yarn start:db command

Design Decisions

  • Project has been structured in such a way that each folder would be following Single Responsibility principle
  • Keeping service and datasource layer separate helps to incorporate middleware logic after fetching data from different data sources
    • all the communication to DB or REST endpoints would happen through this layer only.
    • it helps with ease of debugging
    • it also helps while doing unit testing as we can easy mock service/data source classes
  • Keeping graphql schema related code separate helps to maintain when project grows

Project Structure

  • config: would be having all configuration related to different data sources within the service
  • datasource: would have different datasources available for apollo server to consume
  • graphql: would have all the type definitions and resolvers for graphql queries
  • models: would have all the mongoose models made with mongodb collections
  • service: this layer would expose methods which would talk to different DBs or REST APIs
  • server.js: this is file which would be responsible for spinning up Apollo server
  • index.js: this is file which would spin up apollo server for service to run on

Environment variables

  • this project is using dotenv package to maintain environment variables for the service
  • to avoid pushing sensitive information, .env file has been ignored in .gitignore
  • before running the application, please create .env file at root of folder according to .env.example file


  • this project uses jest as test runner
  • to generate coverage use yarn test --coverage
  • currently 100% coverage


This is service provides features to retrive data from open SimplyRETS api and store and update corresponding data with separate datasource (MongoDB)


Language:JavaScript 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%