anubhav1433 / Songs-Recommendation-System

The System is used to take a song as an input from the given dataset and with the help of trained ML model it recommends top 10 songs that matches the same vibe.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comanubhav1433/Songs-Recommendation-SystemRepository from Github https://github.comanubhav1433/Songs-Recommendation-System


The System is used to take a song as an input from the given dataset and with the help of trained ML model it recommends top 10 songs that matches the same vibe.
This project is deployed using streamlit (here) as well as integrated with frontend of the website built using html and css.

To view using streamlit

Clone this Repository

-> git clone

Install the dependencies

-> pip

Run the following command in terminal

-> streamlit run

To view the html page

Clone this Repository

-> git clone

Install the dependencies

-> pip


-> Run the python page
-> Open your web browser by tapping the link http://localhost to view the website.
Kindly input your valuable suggestions by creating a pull request.
Please show your love by starring it.🙂


The System is used to take a song as an input from the given dataset and with the help of trained ML model it recommends top 10 songs that matches the same vibe.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 79.4%Language:Python 10.4%Language:HTML 10.2%