antonum / RedisFHIR

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Using RedisJSON and RediSearch to work with FHIR®.

FHIR is a standard for health care data exchange, published by HL7®.


This demo uses Redis with RedisJSON and RediSearch modules. The easiest way to try it locally is to use Redis Stack

You can also use Free Forever 30MB database in the Redis Cloud - make sure you selecting Redis Stack or at least RediSearch+RedisJSON modules when creating your database.

data/ directory contains syntetically generated FHIR data for 16 patient. You can use Synthea tool to generate more if needed.

It is also recommended that you install RedisInsight tool and load this tutorial in there (see instructions below).

Load Data

Clone ther repo if not already done so:

git clone
cd RedisFHIR

The following command would load content of the ./data folder into Redis.


Data is loaded into keys, corresponding to the individual resources.

Try redis CLI:

$redis-cli> keys Patient*
 1) "Patient:039c2f2e-6bc6-4bb4-9cc1-1316357601c4"
 2) "Patient:38087a40-35ba-4756-8dd1-4c6bce9a33e4"
 3) "Patient:ce7880f5-cb59-4a62-9eea-00ac81badb38"

Indexing the data


FT.CREATE idx:patient 
    PREFIX 1 "Patient:"
    $.name[0].family AS name_family TEXT SORTABLE
    $.name[0].given[0] AS name_given TEXT SORTABLE
    $.gender AS gender TAG
    $.birthDate AS birthday TEXT SORTABLE


FT.CREATE idx:observation  
    PREFIX 1 "Observation:"
    $.subject.reference AS patient TAG
    $.encounter.reference AS encounter TAG
    $.code.coding[0].system AS code_system TAG
    $.code.coding[0].code AS code_code TAG
    $.effectiveDateTime as date_time TEXT SORTABLE

Index information

FT.INFO "idx:observation"

Search for patient with the name starting with smith

FT.SEARCH idx:patient smith*

Search all Observations of type 8302-2 (Body Height) for the patient bc9ecb30-dcb0-41cb-b3d6-6b5b30928330 (Micah Smith)

FT.SEARCH 'idx:observation' 
  RETURN 2 $.valueQuantity.value $.effectiveDateTime
  SORTBY date_time

Adding tutorial to RedisInsight

You can add FHIR Tutorial, based on this repo to the RedisInsight v2.

RedisInsight FHIR Tutorial

The following commands should add this Redis FHIR tutorials to the list of tutorials, avaliable in RedisInsight. Note: these steps are tested on Mac/Bash and requres jq.

#copy tutorial .md file to the RedisInsight directory
cp RedisInsight/ ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/fhir/
#make a backup copy of the `tutorials.json` 
cp ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json.bak
#add Redis and FHIR tutorial to the tutorials.json
jq '.tutorials.children += {"redis-fhir": input}' \
  ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json.bak \
  RedisInsight/tutorials_fhir.json \
  > ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json

Try to switch between Workbench and Browser view in RedisInsight in order for the changes to take effect. If it doesn't help - restart it.

Adding tutorial to RedisInsight (manual steps)

Use only if steps above fail.

Then add the content of the RedisInsight/tutorials_fhir.json file to the ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json file on your local machine as $.tutorials.children.redis_FHIR node. See example here.

You can also replace your existing ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json with provided RedisInsight/tutorials.json, but it would override your existing local tutorials.json and erase all the changes made prior and/or break your existing RedisInsight installation. Proceed with caution!!!!

cp RedisInsight/tutorials.json ~/.redisinsight-v2/tutorials/tutorials.json


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%