antoine-tran / trec-kba

This project contains some Hadoop code for working with the TREC Knowledge Base Acceleration dataset. In particular, it provides classes to read/write topic files, read/write run files, and expose the documents in the Thrift files as Hadoop-readable objects.

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Hadoop code for TREC KBA

This project contains some Hadoop code for working with the TREC Knowledge Base Acceleration (TREC KBA) dataset. In particular, it provides classes to read/write topic files, read/write run files, and expose the documents in the Thrift files as Hadoop-readable objects (ThriftFileInputFormat).



The project requires some external jars, see below. Please download them and place them in the lib/ folder.


Then, to build, type

ant -f trec-kba.xml

Eclipse project files are included, so you can also directly check out/build the code there.


The project comes with two example Hadoop applications; a simple genre counter and a toy KBA system. Both assume that the KBA files have been downloaded, un-gpg'ed, and un-xz'ed. in the official folder structure. Below, I'm assuming the root folder is kba/kba-stream-corpus-2012-cleansed-only-out.

To actually fetch the data (if you haven't already done so), you can write a simple shell script and use Hadoop streaming to fetch, un-gpg, and un-xz the data.

Repacking the data

In order to speed up processing, you can repack the KBA data using This will extract the documents and write block-compressed SequenceFiles with the dirname as key and each Thrift document (StreamItemWritable) as value.

hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.RepackKbaData \
    -i kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus/*/* \
    -o kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked \
    -r 1 -f # using 1 reducer and force overwriting the output dir

Toy KBA system

This application is inspired by the Python toy KBA system and provides similar functionality. To run, use

hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.ToyKbaSystem \
    -i kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked \
    -o kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked-toy \
    -q kba/filter-topics.sample-trec-kba-targets-2012.json \
    -r toy_02 -t UvA -d "My first run." \
    > toy_kba_system.run_1.json

Note that the tiny-kba-stream-corpus can be found in the official toy KBA system.

Type hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.ToyKbaSystem --help for all possible options.

ILPS baseline KBA system

This is the baseline used by the ILPS group (although it uses David Milne's webservice instead of our own, in-house developed one). To run, use

hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.IlpsKbaStepOne \
    -i kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked/*/* \
    -o kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked-step-one \
    -q trec-kba-ccr-2012.filter-topics.json

(Type hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.IlpsKbaStepOne --help for all possible options.)


hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.IlpsKbaStepTwoBaseline \
    -i kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked-step-one \
    -o kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked-step-two-baseline \
    -q trec-kba-ccr-2012.filter-topics.json \
    -r UvAbaseline -t UvA -d "baseline run." \
    > baseline.json

Type hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin.IlpsKbaStepTwoBaseline --help for all possible options.

Genre counter

This application merely counts the the different genres (web, social, news) in the KBA data. To run, use

hadoop jar trec-kba.jar ilps.hadoop.bin CountGenres \
    -i kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked \
    -o kba/tiny-kba-stream-corpus-repacked-genre-counts 



  • Added a class (ilps.hadoop.bin.RepackData) that converts the KBA data to block-compressed sequences files to speed up subsequent processing. It specifies the same key-value pairs as the ThriftFileInputFormat, just make sure to change the InputFormatClass to SequenceFileInputFormat.
  • Updated Toy KBA System to the new output (without the date field)
  • Added a flag (-f) to allow overwriting Hadoop data


  • ! Added the source code for the University of Amsterdam's (ILPS) baseline system. Note that this uses David Milne's Wikipedia Miner webservice to fetch alternative surface forms for each entity. Our actual submission uses more, in-house developed data.


Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!


Copyright 2012 Edgar Meij.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:


This project contains some Hadoop code for working with the TREC Knowledge Base Acceleration dataset. In particular, it provides classes to read/write topic files, read/write run files, and expose the documents in the Thrift files as Hadoop-readable objects.