anuj-das-10 / Internet-Technologies

This Repository contains solution of all the Internet Technologies practical questions.

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✅ Internet Technologies


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📜Practical Questions

Q1)   Write a JAVA program to explore different methods of ArrayList class.

Q2)   Write a JAVA program to Sort a given List of Integers using Collection Framework.

Q3)   Write a JDBC program to connect Java Application Interface with DBMS to perform Database Management operations.

Q4)   Write a JavaScript to calculate the Sum and Product of two numbers.

Q5)   Write a JavaScript to find the Factorial of a given Integer using Function.

Q6)   Write a JavaScript to print the Multiplication Table of a given Integer.

Q7)   Write a JavaScript to find the largest among the given three numbers.

Q8)   Write a JavaScript to enter a List of Positive Integers terminated by zero. Find the Sum and Average of the List.

Q9)   Write a JavaScript to read 'n' Integers. Count the number of 0's (Zeroes), Positive and Negative Integers in the List.

Q10)   Write a simple JSP (Java Server Page) to print a message - "Hello World".

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Made with 💖 by Anuj Das


This Repository contains solution of all the Internet Technologies practical questions.


Language:Java 79.1%Language:JavaScript 17.6%Language:HTML 3.3%