antonybudianto / antonybudianto

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hi, I'm Antony from Indonesia. I've 8+ years experience on web development from various industry (B2B, HRIS, E-Commerce, Fintech, CRM, Omni-channel).

I spent most of my time on Web development and also learned many other stacks along the journey to understand the whole picture better.

I also sometimes do open-source, and was Google Cloud Certified.

and lastly, Creator of Deesain and StickyNoted.

Some of notable professional achievements:

  • Improved web service reliability and resilience by integrating custom PM2 with Systemd
  • Initiated and supervise in-house SSR React Web Framework and support the migration
  • Initiated autoscaling worker with custom consul DNS to save cost
  • Initiated JavaScript Error Stack parser CLI to help FE team to pinpoint the error location without sourcemap
  • Resolved long standing and high priority issue regarding FCM Notification token issue

Tech stacks:

  • Frontend (React, Vue, Next.js, Nuxt)
  • Backend (Java, Go, Rust)
  • Infrastructure (Docker, Nginx)

Other online profile:
